Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1156: Big wedding

"Who worships heaven and earth!"

"Thank you Gaotang!"

The Jiuxiao Palace is murderous, and Pity Yuege is harmonious like spring.

Qi Nieyun and Yantai Lingyue stood in the middle of the hall. The latter was blushing and wearing a red coat.

Today is their day of great joy!

Nian Yun did not hesitate to bring his parents and others from Fanjie, and a grand wedding was held in Lian Yue Pavilion that night.

My parents and others have reached the broken **** realm, and they can survive in the spirit world. Coupled with Nie Yun's many means, it is not a big deal to live in Lian Yue Pavilion.

"Okay, okay, get up!"

His father Nie Xiaotian and his mother Nie Ling saw their son and daughter-in-law kneeling in front of them, all of them had red eyes and nodded happily.

父母 The happiest thing about being a parent is not how successful the son can be and how impressive he is, but getting married and having children to get his own happiness.

I have always worried about my son. Now I can see the joy in his heart when he sees him married.

"Thank you, mother!"

Since I was married, I naturally had to change my tongue. Lingtai Lingyue was ashamed.

"Nie Yun, congratulations!"

"Congratulations on marrying such a beautiful bride ..."

I bowed down to worship my parents, and my husband and wife completed worship. Even if Nie Yun and Lingtai Lingyue's wedding was completed, all the guests who came to observe the ceremony came forward to congratulate them one by one.

Although Luoluo Qingcheng, Baihuaxi, Yi Qing and others saw him getting married, he was a little unwilling, but also knew that Lingtai Lingtai was the most suitable person for him.

Not only is there a peerless style, that strength is beyond their reach!

Of course, this is not important. The most important thing is that Nie Yun's love is all on her. Although they are not bad, they also know that Nie Yun's true lover is only one from the beginning to the end.

"Haha, Brother Nie Yun, you didn't notify me about such a big matter of marriage, it's just not enough friends!"

At a time when the most magnificent hall in Lian Yue Pavilion was bustling, a laughter sounded, and then a group of people strode over.

Being a young man with a handsome face and an extraordinary instrument, he was the friend he made before, Xiao Ran!

"Brother Xiao, why are you here?"

When I saw him coming, Nie Yun stumbled slightly.

The Xiao family is one of the top ten families and has already enemies against him. At this time, it is tantamount to openly opposing the family. It is not wise.

"How come I don't say these words, brother, this is a wedding gift for you, you must accept it!"

Xiao Ran laughed, and clapped his hands, and several people behind him took out a beautiful gift.

Although it is not a precious magic weapon, it is rare and rare. It seems that it should take a lot of time to collect these things.

"Huh? This is ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun's eyes fell on a small ore.

上面 It actually has the breath to make the unknown method work.

"Brother Xiao, where did you find this thing?"

He picked up the ore at will, and Nie Yun asked with a smile.

"It's in your Jiuyang Mountain! I don't know what it is, why, if I like it, I'll get some more next time!"

Xiao Xiao Ran laughed.

"Oh? Listen to your tone, there are still many such things in that place?" Nie Yun froze.

"There are still a lot, but I don't think it is very useful, so I just picked up some of them and became a novelty!" Xiao Ran said.

"A lot more? Great, brother Xiao will take me there after a wedding reception!" Nie Yunxin was ecstatic.

These ore contain the atmosphere that makes the unknown method work. If you can get more, Dantian will be derived, and the strength will definitely increase by then.

"Okay, these are trivial things!" Xiao Ran saw him anxious and shook his head. "You still take good care of the bride today. If you don't go to the cave on the first day of marriage, but want to find ore, if you have it ... if I have so Beautiful bride, I won't go wherever I go! "


Xie Nieyun scratched his head in embarrassment.

When I saw this ore, I was too excited to forget this crop. Today is a day of great joy, how can I go out!

"Yes, Brother Xiao, why are you here, me and your family ..."

Sui suddenly thought of Xiao Ran's situation, Nie Yun asked.

