Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1296: Recruit

"Have you heard of this Chen family?"

Seeing the hot faces of the pedestrians on the road, Nie Yun turned his head and asked.

"I haven't heard of it, but in addition to the nine major gates, it is said that there are four great families in Jiutian World. I have not inquired about this Chen family before, so ..." Youli scratched her head.

"If the four major families have this Chen family, it should be no less powerful than the Nine Great Sects. Check it out!"

Family lineage is sometimes more reliable than Zongmen lineage, because people in the family have the same roots and blood connections, which is much more reliable than Zongmen lineage.

The three did not need to ask where the Chen family was, they just followed the crowd and walked forward.

The people in the Jiutian World are obviously stronger than the Silver Moon World. Ordinary people have the strength of Tianxian Realm. In the spirit world, the Xuanxian gangsters can set up a stall at most and act as a stall owner.

Not only that, because of the pressure of space, people of the same level in this world must also far surpass the spirit world, that is to say, if the same fairy, if it enters the spirit world, it will definitely be stronger.

Although the level of bleeding can not be seen with the naked eye, it can be seen from this point that the lineage level here must be far beyond the spiritual world. Understanding this makes Nie Yun more convinced that the Shura people came from the larger world.

All three have lowered Xiuwei. Outsiders seem to have only Golden Wonderland, which is neither ostentatious nor too weak.

Because the Chen family was so busy making noise and the street was overcrowded, there was no way. Nie Yun had to use some means to let the crowd make way, and then he went inside.

Appearing in front of him is a huge square, on which a high platform stands. Suspend quietly.

This world's space is stable, even if the king of Wonderland wants to fly, it will cost him. Letting such a huge platform float shows the generosity of the other party.

"The Chen family is so famous, and the Miss Chen family is a solo show. I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. What kind of son-in-law do you want to do, and why don't you throw a hydrangea?"

"Yeah, I'm also very weird. You see so many people, the good and the bad are different. Isn't it miserable to throw hydrangeas in case some interested people get Miss Chen's?"

"What do you guys know ... I heard that Miss Chen was caught by a young master of the Nine Great Sects, and she had to marry her, and this young master had a bad reputation ... She didn't want to marry, so she had to throw this Hydrangea. It ’s said that it ’s a matter of fate, and God wants her to marry whoever she wants! ”

"Still this? Hey, if I can receive the hydrangea and become the son-in-law of the Chen family in an instant, not only can I hold a beautiful family. It can only be a good step ..."

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd. Without asking, the three of them could hear it.

Although the so-called four major families are very powerful, but compared with the nine major gates. It seems that it is still weaker. A young master of the Nine Great Sects fancy the young lady of the Chen family. Originally, it was a good thing, but the owner of the Chen family was so innocent. Once he went to the ancestral gate, the blood flow out would have a great impact on the future development of the Chen family.

Therefore, in order not to tear his face on the bright side of Zongmen, they can only do this.

"Although the Chen family is not as good as the nine major gates, it is definitely one of the nine giants in the world. This lady looks even more beautiful and unparalleled. The character cannot be picked out by thousands of miles. Heard the hydrangea by fate. Husband, what a bad luck ... "

Seeing everyone excited and red eyes, Pity could not help shaking his head.

Many of these people have n’t even reached Xuanxian. More than 90 of the 100 people are ordinary people. The hydrangea falls into the hands of geniuses or the strong. In case of falling into the hands of an old, weak, and sick, this lady Don't you cry to death?

Hearing his emotions, Nie Yun and Nie Tong both laughed dumbly and looked over sympathetically.

"What? I'm wrong?"

Seeing the expressions of the two, he felt a pity for a moment.

"The so-called obedience to heaven, God ’s choice is just a gimmick. Who really cares about crossing the Tao? I am afraid that where the hydrangea will fall, and they arrange it!"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Tong couldn't help explaining.

"Arranged? This is impossible!" You Lian shook her head quickly: "Heaven supreme, who dares to refute? Now that you have spoken to Heaven's fate, you must pray to God. When the heaven comes to you, who will fall on it? This is fate, no People can change! "

"Can't change? Heaven can be beheaded. How can an idea not change?"

