Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1315: Soul Stone News

The quiet courtyard, the Prime Minister, Shi Yuanyuan and the old lady sat in the room at the same time.

At this time, the old lady's gaze was so bright that she could not breathe. Although she looked no different from usual, no one dared to regard her as an ordinary old man.

Not to mention the other, the faint power alone can't let the scolding strong ones breathe.

"Mother, what the **** is going on? How can you get the Three Souls withered? This disease can only be obtained on a Jinxian and Xuanxian, and appears on you ..."

Mr. Shi's face was puzzled, and he wondered why his mother got sick.

The celestial being is strong, the soul is powerful and unmatched, and it can survive without the body, and the three souls wither this disease. If you changed it, you would never have thought about it.

"It's the right one and the Golden Leaf Trade Group!" The old lady narrowed her eyes, stroked the armrest of the chair, and her knuckles were white.

The Prime Minister of the Xuanjun Empire is divided into two parts, the left one assists the emperor in managing the government and cooperates with the hundred officials. The position is half a level higher than the right one.

"Although the Golden Leaf Business Group is powerful, they only do business and dare to attack their mother. Do they want to insert their hands into our Xuanjun Empire?"

Master Xiang's face sank.

He and You Xiang always have contradictions, and the other party is normal to deal with him, but why should the Jinye Commercial Group step in?

The Golden Leaf Business Group is the first business group in the chaos of Daxuan. It is said that it can conduct business with the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone. Every year, it can bring countless treasures that Daxuan does not have, and it is valued by many empires.

Because of these treasures, the status of the business group is detached. Even if the Sixteen Kingdoms dare not easily offend, they also know their responsibilities. They will never cross over and intervene in the affairs of the Sixteen Kingdoms. How can they join hands with the Right this time to make Against the rules?

"They did not join forces because of the Xuanjun Empire. It was a treasure!" The old lady interrupted his speculation and slowly said, "When I was walking through the chaos a few years ago, I found a weird place. Breakthrough, confident, and rushed in! "

"Who knows that the place is weird, and I was attacked as soon as I entered. I am strong and fearless, fighting against each other, and rushing into it, let me discover that thing! Unfortunately, my strength cannot be approached! When the besieged **** was weak, the previous people came over again and fought with me. This time, he also found a helper. As a result, I was not injured by the opponent, so the three souls withered and fell into a coma! "

The old lady explained the cause of her illness.

"Who fights with you, right-hander and the Golden Leaf Merchants?"

He paused. Master Xiang asked in doubt.

"Yes, I didn't recognize it before, but when I was injured and my soul shrank, the other side didn't hesitate and said his identity before he understood it!" The old lady nodded and confirmed.

"Mother, what kind of baby is it. Let you take such a big risk?"

As a leftist of the sixteen empire, what treasure can't he get? What kind of treasure can make his mother do it at any cost?

"Don't say that you can't get that baby, even the emperor of the Sixteen Kingdoms, it's hard to get it ... because it's a king of chaos!"

"King Chaos?" Prime Minister Shi Yuanyuan and Shi Yuanyuan were startled at the same time.

In the chaos, various treasures are endless. But the most powerful must be Wang Shi. Treasures of this level, like Chaos King, can only be found in the depths of chaos. Unable to spawn in the big world.

Hearing the old lady said that he actually found a king stone, how could they not be surprised.

A king's stone is of great value, let alone his left-handedness, even if it is given to the emperor and let him step down, there must be no complaints.

It's comparable to the rights of a country ... It shows the value of this thing.

"What kind of property is King Shi?"

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, the teacher and his wife asked.

Chaos King Stone is divided into many attributes. Different attributes have different effects.

"I didn't have a chance to get close to Wang Shi at that time, and I didn't see the attributes. However, it can make my three souls wither, and now I have determined the specific attributes!"

The old lady thought for a moment, surely.

"It can affect the soul ... is it the King of Chaos?"

The prime minister's eyes widened.

