Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1267: Super strength gas bomb


Two strokes wounded the two, and King Shura did not chase with victory, but held up the sky with both hands and continued to devour the Confucian world.

As long as the success is swallowed, the strength will increase greatly, and there will be no fear of the union of Nie Yun.

"Heaven and earth are ruthless, treat everything as a dog!"

Yantai Lingyue was severely injured, but with the help of Nie Yunmu's vitality, he recovered in a blink of an eye, the silver teeth bite, and the black hair rose with the wind, borrowing the power of heaven again.

This time, she exhibited all the power, the whole portrait is the center of the world vortex, the huge Confucian space is distorted, and all the energy converges crazy!


With her full exertion, the Confucian world seems to be at the end of the world. Countless beautiful houses have collapsed, rivers have broken through dams and irrigated, landslides have broken, lava has poured from the ground, there are flames, floods everywhere, a picture Apocalyptic scene.

The strength of the three of them is too strong. The aftermath of the battle and the refining of the Tao of the King Shura resulted in the Confucian space order that could no longer be maintained. At any time, it would completely collapse and regenerate into chaos.

A world maintains its shape. The most important thing is the law and order of space. This is like the air in a balloon. Without this thing, it will be annihilated directly.

The three-man battle disrupted this space law and order, as if the air in a balloon had been drained, and the Confucian world can continue to maintain its form, which is really difficult.

Although this phenomenon has been known for a long time, Nie Yun and Lingtai Lingyue could not help it. The Confucian world has turned to Shura, and it is better to destroy it than to destroy the other six.

"Do not……"

"I haven't lived enough, I still have to cultivate, I want to be a master ..."

"My wealth, my lover ..."

Weeping unwillingly, screaming again and again. Resentment broke through the clouds, the collapse of Confucianism killed countless people, and the strength did not reach Jinxian's inability to fly, and it was difficult to escape this kind of disaster beyond nature.

"Haha, say I am King Shura's killing like a hemp. Lingtai Lingyue, you kill a lot!"

Looking at this scene, King Shura laughed while refining the Confucian world.

"As long as you kill you, there will be more people to survive, no matter how many deaths now!" Lingtai Lingyue remained unmoved. With a long hiss, he communicated again with the Confucian heaven, and the palm of his hand trembled, and Volley grabbed King Shura.

Heaven is ruthless, treat everything as a dog! Although she is not a god, she has the talent of a master of Tao. Knowing the priorities, when it is time to make a decision, you cannot be a woman.


Tiandao was regained control by Lingtai Lingyue, and Shura Wang was immediately squeezed out, took a few steps back, was touched by the palm, and turned over two. Dozens of steps backwards.

The Confucian world is controlled by King Shura, and it is in danger of being swallowed up. Being controlled by Lingtai Lingyue can keep one party safe. The two people's current confrontation is not only the spiritual will but also the magic power. The main thing is Robbery of the world's will.

Whoever controls more is the final winner!

"Very well, I don't believe that you can stop me and dare to continue to block, I even refine you!"

Lost in fighting for sovereignty over heaven. A fierce meaning flashed in Shura Wang's blood-red eyes, and a long roar sounded, and reached out again and grabbed the air.

As the strangest being in the chaos, he was born with super destructive power, although he was not a Taoist. But it can completely control the heavenly path, making it impossible to resist.

After catching it, they once again confronted Lingtai Lingyue, and their wills collided fiercely. At the same time, they were shocked, and their faces were ugly.

"let me go……"

A roaring will passed through the mind, and in the depths of the void, a light group appeared like a long-sleeved vague figure, gradually showing up, struggling constantly, exuding terrifying thoughts.

Confucianism heavenly ideas!

Actually, like the Confucian, he wears a large Confucian uniform, can't see his face clearly, and has a huge body. If time is enough, he should be able to form an independent life. Now he is only a soul body with an independent mind. He cannot leave the Confucian world to walk independently .

The figure formed by the Confucian heavenly idea was seized by King Shura on one side, and the other side was seized by Lingtai Lingyue. The two held their means of stalemate, and a brief balance appeared in the air.

"Let me go!"

Looking at this situation, Nie Yun spit out a sulky air, the arrow of air was like a pump, the palm of his hand jerked a bit, and a round ball appeared in the palm of his hand.

