Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1308: Heart of the Strong

After asking a few more words, he found that the other party had limited knowledge, and Nie Yun had to stop.

"These should be Sifang Ding, what's the effect?"

He grabbed forward and collected the Sifang Ding that was formed into a large array. Nie Yun looked at Jiutiantiandao.

"Sifang Ding is a treasure that suppresses the heavens to maintain order. If a world has no heaven, it can be used to maintain order, so that the world will not collapse!"

解释 Jiu Tiantian explained.

"Oh? That's a good thing, I stayed!"

Qi Nieyun's eyes brightened.

Once you let Lingtai Lingyue reunite in the future, you can use this to suppress the six worlds and maintain order, so as not to collapse.

"Yes!" Jiutiantiandao knew that the person in front of him was strong, and he did not dare to refute. He did not dare, and others did not dare to say it.

With a change of spirit, Nie Yun sensed that the level of the tripod was far below that of Shuguang Sword, but it was far beyond the creation of the fairy, and could not help asking: "How to classify the weapons above the artifact?"

"Weapons on top of the magical artifacts are called Chaos Magic Soldiers! There are four levels: lower, middle, upper, and best!"

解释 Jiu Tiantian explained.

"Oh? What level of my Dawn Light Sword do you see!" Nie Yun did not expect that there are so many classifications beyond the magical artifacts, and the Dawn Light Sword appeared on the palm of his hand.

"This is a top-class chaos warrior! The ship you used to ride was a middle-class chaos warrior!"

Jiu Tian Tiandao glanced and classified.

"The best chaos soldier, and the best ... Is there still on the best?"

"There should be levels above the Need for Chaos God Soldiers, but these are not what I can tell, as the Ashoka King in the population just said. The weapons he uses must be far beyond the Need for Chaos God Soldiers!"

I know everything every day.

"What is the world where Ashoka is and where is it?" Nie Yun continued to ask.

"It is called Xieyue Zhizun Realm, which is very far away. It needs to experience countless chaotic worlds. If it is not so far, the former Jinjia will come in person, instead of just coming with a hint of thought!" Jiutiantiandao thought for a while and then said: " I do n’t know exactly where it is. I only know that the world closest to this place is Daxuan Chaos! That world is tens of thousands of times larger than here. It has a connection with the Oblique Moon Supreme, and it is said that there is a direct teleportation array ! "

"Give me the specific location of Daxuan Chaos!"

"Yes!" A light flashed on the head of Jiutiantian Tao, and then a hidden message came to Nie Yun's mind.

"It really is so far ..."

感应 Induced the message from the other side, Nie Yun couldn't help but babble.

所谓 This so-called Daxuan chaos is indeed far away from here, hundreds of times farther than it came from the Silver Moon World before.

"Nie Tong, pity, let's go!"

I stood in place and looked at the information in my head for a while. Knowing that only by entering this world can he find a way to resurrect Ling Yue, Nie Yun didn't want to delay for a moment, and quietly ordered.

"Okay!" Nie Tong nodded immediately when he knew what his brother was thinking.

"Senior Nie Yun, what do they ...?"

When the old ancestor of the Chen family saw him leaving, he quickly pointed to the others.

他们 "They? Give it to Tiandao! You saved Tiandao. After that, your Chen family will become the first family of the nine days in the world 冇 just around the corner!"

Nie Yun waved his hand, and when he saw that he wanted to talk, he smiled slightly: "You and I are here, and the fate is exhausted! I save you and help you, it's just a hand, don't worry!"

"Yes!" The ancestors of the Chen family showed a dark look.

Although he has not been in contact with the boy in front of him for a long time, the other party speaks softly and lightly, and decisively and fiercely. What I didn't say just now is very simple. I want to be his servant, just like Youyi, but it seems that the other party doesn't need it.

It is a shame to be a servant. But depending on who you follow, if you follow an immortal, you can't naturally lift your head. With the one in front of you, it will definitely be smoother and stronger in the future.

"Nine days, you can do it for yourself, goodbye!"

Seeing that the other party understood what he meant, Nie Yun didn't say much, smiled slightly, and the dragon boat at his feet appeared again.

"Sir, please slow down!"

