Endless Dantian

Vol 2 Chapter 125: The Test of Jiang You

"I was really broken?"

Jiang You is indeed a master of ancestors, and the shock only flashed in his eyes, and then he understood what was going on.

When he saw the bronze-armed giant ape beating Wei Chen, he went to control the true energy hidden in the opponent's body, but the result was nothing but motionless. For a moment, he understood that someone had dissolved his true energy!

Hiding the Qi control monster in the wound of the monster is the secret recipe of the demon tribe that he learned by coincidence. This secret method is very hidden. Not many people know it. If you do n’t know the cracking method, even if you know the true Qi , It will never be cracked!

现在 But now it is cracked by people silently. I do n’t know if I am the master myself. This method ...

Master, absolute master!

Suddenly his heart moved, his eyes slowly fell on the teenager just like the hunk.

The only one who has ever touched the copper-armed giant ape before is this handsome guy. Is he a master?

"Definitely is……"

I remembered that before the giant ape saw the teenager's eyes in horror, Jiang You's face was calm.

Jiang You was full of doubts, but everyone on the side of the Tieyan mercenary group widened their eyes and looked at Miss Tielan in front of her, and was about to explode with excitement.

They knew that the lady had a talent for taming animals, but the two-armed giant ape was obedient when both breaths were useless, or they were shocked at the same time!

"Miss did a good job, the talent for taming animals is really great!"

"Deserves to be an animal trainer, haha ​​..."

I was silent for a while, and everyone laughed.

Originally thought that he would definitely lose this time, I did not expect the summit road to turn into this!

The Bronze Armed Ape actually listened to Miss Chen's orders to beat Wei Chen, which is too powerful!

I looked at Wei Chen with a embarrassed face in the grass, and everyone couldn't say it easily.

The Tieyan Mercenary Regiment and the Yongyong Mercenary Regiment did not fit together. In addition, just now Wei Chen was aggressive, and everyone was already full of anger. At this time, he saw the Copper-armed Giant Ape against the water for himself and others. Live and applaud.

"It listens to me ..."

Confused by everyone's doubts and excitement, Tielan looked at the huge monster in front of her and shook her head hard, not convinced of what just happened.

Even if he is an animal trainer, he hasn't released his own animal training. How can this monster be obedient?

It's as if you are going to catch a tiger. Before the prepared things are taken out, the tiger kneels on the ground and tied itself with a rope ...

This is too weird!

"This little brother is very good-looking, it seems that he is not from your Tieyan mercenary regiment!"

铁 When Tielan was puzzled, Jiang You, who had not spoken, suddenly came over and looked at Nie Yun's eyes not far away flashing, wondering what to think.

"What are you doing? If you lose, you lose, don't you want to admit it?"

Seeing Jiang You's eyes are not good, Tielan took a step forward and blocked Nie Yun.

She is like this. She likes to protect her shortness. Regardless of whether she hates the teenager in front of her heart, she is not allowed to bully.

"Hehe, where Miss Lan'er said, if she loses, she loses. How could I not admit it, just think that this little brother is face to face and want to know him!"

Jiang You laughed, bypassed Tielan, and came to Nie Yun.


Jiang You has such an attitude, not only is Tielan somewhat surprised, but even Tielong, who has not spoken, has a strange look.

Jiang You is very clear about whoever you are. Relying on kung fu and optimizing the sea, you can look at everything, and you don't take anyone into your eyes at all. Take just now, as soon as you take a shot, you will pinch other people's weapons out of the fingerprints and persecute You and others must participate in an unfair bet ...

Such a domineering person, even called his brother Yang Yun, wanted to know him ...


Xie Tielong and Tielan looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and each saw something unknown from the other's eyes.

I do n’t care if I do n’t understand, and the two stop blocking Jiang You to see what he wants to do.

"Little brother, what is your surname? In Xia Jiangyou, you are the deputy head of Luoyong Mercenary Regiment!"

When I came to Nie Yun, Jiang You took a closer look and couldn't see anything special about the boy. He laughed and stretched out his hand.

Shaking hands is also a meeting etiquette in this world.

The deputy head of the Jiongtang Mercy Regiment, the master of the mid-air sect, actually wanted to shake hands with a kid who was not good at raising gas, which made everyone feel inexplicable.

"Oh, my name is Yang Yun, only a small family member, it is not worth the deputy head Jiang to come in person!"

Nie Yun knew early on that her move could not be concealed by Jiang You, and he did not refuse to smile lightly, and reached out to hold the other side together.

As soon as I took it, I felt a strong force rushing over.

This is a pure foreign force. It seems that the deputy head of Jiang intends to explore his own details.

"What does Deputy Chief Jiang want to do? How can I shake hands with a kid who has a gas?"

"Who knows, the deputy head is doing things, let's talk less, he must have his own purpose!"

"You two idiots, the deputy head of the team is strong in kung fu practice, a pair of iron hands opened the stone to crack the stone, and asked this guy to shake hands. Naturally, he gave him a kick. I can't guess for a moment, this kid will break his hand bones and kneel. Begging on the ground! "

When I saw Jiang You's move, everyone in the Yong Yong mercenary regiment was all surprised, and then a wise man saw the trick and laughed.

"Get off the horse? This seems to be the case, but ... how can the Deputy Commander find an unknown boy, even if he is looking for it, he should find Iron Dragon ..."

In front of the eyes, this boy only has the strength to raise his qi, and his appearance is very face-to-face. He is not a member of the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment at all. Why doesn't the deputy commander go to trouble the Iron Dragon, but find the trouble of this unknown boy?

"Abominable, dare to hurt me, Deputy Chief Jiang killed me this copper-armed giant ape!"

As I was talking, I heard a sharp roar in the grass not far away.

Everyone then remembered that Wei Chen was just being slapped away by the giant ape ~ www.readwn.com ~ turned around and saw this guy covered with hay, hair-like henhouse, red and swollen face, and two sausages hanging on his mouth. I do n’t know who it is.

That hate in Wei Chen's heart!

Jiang You assured myself before, this monster only listened to his instructions, never dreamed that it would suddenly turn against the water!

Because of this rebellion, I not only failed to bet, but also lost face. How can this humiliation be swallowed!

"Not only did I kill this great ape, but also killed all these people in the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment! Tielan kept it for me, and I want to enjoy it ..."

His eyes were red. As soon as he stood up from the bushes, Wei Chen shouted two words before even having time to get dressed.

However, after roaring, he found that Jiang You stood still and ignored him.

"Don't you hear what I said? How did you promise my father before?"

I did not expect Jiang You to be obedient, Wei Chen was almost furious, wow wow.

"Master, master ..."

Hearing Wei Chen's roar, a mercenary couldn't bear it anymore, and carefully pointed at Jiang You. "Master, it seems ... there is something wrong with Deputy Chief Jiang ..."

"What's wrong?"

I heard the words, Wei Chen noticed this, and saw Jiang You and a strange boy shaking hands, turning yellow while holding his face, then changing from yellow to purple, from purple to black, sweat on his forehead, like a shower.

"What is he doing? What martial arts do he practice?"

Wei Chen for a while.

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