Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1253: Juncheng


He bit his lip and looked in the direction that Nie Yun left. The latter is too fast and has disappeared. Although Xue Jing'er has the power of Wangxianjing, he can't catch up with it.

"Although the soul stone is hard to find ... it doesn't mean it can't be found, it's just ..."

He murmured to himself in the mouth, Xue Jinger gritted his teeth, wondering what he thought, after a while, he sighed, and left the palace of the Phoenix somewhat sadly.

聂 Nie Yun didn't know about the thoughts in Xue Jinger's heart, at this time he was flying towards the Confucian world.

When Xun just left, he summoned Xu to ask him to meet at the Confucian Realm Passage. The distance between Spirit and Confucian Realm and Demon Realm and Confucian Realm was almost the same. If they set off at the same time, the time of arrival should not be much different.

Sure enough, Nie Yun waited less than half an hour outside the Confucian Realm Passage, and saw Xu Yan flying over.

"Have you found your first baby?"

Seeing that there was no frustration on Nie Yun's face, instead, he was filled with joy of success, Xu Xu knew that his colorful phoenix must have succeeded, and asked with a smile.

"Success!" Nie Yun nodded: "Let's enter the Confucian world soon, and strive to get the Heavenly King's Sacred Code earlier! Refine it into a weapon that transcends the magical artifacts, and fight against King Shura!"

"Well, before I enter, let me remind you a few words!" Seeing him admitting, he must sneer: "Confucianism is a world that pays attention to civilized systems. The strongest force is not the school, but the academy. We have to go in, we can only disguise ourselves as scholars, and we have to make up an identity in advance, otherwise it will be easy to find out, at that time, let alone the Heavenly King's scriptures can't be stolen. If you don't get it, you will still be trapped inside! "

"The Confucian world is different from the past. There are kings of Shura who sit in town, plus countless Shura and Confucian strong. It is really very dangerous to enter it. It is necessary to prepare in advance!"

Nie Yun nodded.

Although his strength is not afraid of anything, it is inevitable that the other party will spread the Tianluodi net. Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, everything is better.

"This is the talent of a disguise teacher. You have become my teacher. I have become an ordinary scholar, and my strength is suppressed below the Golden Wonderland, so it is not attractive!"

Flick your finger, and a few camouflages from your fingertips are handed to Xu. Nie Yun was shaking gently. The blink of an eye turned into a Confucian student with a beautiful face.

"Yes!" Xu Yan laughed, took a disguise of his beard, his body changed, and his bones became crisp and turned into an old man.

The two stood together, their clothes were similar, their looks were full of book-like atmosphere, and they really looked like a pair of masters and apprentices.

"go in!"

Disguise is complete. The two smiled at each other, and flew inward along the border passage.

The channel to the Confucian realm is no different from the others. The only difference is that the other side has been blocked. After flying for a while, the two saw a clear text blocking the passage. Without Xianjun's strength, it could not be destroyed.

Once the immortal and strong man starts, the other party will surely know that it is difficult to sneak in again.

"I have some research on the seal, and give me half an hour, I can definitely break the seal silently!" Xu Yan took a step forward and looked at the seal in front of him for a while.

不用 "No, we ca n’t walk away without the seal. I have the talent of a land master here. I do n’t even know it when I go elsewhere!"

Xun once again popped up two talents of the master, Nie Yun chuckled, his body shook, and she had already penetrated along the wall of the passage.

Others may still have a tangled seal. As long as there is a rock wall, it is nothing to him. Coupled with the natural eye talent to see through in advance, a seal of this level is hard to hold.

"Oh, I forgot you have all your talents, let's go!"

Seeing that Nie Yun had entered the rock, Xu Yan followed closely and got into it.

After a short while, the two got out from the other side of the seal, and once again appeared in the Confucian world.

The place where they appeared was not guarded, and even a glance at half the village was invisible and deserted.

投 Because he turned to Shura, the original Confucian world and the lingering atmosphere disappeared and replaced by a violent airflow. Shura's killing gas flowed freely, like a river. Any creatures he saw was extremely aggressive.

