Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1312: Kazakhstan

The so-called comprehension of the complete healing avenue is actually the fifth form of the talent of Master Musheng.

Xie Nie Yun dare to take on this task so boldly, because of this, rely on it.

Tochigi student talent, ranked 26th among many talents, that is to say, among many avenues, it belongs to the top thirty. This avenue is extremely difficult to understand, let alone fully comprehend!

He can be sure, don't look at the vast and chaotic world of Daxuan, and there are countless powerful ones, but there are definitely no more than two people who truly understand the avenue of healing, not even one!

I can say that I can understand this avenue, the potential for cultivation is endless, and the strength is certainly not simple. How can such a person see a doctor for a second-class nobleman?

The difficulty of comprehension on Thousand Avenue is exactly the same as the ranking of special talents. Even if someone else is lucky, it is equal to the special talent only opening the first form, the second form, only fur, far from complete comprehension.

Bian Nieyun has the foundation of three thousand dantians, plus the minimum is the third form, which makes Jiutian Tiandao so respected. He feels that he can surely stir the situation and is a super genius with potential no less than the four Chaos Kings!

"A complete avenue of healing?"

The old man jumped up, and immediately saw the woody atmosphere of Nie Yun's palm, waving in the sky, like a bright galaxy, crystal clear, jade-like, flawless and flawless.

"Flawless Avenue ... It really is a complete road!"

The full road is the same as the flawless beauty jade, and it is perfect. No flaws!

As long as it is defective, it is incomplete.

Seeing the avenue where the air flow converged, the old man doubted him, and his eyes showed worship. Bowed deeply for the gift of juniors.

I heard that there were successive orders. The master is a teacher. Although the other person looks younger than him, he can comprehend the complete way of healing, which is enough to be a courtesy!

"Sir, I have no eyes. This is the badge of Jiupin Physician. Please take it!"

I took out a badge and handed it over, the old man was respectful.

"Polite!" Took the badge. Nie Yun smiled slightly and didn't say much, walked straight out.

Obtaining badges is simpler than I thought, and I thought that I would not only sacrifice the spirit of wood. I have to treat a few people to test it myself. It now seems that it is not needed.

It seems that the old man is also a wise man, and at a glance he can see the special and terrible nature of the woody spirit.

I returned to Nie Tong and others, and came to the girl in two steps.

怎么 样 "How about, haven't you been kicked out? Tell you, don't install it here if you want to install it. I haven't seen anyone for so many years, and I still want to pretend to have no strength. It's the first time I've seen ..."

When I saw him coming, the girl sneered again.

Nie Yun went back once. There are only dozens of breaths in total. In such a short time, let alone the assessment, I am afraid that it is not enough time to even issue a badge. Do n’t think about it, it must have hit the wall and someone else came back!

"Get out? He didn't get rid of me!" Nie Yundao didn't care about a girl film.

"I didn't rush you? Don't you tell me that you have got the Wupin Physician badge?" The girl chuckled: "Let's brag about the limit, if you can't get the Wupin Physician badge, I will immediately find someone to press [ Crime of Disturbance] Detain You! "

"I ca n’t take out the badge of Dr. Wupin ..." Nie Yun shook her head, and before she finished speaking, she saw that the girl's face was more scornful, and smiled, "But ... I got Dr. Jiupin. badge!"

After I said something, I threw it away, and the badge I just got dropped on the counter, "Dang!"

"Jiupin?" The girl thought he was joking at first. When she saw the badge, her face changed suddenly. Without the previous attitude, she got up in an electric shock and bowed ninety degrees: "I'm sorry, my lord ... It is because I have no eyes ... "

I was stuttered because I was too nervous.

"Look forward to being a person, you can't look down on others because you don't have a badge! This is me, and I will definitely lose a lot if I change to others!"

Nie Yun did not refuse, with his hands behind his back, his expression was indifferent.

