Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1206: Black wind swirl

Out of the third world, the chaos of time and space appeared in front of them. As before, there was chaos, traps everywhere, and a little accidental entry. Even if they were strong, they would spend a lot of time trying to come out.

"The Hun Tian World is near the spiritual realm in the deepest part of time and space. It was a small world opened by the ancient sages based on the center of the Frozen World. Although I can figure out the route, I have never been there. I do n’t know what will happen on the road. Danger, everyone must be careful! "

I watched the turbulent space and time on my head and instructed everyone to fly straight ahead.

The world of the turbid world, where the six foundations of the heavens and the earth are located, even though Xu Xuan has passed from the future, everything is strange.

"Big Dipper knows a lot about time and space, but he doesn't leave any useful information!" Nie Yundao.

The Big Dipper can make Wanjie Mountain in the depths of time and space, leaving the Big Dipper Palace, which shows that he knows very well the space and time, but he has visited several palaces of the Star Palace, leaving no words.

"He's like this, he doesn't want to say, no one knows what to think!"

Yan Yanzhi snorted on one side, stopped talking, and flew behind Xu Yan.

Seeing her expression, Nie Yun and Lingtai Lingyue glanced at each other, shook her head and followed.

Looking at what it looks like, there must be a problem between Yan Zhi and the Big Dipper, but she doesn't want to say more, and they don't ask much.

No change in time and space chaos, chaos everywhere, time running slowly in some places, time running faster in some places, and traps everywhere. I do n’t know where it will be teleported.

The strength of the crowd, coupled with the powerful eye talent of Nie Yuntian, was nothing short of amazing. Not much trouble.

"In front of the black wind vortex, even if the fairy monarch is caught in it, it will be stirred into powder!"

I flew for a long time, Xu Yi stopped and looked dignifiedly forward.

At this time, they have entered a very deep distance in space and time, and this place Nie Yun II has passed from the future.

"I have read relevant records of the Black Wind Vortex, which is the most dangerous place in the depths of time and space chaos. Only certain times of the day will appear tunnels that can pass through people. If you cannot enter this time period, you will have no chance to pass. Once caught in the vortex , The forged artifacts will be blown and crushed, and the fairy king will be blown to death! "

The complexion was solemn.

不错 "Yes, and this channel is not visible to the naked eye. It's hard to find!"

I have to frown and frown.

The vortex in front of my eyes made these two ancient surviving powers helpless.

"Invisible to the naked eye. You can explore with your mental strength ..." Nie Yun wondered.

"You can try the mental power exploration!" Yan Zhi expressionless.

When I saw her say this, Nie Yun was a bit strange, and she gave a trace of her mental strength, and quietly searched the black wind vortex in front of her, only touched her, her eyes stared straight.

This spirit enters into it, but is directly broken up by the vortex, and nothing can be detected!

I can destroy spiritual power ... this is too terrible!

"Tianyan talent try!"

I moved in my heart. Nie Yuntian opened his eyes and looked around. After a while shaking his head, his face was depressed.

Although the Tian Tian talent is highly ranked, it is as useless in front of the Black Wind Vortex, as if the scene in front of him is blinded by the black mist, and nothing can be seen.

"If the sky eye is useful, the black wind vortex will not be so terrible!"

Seeing his actions, Yan smiled lightly.

"Sky eyes and mental power are useless. How does this black wind vortex pass?" Nie Yun couldn't help it.

Although he has a lot of talents, he knows nothing about this black wind vortex. There is really no good way except to use the talents of Tianyan.

"I'll try it with natural talent to see if I can figure out the specific location of the channel!"

Everyone is quite convinced of his ability to calculate. Now Tianyan and soul power are useless, and the tunnel position can only be determined by natural machine deduction.

If you ca n’t find the channel, you ca n’t enter the world of the sky, it ’s really troublesome.

"Spiritual Banner Inferred!"

He whispered, and Xu Sha shot several rays of light all over his body to form a huge gossip, suspended in the air, and slowly rotated.

He sat gently inside the gossip, with one finger, and 864 spirit flags appeared around the hexagram, arranged in a special way, gathering the surrounding spiritual power.

