Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1228: Misplaced space

Although scolding the heavenly body can't play any role in distinguishing the direction, as the first talent owner, many talents are added, and there is also the Taoist Lingyue, the first master of ancient times ...

I actually found nothing!

This is too weird!

It is fair to say that the various utensils in the city that have been sealed for hundreds of years are intact, but they have been flying for so long and have not noticed anything until they return to the ground. It is hard to believe!

"Is it a ghost hitting a wall, we've been moving around and back again?"

Xiaolong Road.

Ghost hitting the wall is an ordinary person walking at night, unable to distinguish the direction, under the guidance of illusion or illusion, in a state of in-situ circle but unable to move forward. In this case, either the special matrix method is accidentally touched, or the People lead by hallucinations and cannot extricate themselves.

"No ghost hits the wall!" Nie Yun directly denied.

The strength of the three of them, I am afraid that no matter how powerful the formation method is, and he is a psychedelic master, and there are no psychedelic surroundings. He can definitely see it at a glance, and he will not find it until now.

"I don't think it's a ghost hitting the wall!" Lingtai Lingyue also expressed his feelings.

With the confirmation of these two people, Xiaolong no longer said more, but his face was distorted and pitiful. "What the **** is going on? If I come back and forth, I should know!"

"You're waiting here, I'll go and see!"

Yan Nieyun flew up again and returned to the city.

The cormorant flew up again, with the same foreground as before. When flying, I still feel like I keep moving forward, and the houses under my feet keep disappearing. Looking down, Yantai Lingyue and Xiaolong disappeared, seemingly left behind.


A few moments later, Nie Yun landed.

Even before the puppet landed, he knew that this half-day was equal to Bai Fei, because ... the two dragons were still standing still.

"What do you see?"

Nie Yun just tried to fly just now. The main purpose is for two people to watch, and there is nothing wrong with it. Below they should be able to detect the difference.

However, Nie Yun's idea is very good, a sentence from Lingtai Lingyue made him fall into the bottom again.

"We flew out as soon as you left, no difference!"

"Nothing different?" Nie Yun couldn't believe it. "Little Dragon. Try it!"

"OK!" Xiaolong flew out. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared in front of the two, and in the sensation, the breath was getting farther and farther until they disappeared.


Xiao Xiaolong fell down.

Only then did Nie Yun find out that, like him, he remained motionless on his head!

"Flight in the air, no problem, no problem seeing below. Why ... once it fell back to the origin?"

不用 No need to doubt this time, all three are dull. There is no way for a while.

No matter the talent of the eye or the talent, it seems to have lost its effect here, it seems no problem, but it is always hovering in place.

"We should be trapped in a special formation, otherwise this situation will not occur, and we can arrange formations that we can not even detect. I am afraid that it is only possible for King Shura to take the shot himself!"

Huantai Lingyue said what she thought.

"King Shura? Not his pen!"

Nie Yunyun shook his head.

If it is the array arrangement arranged by King Shura, he can be fully aware of it by virtue of the bloodline induction. Now, nothing feels, but it makes people feel that they have entered another world. If not the strength of the three people is strong, the psychological pressure will make people collapsed.

"What shall we do?"

When I heard what Xiaolong said, Lingtai Lingyue also came over.

He is the backbone of the three.

"You back, I see that tearing space is okay!" Nie Yun waved his hands, his eyes shot with energy.

If you are really trapped in the formation method, the torn space will definitely jump out. After all, the formation method is mainly a confused space, and the space is broken. How can you block people?

"Thunder Kyushu!"

With his fist clenched, Nie Yun was bombarded with a punch.

The strongest attack trick, Thunder Kyushu!


There was a roar, and the space in front of me was immediately torn apart, and a huge crack appeared.


Nie Yun beckoned and jumped in first.


The cracks disappeared, and the three looked up, looking more ugly.

According to the normal reason, the tearing space jump now must appear at least one million kilometers away, as a result ... it is still the same as before, still motionless!

Does n’t space jump work?

How is this going?

"I see, our location is a combination of several flowing spaces, not unified!"

After a while, suddenly Lingtai thought of something, and said with disbelief.

"Flowing space?" Nie Yun heard the term for the first time, and didn't understand it.

"It looks like concentric rings superimposed together. If the outside and inside rotate at the same time, even if the outside turns faster, it will not move relative to the inside!"

Lingtai Lingyue point his finger a little, and there was an imaginary concentric ring in front of everyone.

The outer ring and the inner ring rotate at the same time, even if they rotate, the result is the same, no movement!

"You mean ... the space where Xuhua City is located and the space above it are not one, but separate ..."

Xie Nieyun understood her meaning.

If you say that, it is really possible, but the spatial flow of this place should be more complicated than the circle, otherwise, it will not look different in the air and in the ground.

"I know what's going on!"

Xiao Xiaolong suddenly spoke.

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Unexpectedly, he could figure out what was going on first, and the two focused their attention at the same time.

"The space here is chaotic and fluid. If you guess correctly, it must have been formed by the Dao Lord and Shura King!" Xiaolong said.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded in response to his calculation.

It shouldn't be difficult for a sacrifice to worship the souls of the realm, as the center of the sacrifice, the place where the power is most powerful, and the space is broken into pieces and become independent individuals.

This is like air bubbles in the water, the space is broken into countless pieces without fusion, and their respective movements have caused this situation.

"If we can find the rules and connection points of space swimming, we can move forward at will!"

Xiao Xiaolong now showed a wise side.

"Xiao Long is right, but now we don't even know how many spaces are scattered here, how can we find connection points?"

Yantai Lingyue frowned.

"This ... I don't know, this is something you think about ..." Xiaolong waved his hand.

I was bored for a while, all three had a headache.

Wu Xiaolong and Yantai Lingyue should all be right, but unfortunately, they ca n’t see the problem even in the eyes of the sky. It is too difficult to find a way out.

"Let me try!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun thought of something, and a golden light flickered between them, and he nodded violently.

Nine days meteor finger!


Blazing light, like a feather arrow shot from a brilliant attack, it made a sharp noise, flew straight ahead, and disappeared in front of the three in a blink of an eye.



He then heard a whisper, and Xiaolong jumped up suddenly, covering his **** with a bitter expression.

"Boss, you hit me with that finger ..."

Xiaolong was standing behind Nie Yun, and the nine-day shooting star just shot straight ahead ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he could hit his butt, that is, their current space should be the same as a ring, straight Before, I will return to the end!

"You guys, I'll try them next to each other. If the attack does not come back, it means that this is a passage to another space!"

Understanding the principle, Nie Yun knew that the test was successful, and it was difficult to hide the excitement in his eyes.

If this space really has a way out, the attack can be straight forward, that is, the channel, and back again, it is a dead end.

"Yeah! The boss is still smart!"

After explanation, Xiaolong understood it.

Xie Nieyun no longer said that a movement of defensive air formed a huge tortoise shell to block out the three men, and referred to it as a sword when empty. Nuisance

The sword was shining like rain, and the sky was blasting out in all directions.

The power of these swords is not great, but the speed is very fast. The blink of an eye is like being in front of everyone.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Immediately afterwards, a sound of rain hitting the banana was heard on the defensive tortoise shell, and the sword gas shot from all directions flew back again.

"This way!"

I looked closely for a while, and Nie Yun found that the sword qi in one place didn't come back.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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