Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1230: 1 gasification 3 clear

One master of the world has three qi, and the three avatars have independent thinking and can be re-integrated into one.

This is the method of the ancestor of Sanqing. Even if Nie Yun can't do it now, why does the statue start to merge?

Does this grievance possess such ability?

Nie Yun was startled.

The statue is a dead object, and it is cast with stone or metal carvings. Even if the Wraith enters and can let it move, it is only limited to this. The fusion of the three statues is beyond imagination.

Although shocked, Nie Yun didn't panic.

Since entering the realm, strange things have become more and more different from previous cognitions.

Tao, the birthplace of the six monks in the heavens and the earth, contains too many secrets.


In a blink of an eye, the three statues have been merged to form an old man with a raised eyebrow. His eyes are raised slightly and he points out.


Unprepared, Nie Yun was backed up and pointed down, the ground under his feet collapsed, and the house turned into fly ash.

The building of Xuhua City itself is hundreds of millions of years old, and even the weapons cannot bear it, not to mention that the walls made of ordinary rocks are completely broken with a touch.

"Three statues come together, but their strength has actually increased?"

Taking a few steps back, Nie Yun stopped, his eyes were full of joy.

This resentment is too powerful, I am afraid that generally half-step scolding the heavens are not the opponents!

And the fused statues are stronger than him.

"No, it's not just a grievance. What's going on?"

Knowing the strength of the other party, Nie Yun's alertness rose.

This is not simply a matter of resentment. If pure resentment is so powerful, how can it be sacrificed by the Lord of the Taoism?

I'm afraid there is something unknown.

However, now is not the time to calculate these. The three big statues are fused together and their combat power has increased greatly. They stepped over and looked ridiculous. Strength makes people laugh.


The world in front of him traced a dark mark and pierced Nie Yun's chest straight down.

"Rebuke the heavenly body, the blessings of the heavenly forces, broken!"

Seeing that the other party was fierce, Nie Yun did not keep it, and whispered, all the power bombs contained in his body generally shot out!


The fierce breath made him like a powerful beast. Coming into the air, tearing everything.


The fist and the fused Sanqing statue touched each other with a crisp sound, and a crack appeared in the middle of the statue.

Resentment is stronger, after all, the statue is dead, plus Nie Yun's current strength. Far more than half-step scolding heaven, just one click, an irreversible crack appeared, and it fell off.

"Damn! I won't let you kill the second time!"

The statue was broken, and a gray figure suddenly emerged, rushing straight out.

"Where to go!"

Now that it has been shot, how can there be a fish that missed the net. As soon as Nie Yun's body shook, thick scale armor appeared on his right arm, and his whole body resembled a tightened large bow, shooting out suddenly.

Arrows of air are like rainbows, and the power of the Lightning Division talent mixed with the Beacon Division talent instantly shrouded the sorrow of escape.

"Ah, no……"

After being caught for a moment, the grievance finally felt scared and sent a terrible shout.


Nie Yun didn't show any sympathy, just a little at his fingertips. Power burned again.


The scorching air with destructive power slowly turned to ashes in the tragic grieving cry, and after a moment turned into a golden light spot.


Just tapping into Nie Yun's mind surprised him a little.

However, in the blink of an eye, he widened his eyes and almost jumped up.

"Huh? This is ..."

"The practice method of one gasification and three Qings?"

The strongest means of the Lord of the Tao. One gasification of three clear, can change the body into three at a time, and the combat effectiveness is not weakened, which is equivalent to a blink of an eye to make people triple the combat effectiveness!

This powerful method is accompanied by the death of the Lord of the Tao. It has been lost for a long time, even Lingtai Lingyue will not, unexpectedly appeared here suddenly!

"I know. It must be that the Lord of the Taoism knows that he will die. He hid the method of one gasification and three Qings in the statue by special means, and later found out, who knows that hundreds of millions of years have passed. With self-consciousness after resentment, this is so powerful! "

Nie Yun understood it.

