Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1301: High-profile (below)

"Do you dare to do it to me ..."

The immortal strong man has an undead body, his head exploded, and Lu Gongxian did not die directly, but reunited with his body, widened his eyes, and couldn't believe it.

Grandpa was too loud and showed Xiu Wei. This guy dared to do it, wouldn't he be dead?

There are actually people in this world who dare to oppose Luo Xuanzong. Who are they?

You should know that Luo Xuanzong is not only a grandfather who scolds the heavens, but also a mid-day god!

Nie Tong's actions not only made the public string crazy, everyone who saw this scene was almost fainted.

It ’s OK if the other party does n’t say anything, they have already shown their identity and they are actually doing it. They just treat the other party as if they are nothing, and the rhythm of beating!

"Abominable! Who the **** are you? By our orders! Although Luo Xuanzong is not the strongest in the world in nine days, he is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch ..."

In the distant void, Lu Zhou did not expect that Nie Tong would be so radical, and he was so angry that he couldn't get up, screamed, and the space stirred up, as if he would rush at any time.

When the scolding strong was angry, the world shook for it.

The crowd beneath the platform seemed to feel the anger of the strong man in the distance, and his face was white and trembling.

Although the other side's anger is not directed at them, the scolding heavens are too powerful. Where the anger is burned, the space will be melted, which is not something ordinary people can resist!

"Lu Zhou ... The Chen family is really over ..."

The head of the Chen family, Chen Aoxuan, also looked ugly and kept back. If Luo Xuanzong scolds the sky mirror strong people not to participate. The Chen family may still be able to compete one or two, once they participate. They will definitely lose!

"As much nonsense as this kid, since you want to come, let me help you!"

Ignoring the surprised people, facing the roaring Luzhou, Nie Tong shook his head, gave a scornful glance, and suddenly moved forward.


His palm seemed to break through the limitations of space and time in no time, and I didn't know where to extend. The distant space was constantly collapsing. With a cry, a figure was caught by him! Holding it in the palm, struggling desperately, but helpless.

"Grandpa ... You caught Grandpa ... It's impossible ..."

Seeing the figure he caught, Luo Gongxian almost scared to death.

The old man who is like a chicken in the palm of the opponent is his biggest support. Grandpa at the peak of the early days of scolding heaven.

Others don't know the strength of his grandpa, but he understands that even in the nine-day world, he can be regarded as a super-class. The real peak powerhouse, now such a powerhouse is caught without resistance.

Now he finally understands ... this time I met an iron plate. Still a very big iron plate!


"Broken palms, spreading hundreds of kilometers to capture Luzhou from the air?"

"It's impossible to do it in the middle of scolding. Is this teenager already a late scout or peak figure?"

The needle fell around in an instant.

Nie Tong grabbed Luo Xuanzong Luzhou at will, and the movement was too big, and even a stupid person knew it at this time. It is not the arrogance of the other party, but the strength is beyond their imagination.

"Senior. Just now I was blind-eyed and offended, please forgive me!"

Lu Zhou was pinched in the palm of the other side, unable to move, how he did not understand, and quickly apologized.

Although the people in the gates are arrogant, they also know that some people are on the top of the real world, and they cannot fight them.

"Yeah, I blame me for all the mistakes made by my lord. It is my embarrassment that offends the Chen family. I knew that there were seniors here, so I dare not give me ten courage!"

Seeing Grandpa admitting his mistake, Lu Gongxian confirmed the strength of the young man in front of him, nodding his head again and again, anxious to kneel directly, no longer as arrogant as before.

Being able to bend and stretch, he can cultivate at a young age to achieve this kind of strength. Not only is there a great grandfather's sake, he knows how to judge the situation, knows the advance and retreat, it is also his only way to save his life.


Seeing that the two crazy people were so embarrassed at this time, Nie Tong didn't know what to do.

If the other party continues to be arrogant, the pinch to death is that, now it looks like this pair, and then kill it, it is considered to be bullying.


Nie Yun waved his hand.

Here is to find a way to escape the world from the world, not to kill. Besides, this kind of small ants are too lazy to let him do it.