The ten-finger dance was like playing the piano, the star-like rotation of the banner in his hands, and he closed his eyes and meditated.

After a tea time, he stood up with a sad look on his face, no need to say, but by looking at his expression, he knew that the result was definitely not good.

"Can't derive it?" Yan Zhidao.

"This black wind vortex has been manipulated, it should be that after King Shura entered, I was afraid that we would chase it upside down and reverse the mystery, even if I can't guess it!"

Xu Sha shook his head.

"What shall we do? Just wait here?"

Yantai Ling Yuexiu frowned.

King Shura came prepared, once he let him refine the heart of the Dark Demon, I am afraid that his strength will leap to the sky, regain the peak, and no one will be his opponent!

"Can't wait, so, although I can't deduce the exact position of the passage, I'm sure it is definitely one of these three places. I'll try it first. If it is correct, it will be fine!"

He hesitated for a while, Xu He stood up.

"No, one-third of the probability, if it is correct, it is not correct? It is too dangerous to do so!"

Huantai Lingyue said anxiously.

The black wind vortex Xianjun will die if he makes a mistake. The danger of one third is too great.

"If no one tempted, we would have no chance to stop King Shura. This is not the time to say that when someone should sacrifice, we must sacrifice!"

Xu Xu raised his eyebrows and stopped Lingtai Lingyue. With a big wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

The black light curtain showed the entire structure of the black wind vortex, and there were three different colors, which is exactly the location he speculated.

"It is these three positions. I go to the first one. If a tea doesn't come out, it means that it has fallen into the dark wind vortex. If you can't come out, you go to the second position!"

I have to point a finger.

"I'm the first one to go to King Shura. Your role is greater than mine!"

Yan Yanzhi interrupted his words and turned to look at Nie Yun. "My soul's spirit, you must have sensed it, once I die, immediately generate a soul dantian, don't let the soul master sever!"


Nie Yun's heart was tight.

怎么 He never imagined that these ancient powers would be so decisive. In order to kill King Shura, he didn't even need his life.

"Okay, needless to say, you are a Taoist master, Nie Yun is the owner of the first and second talents, and nothing can happen. Just count it and leave me, rest assured, this is the road I have already prepared. ,It's nothing!"

Yan Yanzhi saw Lingtai Lingyue still wanted to speak, Yu hand stretched out and interrupted her, said lightly.

Looking at her, it seems that it is not her temptation, but someone who doesn't care about her.

"Let her go. In fact, we should have died in the last battle of King Shura. The reason why we live alive is to find a way to completely eliminate this hidden danger! It is also worth dying for this!"

I must sigh.

"The King of the Nether Phoenix and me should have gone with the Big Dipper King and the Five-Claw Dragon Emperor at the beginning, but it didn't work out, and it became a regret in our hearts. Now that I have this opportunity, I am going to find him!"

Yan Yanzhi nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ eyes hazy, as if remembering something.

"Yan Zhi went to investigate the first one. If he could n’t come back, I would go to the second one. If a tea kung fu could not come back, you would go directly to the third channel and go to stop King Shura. Otherwise, you must succeed, otherwise Even if we die, it's not worth it! "

Uncle Xu pointed at the second position and said slowly.

好 "Okay, don't delay anymore, I'm past!"

After the arrangement was completed, Yan Yi whispered, and as soon as his body moved, he flew straight ahead. The place he went to was exactly where Xu had just determined.

"The probability of one third is too small, if you don't get it right, you will die. You can't let her go ..."

Seeing Yan Zhi's actions, Nie Yun was anxious.

As for Gu Sheng's mind, he already knew at this time that he really didn't want the characters who survived in ancient times to die like this.

"King Shura upside down mystery ..."

Suddenly there was a flash of light in Nie Yun's head, thinking of a solution, and in a hurry, he shouted "Don't be busy, I have a solution!"

Ps: Second time, Laoya has n’t had a monthly pass for more than half a year. I hope you do n’t be soft-hearted this time, you must cast it. Thank you! !!




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