The master of the Tao Realm is one of the most powerful methods of Sanqing, which is regarded as the best in all heavens and worlds. Compared with the peerless techniques of Vajra glass body and spiritual rhinoceros, they are only stronger than weak!

Such a powerful Famen seal was embedded in the statue, and it also fused with countless grievances. Over time, it gradually evolved its sense of autonomy.

This resentment was just bombarded by the talents of thunder and lightning and the talents of beacon fire. The disintegration did not exist, and the most fundamental method naturally emerged. It was felt that Nie Yun had the Taoist Supreme Gong method in his body and merged directly.

Nie Yun has practiced the pastoral exercises left by Taoist Da Neng Diesheng Taoist, which belongs to the authentic Daoist school. The one-gasification and three-secret methods are directly integrated into the mind, as if rooted, and can no longer be separated.

"One gas, three clear ..."

Focusing on the Yiqi Sanqing method, Nie Yun was attracted by the huge essence.

It is indeed the highest secret method of the Tao world, and it is really powerful. I just feel that the sky is turning, and the entire human soul seems to have entered another world.

The Yiqi Sanqing Secret Method is completely different from the avatar, which is to transform the soul and body into three distinct bodies with a special secret method.

Once successful, each of the three avatars can practice and merge together to become more powerful. If separated, the strength is not weak at all!

It can be said that once Nie Yun succeeds in cultivation, it is equal to three more powerful men with the same strength as Tiandao Liudaodaodao, so that he can travel anywhere in the world.

However, this set of secret methods is not so easy to practice, even if he has the fifth form of the talent of the Taoist master, if he wants to complete it, it will take a lot of hard work and prepare countless materials.

Moreover, when it was first practiced, the soul was divided into three and the blood was sluggish. It would be difficult to reach the peak without millions of years of recovery.

"It looks like you can't practice in a short time ..."

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

It's like coming to Baoshan, but getting no treasure is depressing.

If such a powerful Famen was trained to have a battle with King Shura, it is a pity that the recovery period is too long. Now he cannot wait for such a long time.

Once he is weak, he will surely be attacked by King Shura. If he wants to, he will be in trouble.

"Learn first, then look for opportunities to practice then!"

Knowing the preciousness of this set of secret methods, Nie Yun felt itchy and difficult. He looked at it carefully, deduced it in his mind, and then exhaled.

In his current situation, even if the materials are adequately prepared, he doesn't have much time to recover, so he can only find opportunities.

In case you can find a treasure that nourishes the soul, even if the soul is divided into three, it will not be affected. By then, it will be a handful of time.

"Well? The space here is really misplaced. The fighting just now was so fierce that it only affected a small part of the area!"

Aside from the tangles in his heart, Nie Yun looked up and couldn't help but look at it for a moment.

According to the strength and means he has just exerted, the city of Xuhua City must have collapsed into a fly ash, but it now looks intact and unaffected by dozens of miles away.

The only explanation is spatial misalignment.

The space here is as independent as the bubble, even if one of them is turned upside down, the other is not affected.

This is the situation now. Nie Yun was playing very hard just now, and it only destroyed this small area. No matter how far away, it belongs to another space and cannot be damaged.

"With the broken traces of battle, the dislocation space is easy to distinguish!"

Nie Yun laughed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Before they were worried about how to find the dislocation point in the space. Now it seems too simple.

All the buildings in this space collapsed and were broken, and the other intact ... the connection point between intact and broken was the dislocation!

However, although understanding this point, Nie Yun was unwilling to destroy this ancient building, which stood for hundreds of millions of years.

"Where did they go, go!"

Feeling it a little, and finding the direction, Nie Yun rushed away in one direction as soon as his body moved.

Huantai Lingyue and Xiaolong just walked to this side. He had to deal with the trouble caused by the statue of the ancestor of Sanqing and must catch up as soon as possible.

ps: Four more outbreaks are over! There are votes to vote, no votes ... Give a vote to vote, hehe. Hehe! !! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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