Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1282: King of Soul Chaos

Chapter 1282 The Soul Chaos King Stone

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Nie Yun suddenly stopped looking up and hurriedly looked up into the air. Since knowing that searching with Baidu is fast, mom never has to worry that I ca n’t catch the fastest update.

I saw the two souls at war finally stopped, King Shura was suspended in the air, his eyes restored the dark state, looked over, with a faint smile.

"Nie Tong!"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun suddenly understood that this is his own brother!

Without any doubt, even if King Shura disguised again, there was no such innocent feeling, no such evil eyes!

"Nie Yun ..."

Seeing his excitement, Lingtai Lingyue was also happy for him.


Nie Yun flew over and held Nie Tong in his arms!

Brothers, meet again!

In this past life, this skinny brother has blocked countless troubles and storms for himself, but as an elder brother, he has failed to protect his duties and responsibilities, and let him suffer so much, I am really sorry!


Nie Tong controlled the body, enjoying the warmth of his brother's arms, his eyes flushed.

Even if he becomes King Shura, even if he does something wrong, his brother will still be the warmest harbor, and he will never give up!

"What about King Shura? What about King Shura's will?"

Nie Yun hurriedly asked.

"He was kicked out of my body, there!"

Nie Tong pointed to the sky.

He hurriedly looked at the sky along his fingers, and saw a dark ink twist and tumble in the air, distorting the third world.

I don't know anything in it, it makes people feel painful and uncomfortable at first glance.

Coo coo!

The dark black gas was distorted, like a maggot, and like a body, wondering what it was doing.

"The fire of nature, burn!"

Knowing that this was the soul of King Shura, once he was turned over again and surely finished, Nie Yun pointed his finger a little, and the hot flame went straight to the black gas.

Only flames can now burn the soul and completely disintegrate it.

Zizi Zizi Zizi!

When the flames and black gas touched, a thick stinky smell suddenly appeared, which was extremely unpleasant.

"No, the burning soul should have no taste. What's going on?"

Seeing the scene before him, Nie Yun froze.

It wasn't the first time he burned his soul with a torch. He had done it many times before. He had never tasted. Why did he emit such a difficult smell this time?

"Nothing, look!"

Yantai Lingyue and Yan Zhi flew up at this moment, pointing up.

Nie Yun hurriedly looked up and saw that the center of the torch burning at this time did not change much. On the contrary, he kept wriggling and made a "squeak!" Sound.

"This is ... wow, this is a soul breakthrough!"

Yan Zhi found something, his pupils shrank sharply.

"Breakthrough, what is that?"

"The physical body is yang, the soul is yin, and the fusion of yin and yang can achieve the avenue! However, there are exceptions. After reaching a certain strength, even if the physical body dies, the soul can live alone. This is the so-called soul body. The soul body can also be cultivated, but because The lack of positive attributes is difficult to achieve the highest, and possesses the ability to dominate the world! "

Yan Zhi's face was panic-stricken: "Of course, some strong souls can still be promoted, and this kind of soul that can be promoted is called the breakthrough of the soul body. Because of the focus on one, the breakthrough soul is better than the normal breakthrough. To be scary! "

"What do you mean ... Although King Shura has only one soul left, in the end ... breakthrough?"

Nie Yun's face also changed.

"Yes, what you burned with a torch just now is the impurity formed by his breakthrough and transformation, so it is very unpleasant, but ... there is one thing I don't quite understand. Even if the soul breaks through, it must be aided by something or attached to Only a treasure, why ... "

Speaking of this, Yan Zhi's body trembled, as if he couldn't figure it out.

The soul is yin, and even if you want to break through, you need a carrier. This carrier can be an elixir or a treasure. With this kind of thing, you can sing along the way. This is a fixed number, and it is only one of the top ten talents. , Cannot be changed, how can this happen?

"Yes ... soul stone!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun and Yan Zhi remembered something at the same time, and their pupils shrank.