Seeing his panic, Nie Tong was helpless.

The heaven and earth of the six Taos were devoured several times, and finally the Lingtai incarnation of Tiantai was able to maintain the stability of the spiritual realm. Heaven and Tao can fight, a common idea, there is no problem to refute.

"Ah ... two adults, you can't say this arbitrarily, if one day realizes ..."

Youlan's face changed, her whole body trembled, and her eyes showed a strong sense of panic.

"Awareness? What about awareness?" Nie Yun shook his head.

The heaven of heaven, as the name implies, can kill even heaven and earth, although the heavens of this world are far stronger than the six heavens and earth, it is still nothing to him.


Seeing their indifferent attitude, the pity was a little crazy, and some shyly said, "Heaven gives us strength and lets us defend the world. How can we violate the idea of ​​Heaven?"


Seeing his attitude, Nie Yun and Nie Tong looked at each other, sighing in their hearts.

No wonder, although this world is very large, there is no such thing as a heavenly powerhouse. It is their thoughts.

Cultivators, going against the sky, must have the confidence to fight against the heavens and the heavens, in order to move forward bravely. If this idea of ​​pity is not changed, it is bound to scold the heavens at the beginning, and it cannot be broken.

"It is an honor for our Chen family to come. My Chen family owner, Chen Aoxuan, is willing to sacrifice to heaven and ask Heaven for this purpose to choose a concubine for the little girl!"

Sighing, a high-pitched voice roared on the high platform, and the sound was powerful, like a dragon spreading in the sky, with boundless might.

Just listening to the voice, Nie Yun and the two knew that the Chen master had at least the strength of Xianjun's peak, which was no different from the original beard.

"This is Chen Luorong, the little girl!"

With his voice, a young girl came out.

Seeing the woman's appearance clearly, everyone below was cheering with excitement, and even Nie Yun couldn't help it.

The appearance of the girl in front of her is indeed fresh and refined, beautiful and unparalleled, and speaking of appearance alone, she is not weaker than Luo Qingcheng and others.

The simple appearance is not to shock Nie Yun. The key is her strength. She has already reached the early stage of Xianjun, and she is only in her early twenties!

In the early days of the twenty-year-old Xianjun, no matter where he was, he was considered to be an extraordinary genius!

"This is the practice of recruiting relatives. After a day of worship, the hydrangea will automatically fly up and fall to whomever, who is my Chen family's ride on the dragon!"

Chen Ao Xuanlang vocalized his voice.

Everyone followed his words, and saw a bright red hydrangea hovering quietly in the air, made of unknown materials, flashing a faint light.

"I must get it!"

"As long as this hydrangea is obtained, it is the son-in-law of the Chen family. Pingbu Qingyun is just around the corner. Such a good opportunity must not be missed!"

"It must be mine ..."

Countless young talents in the audience, the masters all stared at the hydrangea in the air with red eyes, fiery bursts.

No matter how old or young they are, everybody here has a fascination with this hydrangea. I am afraid that only the three of Nie Yun dismissed it.

"The ritual ceremony begins now!"

With a roar of Chen Aoxuan, in the flashing light, a pile of precious items appeared in front of him.

It is necessary to sacrifice countless spiritual treasures to sacrifice to heaven. Nie Yun glanced at the things he took out and couldn't help but nodded again and again ~ www.readwn.com ~ deserves to be a figure in the big world, and these treasures are no less expensive In the fortune-making fairy, dozens of things were thrown out for the sake of sacrifice. It seems that from a resource perspective, the small world is still incomparable with this kind of place.


Chen Aoxuan kept handprints in his hands, connecting them one by one, accompanied by the special spell of the sacrifice to heaven, a panic momentum spread slowly, making people panic from the bottom of their hearts.

"Is this the idea of ​​heaven in the nine-day world?"

Nie Yun raised his head and was about to observe the strength of this heavenly path suddenly. The air flow suddenly became loud, and a rough voice sounded.


Immediately, dozens of people flew straight, roaring and thundering, and the clouds rolled.

ps: the first change arrived, today there is a second change. . sweat. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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