"The family doesn't want to fight with you, because the top ten family identities can't get rid of it ... hey, forget it, let's not talk about it. This time when I came, I actually received the news from my dad. He said that you were in trouble. Home, let them damage their faces, and now the top ten families are gathering to discuss how to siege you, so be careful! "

Xiao Xiaoran lowered his voice, said.

"Siege me? I guessed all this, it's okay, they will come and be surprised!"

Nie Yun smiled.

He made such a big noise to save Lingtai in Yuetai. The whole spiritual world knows that the top ten families must feel that their faces are greatly damaged.

The reason why I didn't move for a while was that I knew that their strength was not enough to deal with themselves. Once the time was ripe, they would definitely rush forward without leaving any feelings.

Of course, Nie Yun will not be afraid.

The opponent wants to kill himself without paying enough price, it is almost impossible to complete the task, and even if paying enough price, it is impossible to kill him.

The admirer Dantian was promoted to the seventh form. Although he could not attack, it was equivalent to a new world. Once he hid in it, let alone the immortal king, even if King Shura came, I am afraid I could not find it!

This is his greatest dependence!

那就 "That's good. I must have been found by someone who left the family. Now it's no small trouble to go back. It seems that I can only mingle with you in the future!"

Xiao Xiaoran laughed.

"Okay, here I have enough wine!"

Even if he didn't say it, Nie Yun knew that his arrival here was a complete break with the top ten families, and he couldn't go back.

"It's good to have good wine, I won't go anywhere!" Xiao Ran let his eyes light up and glanced left and right. "If this kind of wine is okay, I still like monkey wine made by silent monkeys ..."

The wine prepared by Nie Yun's wedding was obtained from the realm of the world. Although it is not worse than the monkey heart wine, one person per taste does not seem suitable for Xiao Ran.

"Haha, I have invited the silent monkeys to Liyue Pavilion. Now I make wine for me. If you want to drink, I have a lot here!"

Qi Nieyun smiled again.

After establishing the Yueyue Pavilion, he invited many speechless monkeys from Jiuyang Mountain to the mansion to make wine.

真的 "Really? Well, I won't leave ..."

Hearing that the monkey heart had enough wine tube, Xiao Ran would not kill him.


That night.

The moonlight was bright, sitting quietly in the room, and looking at the bride in red, Nie Yun was full of happiness.

"I heard Xiao Ran's words, the Huantai family will certainly not let us go so easily!"

After a while, Yantai Lingyue sighed.

"They have no intention of letting me go, and I have no intention of letting them go! Rest assured, so many difficulties have gone through, these things are nothing!"

He came to his wife and Nie Yun caressed her back and smiled.

"Yeah, I never dreamed that I would come so fast today and be happy to marry you!" Lingtai nodded, with tenderness in his eyes.

"me too……"

Xie Nieyun held each other's tenderness, full of happiness.

Twenty-two lifetime obsessions were finally completed.

"Nie Yu, promise me one thing, please?" Leaning gently on her husband's arms, Yantai Lingyue hesitated for a while and whispered softly.

"What is it? As long as you ask, even if it is difficult, I will try to complete it!"

Nie Yundao.

"So you promised me?" Lingtai Lingyue looked up. "I want you to live strong no matter what happens in the future. Luo Qingcheng, Yi Qing and Huo Ying are all good and love them. You ~ www.readwn.com ~ If I am not with you, marry them all! "

"What do you mean?" After hearing her taste of a will, Nie Yun raised her eyebrows. "I have only one of you in my life, and no matter how good others are, there will not be too much entanglement!" Rest assured, you will be fine with me! "

"You ... I know you're a bad temper ... I'm telling the truth, if I really leave you one day, I hope someone can take care of you ... you always do that, I won't rest assured ... "

Yantai Lingyue looked dim.

"I repeat, you'll be fine. If you really want me to take care of you, give me a baby!"

Xie Nieyun interrupted her imagination, bowed her head and greeted her, gently covering the girl's bright red lips, and the fire generally melted it into her arms.

For a while, the spring was infinite.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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