Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1285: The 9th Nirvana (below)

The top ten talents can only be possessed by one person at a time. Yan Zhi wants Nie Yun to have talents, which means that she is dead!

"But ... Nie Yun Nirvana, even without his subjective consciousness, you can be sure that after death, he will derive a soul talent?"

Huanting Lingyue said in a hurry.

She was telling the truth.

If the soul master talent is really derived, it may be possible to add a catalyst to Nirvana to complete it faster, but ... Now Nie Yun has no subjective consciousness, who can guarantee that the soul master talent will be derived?

If not, why not die?

"Sure it can! Nie Yun has used the spirit of the soul. If I guessed well, there must be a Dantian with the power of the soul master. The reason why the soul master Dantian could not be derived before was because I was still alive. Without the suppression of the laws of the universe, this Dantian will definitely form the soul master Dantian! "

Yan Zhi said affirmatively, after he said these, he shook his hand: "Okay, there is no time to discuss, Cheng or not Chengdu has only this way, anyway, they are going to die anyway, it is better to let go!

Passing the thoughts in his heart to the two people's minds, Yan Zhi is not nonsense, the power in his body is suddenly released, and the whole person is shaken and exploded.


With an explosion, blood was raining, and the soul was annihilated.

The force in the body, like the other immortals, rushed towards Nie Yun and rushed into the sea along the many points in the body.

Squeak! Squeak!

Yan Zhi's soul was instantly annihilated, Lingtai Lingyue and Nie Tong immediately heard a crisp sound. Nie Yun, who was sitting motionless on the ground, gave birth to a bright ruddy color.

"Haha! Thank you for giving me time, and now I have completely consolidated Qi Tianjing repair!"

When he found that Nie Yun's face was ruddy, he immediately heard an exclamation whistling. At this time, King Shura's eyes were lasing with golden light, and a power was emitted from his body, making the whole space and time shake.

"It's still late ..."

Seeing his appearance, the two understood that it was still a little late!

At this time, King Shura had completely consolidated Xi Tianjing's cultivation, and the soul and soul stone were perfectly integrated, and the strength was more than doubled just now!

"Well, your good days are over, you can die!"

Stepping forward, the palm of Shura laughed coldly.

The fierce power in his palm makes people feel that they have returned to the chaotic chaos. Before they came, the third world began to collapse and cracks appeared.

"Heaven and earth forces listen to my orders, stop!" Lingtai Lingyue hurriedly raised her hands.


Nie Tong's eyes were also red, and the dancing sword became a splendid sword spirit, sprinting forward continuously.


Although the strength of the two of them was at the top of the six heavens and earth, the king of Shura was too bad for this matter, and the palms fell down and fell on him.

puff! puff!

Blood squirted out at the same time, and the bones in the body were broken, leaving only one breath to die at any time.

At this time, King Shura was too powerful. They were not able to resist at all. Even if they exerted all their power, they could not stop them.

"Well, everything is over!"

One move severely injured the two, and King Shura moved forward again with another punch.

This fist is even more terrifying than the palm just now. The space crack in the third world is getting bigger and bigger, and then it collapses into a black hole, which will completely crack at any time.

Watching the strength come to the front, Lingtai Lingyue and Nie Tong were filled with despair at the same time, knowing that this time could not resist, it would be dead!

"Are you really going to die?"

Before death, I felt a little bit scared and terrible. Now I feel a sense of relief when I come to the former two.

However, I closed my eyes and waited for a moment. I thought that the force that was about to be bombarded on my body did not arrive as scheduled. I hurriedly looked up and saw a smiley face appearing in front of me.

"Thank you for resisting me! Leave the rest to me!"

A soft humming voice sounded through the heart, the two of them were stiff, and tears shed involuntarily.

At the last moment, Nie Yun finally succeeded!

The ninth success of Nirvana!

Although I don't know what his strength is, he can easily block the fist of King Shura, indicating that he will never be worse than King Shura!

"It's up to you!"