Seeing him leaving, Jiutian Tiandao said: "Although this ancient ship shuttles chaos at a very fast speed, its level is still too low. Jiutianzong collected countless treasures and refined them, which may allow the ancient ship to go further. Speed Faster! "

In Ji's discourse, Jiutian Tiandao grabbed it gently, and Jiutianzong's treasure trove came out empty, and countless treasures appeared in front of him.

It is indeed a huge gate of the Nine-day World. There are actually many ores in it, and the quality is no less than that of Hell Cold Crystal.

"Thank you!"

I know that these things are useful for the ancient boat of Dragon Boat, Nie Yun did not quit, smiled a little, a dark flame burning in the palm of his hand, holding countless ore in his palm.

It ’s so sweet!

The helpless ore melts in a blink of an eye and turns into a mixed liquid, fused with the dragon boat ancient ship.


The ancient dragon boat flickered and shook the surrounding chaotic airflow, and it seemed that the quality had greatly improved.

"Unfortunately, almost became a top-quality chaotic soldier!"

Xie Nieyun sighed and shook her head.

As a refiner, he felt it after a little induction. Although adding these treasures has improved the quality of the Dragon Boat Ancient Ship a lot, but he has not yet broken through that level and been promoted to the top grade chaos.

However, even so, the speed of the Dragon Boat Ancient Ship is more than doubled. If you press it with all your strength, going to Daxuan Chaos will be a lot faster.


After refining the ancient dragon boat, Nie Yun was nostalgic, and greeted Nie Tong and You Lian into the cabin, and the hull shook into chaos.

"When he goes, the oblique moon supreme domain will definitely set off a huge storm!"

Looking at the disappearing back of the ancient ship, the spirit of Jiutian Tiandao sent out a weak wave.

"Isn't Xieyue Supreme Realm the world in which Ashoka lives? I heard that the masters in it are like clouds, and there are as many powerful men in the sky as in the river, but what storms can he cause in the beginning of the sky?"

The ancestors of the Chen family felt this kind of spiritual fluctuation, which was strange.

The Nie Yun in front of her eyes, although invincible in the nine-day world, is definitely not terrific in the oblique moon supreme realm, let alone that, even the chaotic world of Daxuan is probably not!

I also heard from others about the chaos in Daxuan. Among them, there are many strong men in the early days of Hetian Realm, and even powerful masters in the middle of Hetian Realm. This place is nothing of immortal monarchs and scolding heaven.

Although Nie Yun is not weak, entering such a big world should be difficult to mix up. No matter how powerful a genius is, she can easily fall without absolute strength.

"You are wrong, it doesn't take much strength to set off the waves!" Jiutiantiandao quietly stood in place, "the true strong does not need to have high talent!"

"The strong do not need talent?" The ancestors of the Chen family did not understand.

I want to be a strong person, how to cultivate without talent?

"Not to mention others, since I am sober in the world of Nine Days, there have been countless talented people, but almost none of them have reached the pinnacle of ~ www.readwn.com! Numerous geniuses have lost their lives in the rolling history! So, think To become a true strong, you don't need talent, but heart! Only with the heart of a strong can you truly set foot on the path of Xeon! "

Jiutiantiandao's tone of admiration is inconceivable: "This Nie Yun is decisive and fierce. He has a firm mind. As long as what he believes is not shaken by anything, this is the minimum state of mind to become a major event. In addition, ... Is it? When Jin Jia will tell who he is, will his expression change? "

"He ... nothing changed!" The ancestors of the Chen family thought for a moment, and then they thought of Nie Yun's expression, without any change, as if the other party's identity was worthless.

"This is the mind and the courage! How can you become a strong without the heart of a strong?"

Jiutian Tiandao nodded: "The most important point, if I read it correctly, he has realized the complete Three Thousand Avenue, but it is all the prototype of the Three Thousand Avenue. It is not completely connected!"

"Understanding the complete Three Thousand Avenues?"

The ancestors of the Chen family swallowed and their eyes were round.

虽然 "Although it is just a prototype, it will definitely become complete with the passage of time. Do you say that people who can understand the Three Thousand Avenues will not stir the storm?"

Jiutian Tiandao hummed gently, his body dissipated between heaven and earth.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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