I walked by the Confucian river and occasionally jumped out of a fish full of sharp teeth and wanted to eat people.

"This is the golden tooth fish only in the demon world and the demon world. It can eat people. People in Xianli Realm will definitely be swallowed if they encounter it! This kind of thing did not exist in the Confucian world before. It seems that Shura's murderous spirit has swept the entire Confucian world. broken!"

I must be sorry to kill the jumping fish.

"Can Shura's murderous murder change the biological form?" Nie Yun was surprised.

"Yeah, Shura's murder is not simply a breath of madness. It can also change the species. Life that has survived for a long time in Shura will become violent and greedy for blood. This affects not only living creatures, Even plants can't escape, you see! "

Xu 石头 picked up a stone, and threw it at a tree not far away.


A branch of a cypress tree danced and swallowed the stone like a living animal.

"This ..." Nie Yun was startled.

Plants can also eat people, this is the first time he has seen.

"Confucianism, originally had ample aura, and all life's mediocrities were unwilling to fight, but now under the influence of Shura's murderous spirit, it has become this appearance. I really do n’t know whether His Holiness Qiu Sheng ’s choice is right or wrong!"

Don't be emotional.

His friends with His Holiness Qiu Sheng for many years, seeing the Confucian world become like this, very sad.

"If the world becomes like this, it's better to die, no wonder you must kill King Shura ..."

Finally, Nie Yun understood why Xun was unswervingly determined to kill King Shura.

It's very simple. If the spirit world becomes like this, how painful should the people living in it be?

Rather than live like this, I'd rather die early.

"This should be a continuous village. Now that people are gone, I don't know where they went, either they killed themselves or they were taken by another strong place in the Confucian world!"

The two flew forward, and soon saw the ruins of a building.

There are obviously traces of human life here, and it is not long, but it has become dilapidated under the attack of Shura's murderous spirit. The previous life has disappeared. Some alien beasts have occupied the ruins. When they saw the two passing by, they were all fierce. Want to pounce.

I was attacked by Shura's murderous force for a long time, and all life became violent. I wanted to attack when I could move things.

"The Confucian world is completely finished. Even if it persists like this, what's the point? I really don't know what Qiu Shengren thinks. If he turned to King Shura, did he forget the hatred of Master and others?"

I looked at the sores on the ground, and the more I thought about it, the more I became angry and hated.

"Everyone has their own pursuits. His Holiness Qiu may be pursuing self-breakthrough. Different from our thinking, let's hurry up. The Confucian world has become this way. I really don't want the other five realms to become this sight!"

Xie Nieyun waved his hand, determined the direction, and flew quickly with Xu Yan.

The two did not dare to be too fanatical ~ www.readwn.com ~ After flying for a long time, they came to the most central city of Confucianism.

The most central place in the Confucian realm is called [Juncheng], which represents Gang Chang, the master of heaven and earth. When they came to the two, they stopped flying and followed the crowd and walked towards the city.

The Confucian city is as riotous as the outside, raging Shura's murderousness everywhere, and even along the street there are a variety of Shura, mixed with fish and dragons, but here humans and Shura coexist peacefully, without any fighting, this situation makes Xu Dudu Somewhat surprised.

"This should be the order of King Shura, otherwise, Murakami's murderousness can drive everyone into madness, and peaceful coexistence is simply impossible!"

Xie Nieyun watched for a while, and secretly judged.

Xiuluo has always been restless. Now he can live with human beings. If it was not the order of King Xiuluo, he would not believe that Nie Yun was killed.

He just surprised him that Shura here was so murderous and how the people living in it lived up to it.

I want to know that Xiu Luo's murderous spirit is difficult for even the driving masters to resist. There are still many ordinary people in this city. How can there be nothing?

"It seems that Lord Qiu Sheng must have his own method!"

Ji Nieyun thought to himself, followed the crowd and entered the city.

Ps: New week, recommend tickets!




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