Knowing this, Nie Tong and Lingtai Lingyue were relaxed and nervous, and then they felt dizzy and fainted at any time.

The high-intensity fighting just now has put too much pressure on them. If it was not for the indomitable persistence of thought, it would not be possible to sustain it now.


His head was dizzy, and two woody breaths came along his arms.

Feeling the warm breath, the two recovered again.

"Damn! How could Nirvana succeed so quickly ..."

Relative to the excitement of Yantai Lingyue and Nie Tong, King Shura on the opposite side couldn't believe it.

He once integrated the idea of ​​Nie Tong. He knows the terrible effect of nine turns of Nirvana. Each time Nirvana takes a long time. Why is it so fast this time?

"It must be fake! Let me see what strength you have!"

There was a ruthlessness on his face, and King Shura yelled, his body turned into a phantom, and he slammed into Nie Yun again.


King Shura's full-strength attack was even stronger than before, with the power and might to destroy the heavens, before he came to Nie Yun, the space of the third world collapsed.

"Want to see my strength? I'll let you do it!"

In the face of such a powerful fist wind, Nie Yun did not dodge, but moved forward slowly, flicking his fingers forward.

A weak-looking pointing finger greeted the past.


The wind seemed to be weak, but with an irresistible power, King Shura's fist collided with it, and it collapsed after just one click.


This time it was King Shura's turn to retreat, and red blood spurted wildly.

In one move, he was completely defeated, and he was not an opponent at all!

"What? Impossible! It's impossible. Even if you are as terrible as me, you can't have this kind of strength!"

King Shura's head exploded.

I thought it would be possible to be a blessing in this small place without any problems, but I didn't expect that the boy in front of him was more powerful through Nirvana, and even became so scary.

"Nothing is impossible! You are crazy about countless epochs, and you will eventually die here. This is a fixed number. No one can change it!"

Ignoring his growl, Nie Yun moved forward again, spreading his fingers, grabbing straight.


A thick palmprint ran forward at an incomprehensible speed, and in a blink of an eye came to King Shura.


King Shura was unprepared. His chest was hit, and a dark wound blew up. The blood continued to flow down.

"Great ..."

Seeing that they had no choice but to make their helpless Shura King like this, Lingtai Lingyue and Nie Tong were surprised at the same time.

"That's all for now!"

With absolute strength, Nie Yun was too lazy to continue fighting with King Shura and grabbed the past again.

The slender five-finger looks like a sword with five handles. "Flop!" The king of Shura was penetrated at once, and his body was stirred into powder.

"Do not……"

King Shura is also an undead body, struggling to recover again, but the breath is obviously a lot weaker than before, it seems that the attack just now, as long as Nie Yun returns a few times, it will definitely die directly.

"I will now directly refine your soul and body, so that you can no longer be resurrected!"

Ignoring his sorrow, Nie Yun took a step forward, without grief or joy on his face, his eyes calmed, and he grabbed the past again.

After a while, King Shura recovered again, his breath was even weaker.

After four or five times in a row, he has already lost his breath ~ www.readwn.com ~ The soul will die at any time.

"No ... you won't let me live, and I won't make you feel better, don't you want to protect the heavens and the earth? I will destroy them all now!"

His mouth gasped, and Shura Wang suddenly flashed a fierce smell in his eyes, exclaiming.

"What are you doing?" Nie Yun sank when he heard him.

"What? I've laid out the means long ago, haha! I will soon cause the spirit world, the demon world, and the demon world to collapse into a chaotic world! Haha, even if you kill me, you will have to face a broken world , Nothing to say! "

King Shura laughed loudly, and the meaning of fierceness in his eyes became stronger and stronger. The whole man suddenly exploded, and the force sweeping away instantly tore the third world apart and spread to the demon world.

ps: The weather has been weird these days. The phone can't make calls occasionally, and the ants crawl around. Is it the rhythm of the earthquake? Well, wait for the experts to rumor, once the experts appear, it is true that there are so many things ... (To be continued.)

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