After hearing these words, if Lu Zhou, Lu Gongxian and others were pardoned, they would bow, and then they would leave.


Nie Yun didn't speak, the sage saint came over and looked at the crowd coldly, "My master let you go, that's for you, don't shame yourself, don't understand the rules!"

"Yes, we do not understand the rules, and we also hope to forgive me! This jade jade sword was acquired by me in an ancient relic. It has surpassed the level of the magical artifact. This bottle of Tiandan also has an effect on the scolding strong ones I asked your senior to smile ... "

Lu Zhou immediately understood what the other party meant, and hurriedly handed over the most precious thing in his body.

"Are you blind? Hurry up!"

After finishing his hand, he turned around and scolded the patriarchs of the four major families.

Others did not dare to refute when they saw Lu Zhou, and they dared to talk nonsense. They took out the most precious things from their bodies. I have to say that these people have a really rich family. After a while, they have a pity for the saint The pile of things, each of which is valuable, is carefully inferred that it is more than dozens of times more precious than what Chen Aoxuan used for sacrifice.

"That's pretty much it!"

Looking at the thing in front of you, You Pian was excited and handed it over to Nie Yun.

"Hold it up, here you are!"

Nie Yun waved his hand.

Although these treasures are precious, they really have little effect on him and Nie Tong, and now there are really few things that can really be useful to them.

"Thank you, Master!"

Unexpectedly, he even needed these precious things, and Pity and Excitement almost jumped up and hurriedly packed it.

These treasures have a great effect on him. If they have been in the Silver Moon World, they will definitely not get it. This is when they came to the Nine-day World and got so much ... It seems that it is very wise to follow a good master.

"I'll wait to say goodbye!"

This scene is also seen in the eyes of Lu Zhou and others.

Originally they thought that the servant was the best, but later they thought that Nie Tong might be the best, but now they understand that the young one is really the young one!

The distressed baby is useless to him ... What is this strength?

Wanting to understand this, everyone was more vigilant, said goodbye, left the high platform, walked faster than they came, and wished that my parents had a few more legs.

As soon as these people left, the scene was a little awkward. Although Ao Xuan and others knew that the three of them had saved their family, they didn't know what to say.

"Chen Aoxuan would like to thank the three adults for their kindness!"

After a while, they reacted. All of Chen Aoxuan and the Chen family fell to their knees.

"Go to your family and talk!"

With a stroke of Nie Yun's palm, everyone felt that a soft force lifted them up, and there was no thought of resistance at all. Only then did he understand the horror of his strength, and Lu Zhou had just exploded weakly.

"Senior here please!"

Knowing that the three were super strong, Chen Ao Xuan didn't dare to neglect and flew to the family first.

The foundation of the Chen family is just in front of the mansion. After coming down from the high platform, they came inside. Nie Yun and others flew behind, leaving only Chen Luorong. Looking at Nie Yun's back, his face was red and white. Hesitated and followed.

In her opinion, when the other party went to the family to talk, it must be about marriage. Although this man was strong, he was the prince of countless white horses that countless women dreamed of, but ... she did n’t know the other party, so marrying him like this still had some hesitantly.

"I must have liked it long ago, otherwise, how could I catch the hydrangea so cleverly?" If a deer jumped in his heart: "What if he offered to marry him today?"

Stumbled back to the Chen family discussion hall ~ www.readwn.com ~ As soon as I entered it, I saw the young man sitting on the main seat, looked over, his face turned red, his teeth clenched and made a decision.

"You want me to marry you, but I'm still from the Chen family. I can't leave the Chen family ..."

A few steps came forward, Chen Luorong said quickly.

"marry me?"

Seeing the other person's jaw lips clenched and his eyes dripping, Nie Yun shook his head and smiled gently: "You think too much!"

ps: I recently set a new book. I plan to publish it in mid-August. I'm very tired. I can't keep up with it. I should know that I have written a book. When I set up a new book, I have the most trouble. Taking into account old books ...

It's too tired, so the recent update is a bit slow, I hope everyone forgive me!

However, as long as the new book is finalized, I will speed it up. . . . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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