Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1191: An ancestor of martial arts?

"What, unlike?"

Nie Yun still admired the girl's life and death at the critical moment. When she heard this question, she couldn't help laughing.

It seems she can't believe it.

It's no wonder her expression, the Lord of Pity Moon Pavilion is a big man who shocked the heavens, and such a character came out to save them, and it was so kind that it made her incredible.

"Not like ... I didn't mean that, I mean ... I mean ..."

After reading two sentences in a row, Lan Xin didn't know what he was going to say, but she turned pink.

"Qing Soul, you take these people back to Lianyue Pavilion and submit it to Xiao Ran for assessment, pass, stay in the cabinet, fail, let Xiao Ran give some benefits and send it away!"

Although I think this girl has a good personality, after all, it is a kind meeting to help them solve the danger. It is already benevolent, and there is no need to help everything.

"Yes!" The two souls quickly clenched their fists.

In fact, for both of them, they were very excited to see the legendary cabinet owner in person.

The deed's deeds have already spread through the spiritual world, but what they most respect for them is not the deed of the patron, but his attachment to feelings.

In order to fight for Lingtai, I am alone to complete three impossible tasks, offend the ten major families, and oppose the heavens, just to be with my beloved ...

With strength, potential, courage, and persistence, Nie Yun's image has already taken root in the hearts of countless young girls.

This is the real man!

A good man is not how many women you attract, but whether you can be true to a woman and stay forever!

"Court, please save my father!"

Listen to Nie Yun. Immediately, Lan Xin's face turned red, stepped forward, and fell directly to the ground.

"Save your father?"

Nie Yun frowned.

If it weren't for his appearance this time, they wouldn't have died. He will certainly be tortured by inhuman people. Now that he can escape by chance, not only is not grateful, but he also wants to trouble himself, making him a little unhappy.

Although I am not indifferent, I am not asking anyone. You can just help.

If that's the case, you don't have to do your own thing.

There are too many poor people in the world, and his own affairs have not been handled clearly. Sympathy for others, Nie Yun can't do it.

"My father was arrested by Elder Han Zhen. Now that life and death are unknown, I hope the Lord must save him, I beg you! As long as you promise, I am willing to be a cow and a horse, so that I can do anything ..."

Lan Xin burst into tears.

"Get up first, what level of strength does your dad have?" I'm afraid he would make a promise to himself, and Nie Yun was a little scared.

"My dad is the strength of Xuanxian Realm, but he just looses up and never argues with others. Because he created a very powerful set of boxing skills, he was fancy by Elder Han Zhen, and he should be caught before him. I argued with him, and it was The other person fancy ... "

Blue heart cried while explaining.

It turned out that Lan Xin's father was just a mundane casual practitioner, and I didn't know what opportunities to get. Created a set of powerful boxing skills, extremely strong, and later was fancy by Elder Han Zhen, forcibly caught in the past to force questions, his daughter to save his father. When I found Han Zhen, she was attracted to the beauty by the other side ... She escaped by chance, knowing that the offended Yuzong could not escape, so she came to Lian Yuege and hoped to be sheltered.

"Oh, the lord and elder of Huayuzong are dead, and civil strife should now occur. With your Luo Wonderland's strength, it should not be difficult to rescue your father. I still don't participate!"

Hearing such an old-fashioned bridge section, Nie Yun had no intention of shooting.

My own hatred requires my own retribution to grow. I trust others. How can I break through myself?

"Although the lords and elders of Huayuzong are dead, they are still a big door, not something our sister can challenge. I urge the Lord Lord to take a shot, as long as you take a shot ... I can use this father's trick Taught to you! "

Knowing that the boy in front of him is the owner of Pity Pavilion, and also knows his story, and understands the beauty that is endless in the eyes of others, it is useless to him, and suddenly thought a little, hurriedly.

"Fist boxing? I don't need it, and I won't do it. You still go back, I have other important things ..."

