Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1180: This test is not counted

After a lot of hard work, Nie Yun finally tamed Chi You, the beast, and turned it into his own demon pet!

"You become my demon pet, just tell you my identity!"

As soon as the spirit moved, the Beidou sword and the tower's main seal appeared on the palm at the same time.

"The main seal of the tower, Beidou sword, the master is ... the successor of the old master?"

Chi You's beast widened his eyes.

"Yes!" Nie Yun laughed.

原来 "That's the case, if the host had taken out these two things before, I would never dare to offend ..."

Chi You God Beast is respectful.

"If I took it out from the beginning, would you want to surrender like this now?" Nie Yundan said indifferently.


Chi You God Beast paused.

If the opponent did not suppress it with the most violent and direct tricks just now, but took out the Beidou Sword and the Tower Seal from the beginning, even if he surrendered, he would look in the face of the old master, and he would feel deeply disapproved.

And now he has appreciated his strength, knowing that the other party can kill him at any time, he is completely worshipped from the bottom of his heart, without any other thoughts.

"Well, this is the spirit of Mu Sheng, quickly repair the injuries on his body, and drive back to repair the tower with me! The Lugan was right, the King Shura was really resurrected, I do not know when it will come!"

Qi Nieyun waved his hand.

"Yes, master!"

Chi You God Beast nodded.

"Stay in the Big Dipper, wait for me to call you back!"

Qi Nieyun grabbed the palm of his hand and put the Chiyou **** beast into the Big Dipper.


Xiao Xiaolong's blood power withdrew from him.

"What kind of boss, my strength is pretty good!" Then Xiaolong smiled loudly in his ears.


Nie Yun heartily served.

If you did not rely on the power of Xiaolong just now, if you want to conquer this Chiyou **** beast, it is simply an impossible task.

At this moment, so easy, it shows that Xiaolong's power has recovered to a shocking level.

"Little dragon, tell me the truth, when you fought with King Shura, how was King Shura's strength better than you are now?"

Suddenly remembered something, Nie Yun asked solemnly.

He has always heard how terrible King Shura is, and his true strength is unknown.

Don't know how to go beyond? How to separate my brother from King Shura?

"King Shura ... His strength is unfathomable. My current strength has not recovered to its peak. I really want to compare it with King Shura of the year, one heaven and one underground, one dragon and one ant, but I am the latter. ! "

Xiao Xiaolong no longer smiled, revealing the solemn color.

"Shenlong, ants?" Nie Yun froze.

"Don't believe it, if King Shura was not so terrible, how could he have caused the six heavens and earth to fall into panic? When I fought against him in his heyday, he was no longer in the strongest state, he had no strength at all, Rao was so, and he still fight I am extinct and I am strong! "

He said that the dragon paused for a moment. "Boss, it is not necessary, you must not fight King Shura. This guy is terrible. Only when you really deal with it!"

"I don't want to fight him, but fate forced me to fight him!"

Xie Nieyun shook her head, looking lonely, and no longer continued this topic.

To be honest, King Shura is so terrible, let alone him, I am afraid that no one in heaven and earth is willing to be an enemy. Unfortunately, there is no way he must rescue his brother!

Brother Xi is King Shura and King Shura is a younger brother. He doesn't want his brother's fate to be controlled by others!


Aside from the thoughts in his mind, Nie Yun relaxed his mind, heard the sound in his ears, knew that Dan Tian was promoted again, and looked down at it, which was the tamer beast Dan Tian.

Dan Tian, ​​the previous Tamer of Beasts, was promoted to the third form like other Dantians. At this time, he conquered the **** beast Chi You, broke through again, and successfully broke into the fifth form.

Although the fifth form of Tamer Tamada has not changed much, it is more handy for Tamer. Before the Taming of the Chi You Divine Beast, the opponent would also resist, and it must be matched with the talents of the Immortal Master and the Enchanter to overcome. Throwing the anger over, the other party can no longer resist and obediently.

