Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1196: King Kong glass body 9th (on)

"Three magical artifacts? Everyone in the world says that my Buddha's Shakya magic is many. It seems that you are the real Duobao boy!"

When I saw Nie Yun's shot of the three top-level natural artifacts coming out of the air, the Buddha Buddha uttered a Buddhist horn and smiled slightly.

Alchemy, the six most powerful weapons in the world, can have one, can make the general Xianjun turn into the ranks of top Xianjun, Nie Yun, a person who has not yet arrived in Xianjun, sacrificed three in one breath, And every piece of power is so sharp, even the Buddha of Shakya could not help but be surprised.


In his voice, his attack didn't stop at all. The popped fingers collided with the tower's main seal and issued a sharp and crisp sound. The tower's main seal was severely hit and Nie Yun's face turned red.

"Great physical body!"

The other party did not show any magic weapon, just using one finger to fly the main seal of the tower, I am afraid that the physical body is stronger than myself!

Absolutely the ninth major achievement of Vajra glass body!

"One sword in the universe! One sword breaks the dust!"

I knew that the strength of the other party was terrible. Nie Yun's spirit recalled the tower master's seal. The talents of the Master of the Sky worked, his hands were working at the same time, and the Frost Sword and Beidou Sword simultaneously fired two magnificent sword strengths.

Sometimes more magic weapons may not necessarily increase the combat effectiveness, as long as they are used well, the power is just as scary.

Two great tricks matched with his Kendo and Martial arts talents, and the sword gasified into a special mysterious trajectory, welcoming the Buddha's palm.

"One sword Buddha Gong, one sword magic Gong, Buddha and Demon Soul cultivation can actually reach the point where you did not die because of backwashing, but it is not easy! However, the two can not be merged, and sooner or later will blame it!"

In the face of the sword qi stabbed by Nie Yun's stabbing sword, the Buddha's palm was pushed again, and he drank slowly.

His voice, Hong Zhong Da Lu, sounded through his heart, even if he closed his ears and locked the six senses. Can be heard as well.

"It's my own business not to bury the scourge, but you can resist my attack with peace of mind!"

Xie Nieyun knew that the other party was disturbing his mind with words, and sneered, unmoved.

His two swords attacked at the same time, the ice sword combined with the magic of the rhinoceros refining body magic cold, hit a sword, the Beidou sword with King Kong Liuli body hit a sword to break the dust. The two swords are completely opposite in artistic conception, completely different, and amazingly powerful.

Even so, these two powerful moves were blocked by Shakya Buddha's sleeve and blocked out. He didn't even pierce his clothes, let alone the flesh!

"This 袈裟 is also a magical artifact?"

When Jian Jianman collided, he finally understood that not only was the Buddha Shakya physically strong, but this piece of maggot on his body was also a magical artifact. The strongest attack did not pierce his clothes. How could this be beaten?

Invincible defense. Attack is strong, and there is no flaw in the mind. Is this really not hit?

Since Nie Yun stepped up from the realm of the world, he has never been so aggrieved, as if the Buddha in front of the Sakyamara had no flaws at all, powerful and impeccable!

"I don't believe you have no faults. Since you practice Buddhism, you definitely reject the magic gate. The practice of the spiritual rhinoceros body works!"

His eyes were red, and Nie Yun knew that once he could n’t fight, he had a lot of trouble today. He was ruthless in his heart.

For a moment, the magic power completely suppressed the Buddha nature in his body, and his whole body was as dark as ink. He was set off like a demon crawling out of hell.

"It's really a good idea to use magic skills to deal with me, but the idea is good. The strength is too bad! The light is shining!"

The Buddha's eyes had no waves in the ancient well, with a faint whisper, his palms were mistaken, and he pressed down suddenly.

At the palm of his hand, a bright Buddha light fell down like a scorching sun, completely covering Nie Yun.

"Wait for you!"

It seemed that the opponent would attack like this early. In the long howling, Nie Yun's body yanked up, as if he was stepping on a staircase. The boiling magic energy disappeared in a blink of an eye, and it became a sky of lightning. force.

Thunder Kyushu!

Except for the vitality bomb and the pity moon sword, the strongest trick!

Now his physical body has been refined into a forged artifact, which is the biggest hole card. If he uses this trick again, his power is even greater than before.


