Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1288: Chaos Storm

"This place is a transmission point to the chaotic world, and we should be able to reduce a lot of detours by going here!"

The Dragon Boat Ancient Ship came to a place and stopped, and Nie Tong pointed forward with a smile.

Here is the black wind vortex in the turbulence of time and space. Before coming to the front, you can see the wind and waves screaming in front of you, and the knife is generally stabbing.

This kind of wind and waves cannot be endured by the magical artifacts and immortals, but for the two of them, it is nothing at all. When the power at their feet moves, the dragon boat ancient ship changes its direction and rushes directly to the center of the storm.

The Dragon Boat is not known as the treasure from the Tianjun Auction House. It was broken before, and the foundation was still there. Nie Yun incorporated all the materials left by the Big Dipper into it, and added countless **** cold crystals to restore it. The majestic wind is higher than the previous Dawn Blade.

Of course, the Shuguang Sword was also refined by him and restored to glory again. It was sharper and brighter than when fighting King Shura before.

Nie Yun's three thousand talents are combined in one body. After so many years of refining, the alchemist's talent is purely about refining. It is more terrible than the previous Big Dipper, and has enough materials to make the Dawn Blade better. Not difficult.

During this time, not only the Dawning Sword was re-refined, but Nie Tong also refined a handle, which complemented his body shape, and doubled his strength in cooperation with the show.

In terms of strength, Nie Yun reached the early days of Qiu Tianjing. For 30,000 years, Xiuwei has not grown, but his soul has been tempered more rounded and full.

Nie Tong's strength has not increased much, and it is still half a step into the realm of heaven. It is not that the two did not work hard to cultivate, but that the six ways of heaven and earth are too small compared to the chaotic ocean, just like a drop in the ocean. To reach their level, Xiu did n’t have enough supplies, and it was too difficult to break through!

It's like in the realm, even if you are working hard, you can't break through the broken **** realm and advance to the fairy power realm.

The rules are different. Restricted development, if you want to make a breakthrough, you must find a larger stage, like the fish in the fish tank, has been in the tank, even for many years. They are all so big, they will increase in size when entering the lake, leaping into the dragon gate.

After the six realms of the heavens and earth were completely stabilized, Nie Yun wanted to leave, but he couldn't bear Ling Yue. Always fantasizing that she can reappear before her, so push and push.

Unfortunately, fantasy is always fantasy. Incarnation into heaven means tantamount to becoming a part of heaven. All the changes in the history of Heaven and Earth and the Six Heavens and Heavens have been changed, and Nie Yun has to admit that with him now, there is no way to bring Ling Yue back to life.

Can only be pinned to the depths of chaos can find a better way.

The rumbling sound of the dragon boat and the ancient ship made a whining sound, rushed straight into the black wind vortex, and the wind blade that immortalized the strong and violent rushed forward. Before coming to Nie Yun, they disappeared.

Standing on the bow of the boat with his hands on his back, looking at the vortex getting closer and closer, Nie Yun's expression was dull and unchanged.

"What kind of world is it in chaos?"

Quietly. Nie Yun said what he wanted to ask the most.

This is also the thing that the six living beings in the world want to know. Regardless of Bei Ding Xing Jun or Yan Zhi, they are all thinking about how to go out and experience the chaos of the world. It is a pity. There is a chance, but they disappear forever in the long river of history.

In ancient times, the Confucian once had a great power called Qu Yuan, who uttered a shout from heaven, the sky was turbulent, and the storms of all ages.

Unfortunately, in the end, he did not step out of the territory of the Six Roads and died in the old Confucian world.

With natural talent, although he is familiar with the heavens, he does not inherit the experience of his predecessors and knows nothing about the world outside the chaos.

"I don't know! Although my soul was living with King Shura at the beginning, I still feel that he doesn't know something about him, like the previous Chaos King of Soul, I have never heard of it before!"

Nie Tong came over.

Although his body shape has not changed from the previous, his appearance is a lot older, and his well-defined face will know the weather.

Especially the eyes, as if the sword would be shot at any time, splitting the heavens and the earth.

Nie Tong's talent for swords was once sighed by even Nie Yun, the swordsman. After these 30,000 years of hard work, and even further, the sword skill is definitely the first in the heavens.

"Soul symbiosis, the thinking is not concealed, you do n’t know some things, I am afraid that it is not King Shura who can complete it, but it is driven by more powerful power!"

Nie Yun said slowly.

Although King Shura has died for tens of thousands of years, he has been thinking about these things for years.

King Shura died, experiencing countless epochs. Each epoch can win, dominate the world, and even refine the world ... According to the truth, he should have been invincible in the world and entered the realm of heaven. Why did he reach the previous era? Industry, just scolded?

And each time, the strength did not reach the limit, not even scolding the sky mirror!

Also, where did Chaos Golden Order come from?

These questions have been lingering in his heart, such as strangling in his throat, making him uneasy.