King Shura ’s most powerful is a Shura bone sword, at most it is about the same level as the Dawn Sword. Others must have more advanced things, and they must have been exhibited long ago. The only thing that is incomprehensible to everyone is the soulstone!

Soul stone is the body of Xue Jinger. Born in chaos, Yan Zhi was inadvertently obtained. It can separate souls who are symbiotic and split personality. As for other abilities, no one knows. If King Shura can break through with the carrier, soul stone Definitely the best choice.

"Haha, thank you for finding the soul chaos king stone! I was able to break through!"

He had just realized this, the laughter in the air sounded, and the twisted shadow slowly formed and turned into Xue Jinger's appearance.

At this time, Xue Jinger had the same appearance, but with supreme sorrow and no beauty at all, on the contrary it made people panic.

"It's so uncomfortable. I am the king of Shura, the superpower of the feudal king level. If anyone knows this look, it might as well be dead!"

With a cold hum, Xue Jinger's body in the air twisted again, exactly like Nie Tong again.

Reaching his level, gender and form are just appearances, whatever they want to become.

Nie Yun and others saw King Shura's appearance in his eyes, and his heart became cold.

Looks like a good guess, it was the opponent who broke through with the soul stone and re-evolved the body.

"The King of Soul Chaos is a supreme existence in chaos, a treasure in chaos. As soon as this thing enters my mind, I know that the time has come to break through the heavens and escape from this kid, so I deliberately let Nie Tong take it away. I got my body, and I got Wang Shi, and I made a breakthrough in the end. Haha, Nie Yun, I can reach this state again, and return to the heavenly world, thank you! "

It changed to Nie Tong's appearance again, and King Shura laughed.


Nie Yun and others never dreamed that such a change would occur. The soul stone that Xue Jinger became would have such a powerful power!

"In a small place, there will be so many babies, and there will be a special talent first owner. It is a collection of three thousand avenues and one body, interesting, interesting!"

King Shura, who reached the Heavenly Realm, stared at everyone, with a playful smile in his eyes, blood-red eyes, and the meaning of life and death, as if just a random move, the entire third world would collapse.

The superpower who can destroy the realm above and beyond the realm of heaven and earth can kill both heaven and earth. The king Shura who repels the realm of life will let everyone experience life and death, but there is no way to kill the powerful man with such strength.

Everyone felt the heart sink into the bottom.

"Is there really no alternative?"

"Did Tiandi Liudao have experienced so much suffering, so many ancestors willingly died, but in exchange for this result!"

For a moment everyone was shrouded in haze, and everyone became despair.

Half a step into the heavenly realm, the people may join together to fight, but no one can defeat the real strong heavenly realm!

The difference is too great!

"Brother, leave it to me. King Shura and my soul lived together. I will suppress him again!"

Nie Tong came forward and took a step forward.

"It's useless, unless you break through the sky, you can't defeat it!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Nie Tong now regains control of the body, which is equivalent to the previous King Shura. At most, he is only half a step away from the strength of the heavens. Compared with the King Shura after the breakthrough with the soul stone, it is still a long way off.

"It seems very self-aware! I told you that King Shura can't be defeated, and the strong ones who can be crowned Kings, even if they are down again, aren't the humble ants you can compete against! Rest assured ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ I won't kill you so easily. I will first sacrifice all the remaining three realms of the six heavens and earth, and then slowly torture you, letting you know how terrible the price is against me! "

King Shura laughed and looked at the crowd, as if looking at a rat that was under the table.


Hearing his words, Nie Tong, Yan Zhi, Lingtai Lingyue, and others all clenched their fists and looked ugly.

"Is it really impossible to fight, Nie Yun, you talk, Nie Yun ..."

The "giggle!" Gnawed by Yan's teeth, turned his head to look at it, and Nie Yunjing, who saw it, stayed still, wondering something, and hurried.

"Another way!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun looked up and stared at the crowd with determination and perseverance in his eyes: "Give me time and let me do my last nirvana!"

ps: monthly pass, monthly pass, the first day of the first month, everyone has a guarantee, don't forget to vote. . Hehe. .

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