Just now I did n’t take out the badge intentionally, just to kill the pride of this girl. You are here to arrange tasks, which is a service industry. Actually, this attitude is definitely used to it!

I do not know that the sky is high, and I do not know that there are strong men in the world. One day, I really offend a strong man with a small belly, and it is very possible to be killed!

"Yes!" The girl sweated coldly.

She knew that the other party wanted to do something to kill her, and no one dared to get ahead. Doctor Jiupin ... there wasn't much of the entire Xuanjun Empire!

"Well, give me the task!"

Yun Nie Yun was far more lazy and said, after all, Pingshui met, what happened to this girl in the future has nothing to do with him.

"Yes!" After a long time of messing around, the girl took care of all the formalities and handed a jade card representing the task.

"At the Prime Minister's Mansion, someone will take you to see the old lady if you take this out!"

"Yeah!" After taking the jade card, Nie Yun knew that he had taken the task and no longer cared about the other party. He turned his head and saw that Xiaojun was standing in front of his eyes, his whole body was shaking, and he turned to his knees and hurried to the ground. .

"I just had no eyes, I didn't know that the predecessor was a big man, and I still look at Haihan where I offend ..."

Xiao Xiao was frightened.

Even if he doesn't know how good Dr. Jiupin is, seeing the girl just now, he knows it's not easy!

Such a character, he actually drank five and six, without any courtesy to speak, he was almost dead.

"You're welcome, take me to the Prime Minister's Mansion, the benefits are indispensable to you!"

Nie Yun still admires this little sister, smiles gently, and points his finger: "This is the prototype of a avenue, and I will give you the reward! As long as you understand it, one day you will be able to understand it completely, and you do n’t need to do it anymore. Line up! "

This little 厮, from saying that the Prime Minister ’s cannibalism is not bad, and taking him over, saying that it is free, it is not just for money, so Nie Yun is not mean to such people.

Give money or treasures. Such little people have no ability to protect themselves. The only thing that can help is strength!

"Thank you!"

Feeling the extra air flow in the body, which contains the avenue of truth, Xiaoxiong knew that he had made a fortune this time, not to mention that his knees were softly kneeling on the ground and he made a few noises. Then he stood up and took the three of them to Go outside.

"The dog sees people low ... this bad problem, I must change it in the future ..."

When I saw them leave, the **** the counter murmured, looking ugly.

怎么 How can a strong person who can easily take out the prototype of the avenue and give it to others, and a person who can easily obtain the Jiupin physician badge? Because the dog sees people offend such people, she feels scared and panic.

He followed Xiaoyan, and Nie Yun and others soon came to a huge mansion.

"Three adults, this is the Prime Minister's House. I will hand in your task card now, and someone will pick you up soon!"

Xiaoxiao carefully took the task card, walked over, and after a while a housekeeper-like person came over.

"You took on the task of our master?"

Nie Yun nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ Follow me! "

The butler did not have a domineering look, but was calm and calm, giving a sense of calmness. Nie Yun and Xiaoyou said goodbye, followed by Nie Tong and Youli, and walked into the Prime Minister's House.

"Brother, this housekeeper seems to have the strength to scold the heavens, like me!" Nie Tong's voice came over.

"Well! His strength is not weaker than you! It is indeed a big world, a master is like a cloud!" Nie Yun nodded.

一 As soon as he saw this housekeeper, he saw it out. The other party had the highest strength of scolding heaven, just like Nie Tong.

An ordinary housekeeper has this kind of strength. The chaos in Daxuan is really terrible!

"Wait here first, not only do you have to see the old lady for a doctor, but also a big man is coming over. The lord is accompanied, and when he comes, do n’t make a noise. Once something happens, and other Like others, the Prime Minister ’s House becomes your burial place! ”

I walked for a while and came to the front of the yard, but the steward turned his head and asked coldly.

"Master Nantian Medical Saint, please here!"

When Nie Yun was trying to answer, he heard a string of silver bell sounds, and several figures came over from one side.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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