Thunder Kyushu and the Buddha ’s light shone together. The collision of thunder and lightning, the starry sky fell, the space annihilated, and the ripples formed by the forces even affected Yan Zhi and Yantai Lingyue who were fighting.


He has always been expressionless and indifferent, the Buddha Shakya finally moved, took a few steps back, and a sharp light appeared in his mild eyes.

"Attract me with magic skills and let me run the repression of Buddha power. At this time, there must be emptiness in the body, and then sneak attack with the power of thunder and lightning ... It is indeed a martial arts wizard, a master of martial arts talent. This insight and mind are used in battle. In the end, there is a mystery to the finishing touch! "

Laughing at the Buddha, the Shakya Buddha laughed, his wrists flipped, his whole body flew, and his hunting sounded.

"I used to think there was a suspicion of bullying. I only used 10% of my power. Now it seems that I need to use 20% of my power. Rest assured. If you can block the 20% of your power, today I will let you go. Investigate again, if you ca n’t hold it and die in my hands, you are also responsible for it, and you ca n’t blame others! ”

With the lightly humming Buddha, the Buddha's eyebrows raised, his momentum became stronger and stronger, as if to pierce the chaos.

"It's only a force?"

Nie Yun pinched his lips.

This Buddha is terrible!

As soon as he succeeded, he couldn't resist, and he tried everything. If he tried his best, he would be slapped to death without a slap?

You are the same immortal, how can the strength differ so much?

Of course, Nie Yun does not suspect that the other party is telling lies. People in the capacity of Buddha Shakyabha have the slightest control over power. Since he said it only takes 10%, there is absolutely no trace of it.

让 "Let me see how strong your 20% strength is! The Vajra glass body works, three hundred times the fighting power!"

He took a deep breath, and his chest was choked. Nie Yun's muscles were full, like a dormant dragon, with a long howl, and an arrow of air burst out.

In front of my eyes, this Buddha Shakya is too strong. It ’s okay to use magic skills to confuse the other person. The real magic skills will surely be suppressed. Now this situation can only use the Buddhist technique of Vajrayana body!

Everything is in harmony with each other, Buddha and demon conflict with each other, the Buddha's skill is too strong, and the magic skill must suffer. Nie Yun is well aware of this. At this time, the Buddhist technique is running, and it is the same as the original. The change can be said to be the best choice.


Seeing him make the most correct choice in the blink of an eye, Shakya Buddha revealed a trace of praise in his eyes, whispered, closed his eyebrows with his hands, squeezed his hands like a lotus, and sprinkled it forward gently.

This trick is the same as the Buddha's 拈 Hua, called 拈花 , 露!

It is said that when the Buddha created this trick, it was early in the morning, and there was dew on the picked flowers, so he gently brushed the dew with his fingers, and he had this trick.


His fingers are thick, and in line with the Buddha's tall body, a spinning droplet appeared in the air. This droplet is not water, but consists of energy. It slowly rotates, and there is a tempest to wind up the building.

"Awesome trick ~ www.readwn.com ~ It has the same effect as my vitality bomb. In this case, vitality Dantian, devour!"

I saw that this move could not be resisted at all. With the current strength, even if the means were exhausted, he would be seriously injured. Nie Yun hissed and his vitality Dantian ran fiercely.

Now it is not a battle of fighting power, but a contest of perseverance and courage.

一旦 Once this hit is hit, it's almost undead. Rather than betting on it!

The shakya Buddha ancestor's trick and flower formation are similar to the formation of the vitality bomb. Nie Yun made a decision in an instant. The vitality Dantian opened up and swallowed this thing directly!

Vitality Dan Tian was promoted to the fifth form. Although very powerful, he can only devour something twice as powerful as himself. This droplet in the air is significantly more than ten times stronger. If it is swallowed normally, it will definitely be killed alive!

But he is not devouring normally!

He not only opened up the vitality Dantian, but also opened the object of the seventh form of the Dantian Dantian, the two Dadantian running at the same time, so that his entire body instantly became a bottomless pit.


Qiu Hua dipped into the sky and came to Nie Yun. Although the speed of swallowing of the two Dantians still made him look embarrassed, under the pressure of huge pressure, the whole body's skeletal muscles "gig!" , Gray fly annihilated.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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