Nie Yun has always refused not because of indifference, but because the pressure of King Shura appeared to him is too great, he must improve his strength as soon as possible, and have no time to take care of him.

Besides, when it comes to boxing, as a martial artist, what great tricks cannot be created? The subtle trick in the eyes of others, in his opinion, is nothing.

"Lord, look at this trick and make a conclusion!"

Interrupting Nie Yun's words, Lan Xin quickly stood up, turned his hands twice, and hit them in one move.

It is a very complicated set of boxing, but I do n’t know because of the strength problem, she does n’t know much about boxing.

"What the **** is this boxing method that our master doesn't like ..."

Chi You ancestor laughed.

Becoming Nie Yun's demon pet, he already knew that his master was a martial arts master, a martial arts master, covering the world of martial arts, how could he see such a superficial trick.

However, only half of his laughter had passed, and his eyes glanced at Nie Yun inadvertently, but he saw that his face was dignified, and his eyes became increasingly surprised.

"This ... this ... what's your name?"

Lan Xin did not fully perform the boxing, and Nie Yun could not help asking.

This trick is not that he is not clever and does not contain the true meaning, but that ... he has practiced!

"Called martial arts breaking virtual fist! Originally created by my father!" Lan Xin took out his fist, exhaled, and said.

"Martial arts breaking virtual boxing? Haha, it really is!" Nie Yun heard the name and finally confirmed, Haha smiled.

Yes, this is exactly the trick left by the martial arts ancestors at that time.

Although Lan Xin's donkey's head was not right, it was incomplete and incomplete, but Nie Yun recognized it.

The martial arts breaking virtual boxing was created by the old martial arts master of Yunzong, and its power is infinite. Of course, it is limited to the realm. When it comes to the spiritual world, the power of this set of boxing is not so amazing. Even so, it is a rare trick .

According to normal principles, this set of boxing techniques can only be performed by talents from all walks of life. Since Lan Xin's father is said to be his original creation, it will be difficult ...

An idea came up in Nie Yun's mind.

At that time, the martial arts ancestors did not find the innate aura before the limit was reached. There was no way to just abandon the flesh, smash the soul, and advance to the ninth place of heaven and earth. Method of life.

After entering the spiritual realm, Nie Yun didn't hear any news about this ancestor, and thought that he had already died in the chaos of time and space ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't expect to see the martial arts breaking virtual boxing again!

Without martial arts talent, this fist can be exhibited to improve, even if Lan Xin's father is not the martial arts ancestor, it must have a great relationship with him!

"Well, I'll save your father. Where is Hua Yuzong?"

Figured this out, Nie Yun is not hesitating.

The ancestors of the martial arts have kindness to him. Regardless of whether this person is or not, it must be rescued for him!

Nothing else, just the yardstick in my heart!

"Hua Yuzong is exactly one million kilometers north of this place. Our sister has been away for more than three months before coming here ..." Lan Xin pointed in a direction.

Luoxian and Tianxian couldn't fly. One million kilometers, more than three months was extremely fast.

"Qing Soul, some of you will go back to Lianyue Pavilion first and tell Xiao Ran and Ling Yue that I have some personal matters to deal with, and I will be back soon!"

After confirming the direction, Nie Yun turned around and ordered Qinghun to say a word.

"Yes, Lord!"

They dare not violate his decision.

"Let's go!"

Turning his head to glance at Xiaolong and Chiyou's beast, Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand forward, volley grabbed Lan Xin and others, strode across, and flew straight towards Hua Yuzong.

"Are we going to fly over? More than a million kilometers, even if it takes a few days ..."

Lan Xin did not expect Nie Yun to be so overbearing, flying directly to them, shouting hurriedly, before the voice fell, he heard the teenager's low voice sounded.

"Is this the former Yuzong?"

Hearing this, Lan Xin couldn't help looking forward, and at one glance, he froze in place.

After more than three months of hard work, they went far away, Hua Yuzong, who did not expect that one could not breathe and appeared again.

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