The strongest attack method, vitality bomb!

His vitality bombs have been quietly compressed since the beginning of combat, and have now begun to take shape.

The ball floated in the palm of the palm, getting bigger and bigger, stirring the aura between heaven and earth, and the fierce force was spinning away, so that the surrounding space appeared a taste of collapse.

The huge Confucian world was teetering in a series of three powerful battles, and would be removed from the heavens and the earth at any time.

"go with!"

Gritting his teeth, he threw the accumulated energy bombs at King Shura.


It turned into a dark crack, and the vitality bomb rolled and rushed forward. Before coming to it, it would freeze the pressure of King Shura's whole body, and the skin on his face went down.

The vitality bomb is Nie Yun's strongest attacking tactic. Even his power is beyond his control. At this time, the compression time is longer and the power is even more powerful. Not only the Confucian space trembled, but also the other six powerful forces. Under the impact, there were various degrees of shaking.


Seeing that the vitality bomb came to King Xiuluo, he didn't have time to escape at all. Nie Yun's eyes flashed a ruthless meaning and his fist squeezed.


The energy bomb exploded in front of King Shura.

The violent power seemed to explode the space of different dimensions, shrank sharply into it, and then swelled again a moment later. The violent impact force was like a wave sweeping across the heavens, spilling around.

Nie Yun stood in front of Lingtai Lingyue, defending talents, congenital dragon body, and scolding the physical body of heaven. All the means were done, this blocked the aftermath, looked up, and saw that at the center of the explosion, it was dark and the space was fragmented. Now, even Tianyan can't see the specific situation inside.

I do not know if King Shura is dead or alive.

"Is he dead?"

Yantai Ling Yuexiu clenched his fists tightly, with dark eyes with tension.

Judging by the power of the vitality bomb just now, King Shura should be killed, but this guy is so powerful that no one dares to say anything without seeing the real body.

"It shouldn't die ... if King Shura was so easy to kill, it wouldn't make all heavens and worlds have such a headache!"

The talents of Nie Yun's Ability Master kept extracting strength to recover the lack of body, and at the same time he was alert.

Although he really wanted King Shura to be killed, he also knew that it was extravagant hope!

The strength of scolding the heavens in the middle would be killed if it was so simple, and King Shura was not worthy of the fame that made the countless powerful men in heaven and earth tremble.

"Even if not dead, you should be seriously injured ..."

Huantai Lingyue had already guessed this possibility, and it was no surprise.

"Well, this should be almost the same. This vital bomb has almost exhausted all its power, which is equal to dozens of times of my strongest attack. Even if he has the mid-term strength of heaven, it is not easy to fall into it! What we have to do now is to take advantage of He is dying of his life, don't let him run away! "

Nie Yun nodded.

He is still very confident about the power of the vitality bomb. Even if he cannot kill King Shura, it will definitely make him seriously injured.

This kind of injury is different from ordinary injuries, which affects life and strength. Even if King Shura's recovery ability is super strong, it is comparable to the talent of Musheng. It is impossible to recover in a short time!

"it is good!"

Huantai Lingyue nodded, the spirit was separated from the heavenly thoughts, and mercury spread outward, blocking all the areas scattered by the explosion center.

Nie Yun also exhibited his backhand and surrounded him. Once King Shura appeared, he made a full attack.

Coo coo!

The two were just getting ready ~ www.readwn.com ~ A black frog rang out at the black hole formed by the explosion.

Black holes are like inflated balloons, shrinking one by one and being weird.

"What's going on? Isn't ... he wasn't injured?"

Seeing such a change in the black hole, Nie Yun's mind was stunned.

The black hole generated by the explosion is in the center of energy. Not only is it hot and hot, there is no living space in it. Such a place did not dare to enter. At this time, such a weird scene appeared. Could it be that King Shura had no injuries?

This is impossible ...

"Haha, Nie Yun thank you for your vitality bombs. It was difficult for me to refine the Confucian world. With your strength, it is much easier now!"

Just when Nie Yun was puzzled, an excited roar came out suddenly, and the thin palms in the depths of the black hole caught in the air. The sky in the sky was unprepared, pinched and issued a miserable cry. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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