It is as if the world of his life is under the naked surveillance of others.

"Brother, do you still remember what King Shura and I started to say?" Nie Tong remembered something, and suddenly said, "He said that I am King Shura, the superpower of the feudal king level. If you let others know this look, It ’s better to die ... what does it mean to be a king-level superpower? Does n’t he have the title of King Shura, but someone else ’s name? ”

"I remember it as soon as you say it, that's what happened! I'm also weird to this sentence!"

Nie Yun nodded.

He heard this sentence at the time, and it was by no means unfounded that King Shura could say this. I'm afraid it had a lot to do with the chaotic outside world they were going to.

"Don't think about it, there must be a road to the front of the mountain! It is useless to think so much. No matter what the world outside of chaos is, I believe that as long as our brothers join forces, they will be able to make a new world!"

Shuofeng walked, thinking for a while, couldn't figure it out, Nie Yun didn't think about it more, haha ​​smiled, and was arrogant.

Their brothers can be regarded as a true joint. They believe that as long as they are connected to the heart, the vast world can make a remarkable future.


Nie Tong nodded.

The two brothers stood at the bow of the boat at the same time, watching the dark vortex getting closer and closer to the front.


The hull was shaken, and the two seemed to have entered a strange world. There were colorful lights everywhere. Unlike the chaotic air flow before, time and space seemed to disappear.

After some time, the hull was shaking again, and a sea of ​​chaos appeared in front of the two.

This chaotic ocean is a little different from the chaos outside the six heavens and earth. It is thicker and denser. Walking in it is like traveling through the mud. Even if the ancient dragon boat is strong and unmatched, it is difficult to move forward.

"Looking at the strength of chaos, let alone the ordinary immortal king, even if half-step scolding the strong in the sky mirror is caught in it, I am afraid it will die here!"

Seeing the sight before him, Nie Yun looked dignified.

The center of the Black Wind Vortex just now should be a teleporting device, similar to a teleportation array, capable of teleporting in chaos. Now the place where the two have arrived is obviously completely different from the environment they were in before, which is another world.

The chaotic oceans in this world are much stronger than the oceans in which the heavens and the earth are located. Not to mention Xianjun, even if half-steps scold the strong one in, I am afraid that there is no life.

"It's no wonder that the strength of the Big Dipper and Yan Zhi did not dare to rush into the depths of the chaotic ocean, and they must cast a treasure that surpasses the magical artifacts. The main reason is here!"

The Big Dipper in the last era is second only to the beast, who has already reached the peak of the fairyland, the ordinary chaotic ocean. People in the kingdom of the fairyland can enter with a treasure, but the strongest peak of the fairyland must be so troublesome. Forging weapons, we must have known this kind of scene for a long time, and prevent it before it happens.

"The chaotic ocean here is so strong that the world formed must be much stronger than the six heavens and earth, and the strong among them must be stronger than the six heavens and earth!"

Nie Tong shot his sword with his eyes and looked at the misty ocean in front of him, exposing his excitement.

He is a martial art lover. Tiandi Liudao has long lost his rivals and anxious him. Although his brother can fight with him, he doesn't want to find abuse, so he has to suppress the desire to fight in his heart.

Seeing such a powerful and chaotic ocean at this moment, knowing that the world formed in it may have strong people, how can you not be excited?

"This possibility is extremely great, remember the location here, and wait for us to go back!"

Nie Yun looked around and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Encouraged by the strong forces of the Heavenly Realm, the ancient boat of the Dragon Boat broke through the waves. Although not as fast as the Six Roads in Heaven and Earth, it was not slow. Almost every breath had to travel a distance of the spiritual realm.

There was no time in the chaos, and one direction was identified, and how far forward was unknown. Suddenly, the hull violently vibrated.

The chaotic ocean ahead boiled like a tumbling wave.

"Brother, this is Chaos Storm, what should I do?"

Nie Tong quickly walked over and looked nervous.

In the memory of King Shura ’s symbiosis, there is no description of his origin, but there is still a memory of the chaotic storm in front of him.

This kind of storm occurred in the depths of chaos, terrible, and the scolding strong ones fell into it ~ www.readwn.com ~ All died for a lifetime and it was difficult to survive.

"Anyway, stay in the cabin and don't come out, I'll go and see!"

Standing at the bow of the boat, Nie Yun looked at the storm in front of her eyes. There was no trace of experience in her pupils, but she was eager to try and chuckled.

"Then you be careful!"

Nie Tong knew his brother's strength, didn't care, and turned back to the cabin.

"Chaos storm? Hehe, I haven't warmed up for a long time. Try these achievements for 30,000 years!"

With a low cry, Nie Yun raised his head, his eyes were like electricity, and the soles of his feet stepped forward. Each step measured the general standard like a ruler. A few steps came to the storm, his palms pushed forward, and he caught them in the air.


The violent chaotic storm was immediately swept up by him, like a turbulent water wave, which roared through the eardrum. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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