Among the several attributes of Chaos King Stone, the soul Chaos King stone is the most precious and rarest. It is this kind of king stone, the value is simply too great to be estimated!

Is there such a thing?

"Yes, it must be the King of Soul Chaos!" The old lady nodded. "If it wasn't for this king of stone, it wouldn't be possible for me to stun the strong man in the middle of heaven and get unconscious ... By the way, the doctor you invited is very good. I guess that's right, he may have realized the Avenue of Healing and the Avenue of Souls, and he still fully understands! "

"Soul Avenue? Can someone really understand it?" Prime Minister Shi was not convinced.

The soul avenue is one of the most difficult avenues in the Three Thousand Avenues. The chaos in Daxuan is vast and the strong are countless. None of them can practice to the extreme. Many people even believe that it is impossible to understand. Avenue ... that Nie Yun realized? Reached the pinnacle?

After curing the old lady's illness, they already knew Nie Yun's name.

"Well, if you do n’t understand the avenue of soul, it is impossible to pull my disappeared soul out of the river of souls, and although he is only in the early days of the heavens, the real combat power will not be weaker or even stronger than me! He also realized a avenue of attack! "

The old lady judged.

Although she only met with Nie Yun when she was sober, with her strength, she still saw the terrible fighting power of the teenager.

In order to reach their level, Xiu, even if it is hidden, can feel the danger when he gets closer.

On Three Thousand Avenues, there are those who advocate attacking, defensive, medical, and soul ...

The avenue of comprehension is strong, and the combat effectiveness is strong, otherwise it is weak. It is like Nantian Medical Saint, like Nie Yun, in the early days of the heavens, because the comprehension is the medical avenue, and the real battle is not even comparable to Nie Tong.

Talents such as Nie Yun martial arts division, kendo division, and beacon division all advocated attacking, and all of them reached the fifth form, and the combat effectiveness was naturally powerful.

"This person must be drawn in. If you can go with me to find the King of Soul Chaos, the success rate will increase a lot!"

After a while, the old lady expressed her thoughts.

A superpower who fully understands the avenue of healing, the avenue of soul, and the avenue of attack. Even if his strength is on the ground, his future achievements will be unlimited. Since such a person has encountered it, how can he let it go!

"I don't care what he looks like. I just want to go to Princess Maya's birthday party. I'm afraid I won't agree!"

Shi Yuanyuan snorted on one side.

Nie Yun did not agree to the request of the Prime Minister, only to attend the princess banquet, which made her somewhat angry.

"Birthday party?" The old lady had just been awake, she was unaware of these things, her face confused.

"It is a banquet hosted by the royal family. It is said that the people of the Golden Leaf Trade Group are also invited to listen to Her Majesty's appearance. If there is something to announce, I think I may want to recruit Princess Maya, so I did not go to inquire!"

Shi Xiangxiang explained casually.

"Invited someone from the Golden Leaf Trade Association?" The old lady frowned and shook her head. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Who was invited at this banquet?"

Seeing his mother's dignified look, the Prime Minister was afraid to conceal: "The aristocrats who had invited more than two products were almost all young talents, and Yuan Yuan was also banqueted, but she did not want to participate and rejected it directly.

"Young talent?" The old lady thought for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ turned to look at her granddaughter: "Yuanyuan, you will go tomorrow and attend carefully, and inform me as soon as there is any news!"

"Okay, grandma!"

Shi Yuanyuan was bitter.

It was embarrassing for her to refuse the other party before and to pass now.

However, grandma pays so much attention, and may involve the soul chaos king stone. Even if she is reluctant, she does not dare to delay.

"Now that you are participating, join Nie Yun tomorrow. Just as you can have a good relationship, don't let the right-handed people draw in!"

Seeing his daughter was going, too, the Prime Minister said with a smile.

"Okay, I know!"

Although he was dissatisfied with Nie Yun's eyeslessness, Shi Yuanyuan nodded in agreement after hearing his father's solemn explanation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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