Of course, the premise is still that the difference between the strength and the opponent is not too big, the difference is too large, even if the Tamed Beast Dantian reaches the fifth form, it is impossible to tame directly.

If it is not this restriction, as long as Tamada the Tamer reaches the fifth form and sees the mighty Divine Beast and conquers it, Nie Yun may be invincible by relying only on the Divine Beast Legion.

"Well, it's almost three days now to go back, let's go!"

He studied Dantian, the fifth form of Taming Beast in situ for a long time, and thoroughly applied it. Nie Yun sighed.

I had followed Lugan before and assassinated Shura. It had been more than two days. Now, if I return the same way, it will take almost three days. It is time to go back.


I didn't say much, and flew back.

Sure enough, when he flew back, the time was just right, at this time Fei Yu and others had already come here to wait, especially Lugan, looking at him with a strange look, his eyes were full of confusion.

他 In his opinion, this guy irritated Chi You's ancestors. He should be dead. Why did he come back alive, nothing?

蚩 Did ancestor You let him go?

After thinking about it, I can only conclude that the boy in front of us is weird and must have managed to escape.

As for whether the other party has collected his ancestors into pets, he never dreamed of it.


For a while, the world revolved, and everyone returned to the test bench.

"They're back. Did you see that, that's Nie Yun!"

"He looks young, how could he kill so many Shura?"

"It's a dark horse that was killed halfway. It's amazing ..."

As soon as I entered the contest, I heard a buzzing quarrel sounding around me. I thought the champion was steadfast in coupon fee Yu et al., And looked back hastily, one by one, his face changed.

In the first test I conducted before, I only knew my own performance and did not know how others' performance was. I thought that according to Shura ’s difficulty to find, my ranking was not low, but at this time I found sadly that this man named Nie Yun had achieved Too high!

Second place fee Yu, 435 points!

The first place Nie Yun had 2814 points!

Far ahead of the second place, more than 2,000 points!

怎么 How does this gap compare? Even if you want to compare, there is no way to compare!

Because he was robbed by Nie Yun all the way, Lugan became the last one indisputably.

"This assessment only shows that you have the ability and courage to fight against Shura. It is only a judgment of heart and ability. It does not mean that the champion is the tower owner. Therefore, everyone should not be discouraged. The second test is very important. To win the championship, you may not be the tower owner! "

Obviously, Elder Feng had not expected that the result of his painstakingly run Lugan was so terrible, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, but he had no choice but to laugh awkwardly.

"Yes, if you want to be the master of the tower, you must have absolute strength so that you can represent them together. The others are false. There is no power to deter the heroes. Even if you become a leader, you are not stable. That ’s it for the first game. Let ’s focus on the second game. Whoever wins the championship will be the tower owner! ”

Youyi too, the elder suddenly stood up and spoke loudly.

His voice spread throughout the drive-by tower test bench, and everyone present heard it ~ www.readwn.com ~ What do you mean, the first test is not included in the score? "When he heard such a shameless remark, Yang Yang, the elder, stood up sharply.

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people. If the people on their side win the championship, I am afraid his rhetoric is not the same.

"Yes, want to be the tower master, strength is the key, this is the key. Killing Shura is related to luck. How can I be the judging criterion?"

"I think the entertainment elders said very well. The first test will not count towards the score. You still welcome the test!"

Speaking of this, Elder Feng Feng Shang turned to look at An Qing.

"Elder An Qing, what do you think?"

When I heard the question, all the people looked at him.

Most of the people who repaired the tower knew that the two elders who scolded Feng and Anqing were wrong. They also knew that Nie Yun and Fei Yu belonged to two camps. Now that Nie Yun won the championship, he said it was not enough. Everyone wanted to hear about Anqing Too elder's view.

"Of course you can, so it ’s settled. Whoever wins the championship in this contest is the tower owner!"

Elder Luanqing's face remained unchanged, faintly




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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