Endless Dantian

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Wind Wolf King

"Can't escape? Then what should we do?" Hearing the explanation, not only Tielan was anxious, but even the old rivers and lakes and iron dragons clenched their fists.

"I haven't encountered this situation ..." Nie Yun frowned.

I am strong and not afraid of wind wolves, but these mercenaries are not opponents! Listening to this series of roars, I am afraid that there are no fewer than hundreds of wind wolves. Once all rushed over, let alone protect everyone, I am afraid that I can't even protect Tielan!

"Yang Yun, I hope you can help ..."

I heard the rustling sound of wolves walking in the woods getting louder and louder, it seemed that it was less than a hundred meters away from the crowd, and finally the iron dragon couldn't help it.

Although I don't know the strength of the boy in front of me, I don't know why. He has a special trust in him, as if he thinks that he can help everyone through difficult times.

This feeling is very strange, Tielong doesn't know what's going on.

"Get everyone together, back to wall to form a circle!"

Looking at the appearance of the girl, her memory vaguely returned to her previous life. Nie Yun knew that it was imperative and quickly ordered.

"Okay!" Iron Dragon responded, and hurried back to the valley to arrange.

"Who the **** are you? Why are you following us ... even if you save us, I still ... will not like you!"

Seeing the teenager's complexion, he randomly arranged Uncle Tielong, Tielan's teeth bit his red lips, and hesitated.

"Don't like me?" Nie Yun didn't expect such a critical moment. This girl would still think about this. I really don't know what she was thinking. She shook her head helplessly. "You go into the valley first, hide in the crowd, don't be dangerous come out!"

"Hmm!" Seeing that the teenager's eyes were clear and didn't feel wrong because of his refusal, Tielan ran to the valley as soon as he turned.

Her strength is the lowest. Each of these wind wolves has the peak strength of the realm. She will only affect everyone when she goes out. It is better to hide.


刚 As soon as she ran back to the valley, she heard that the roar of a wolf had come to her, and a huge wind wolf with a head length of about three meters was rushing to the valley in the roar.

"Yang Yun ..."

Seeing the wolves coming, Tielan couldn't help turning his head to look at the youngsters in Taniguchi, and saw a silver light straddling the night, a tall and thin figure standing in Taniguchi, no matter how the wolves charged, no matter how fierce they were, Can't cross the figure!

"So strong ..."

I saw the teenager standing at Taniguchi with a spear, and a wolf would die under one shot, and everyone in the Tieyan mercenary regiment also changed his face, two battles, full of cold sweat.

Rao Rao is a long-life tough guy, and all of them are scared by the scene in front of them!

The howling wolves are in groups, and each one is fierce and abnormal. Even if the top of the sect is strong, he will turn and run away, but this young man shot one by one, blocking all the wolves from entering the valley. What is this strength?

"This Yang Yun ... will not be the Supreme Strong!"

Liao Feng swallowed and murmured.

"Extreme strong? The divine empire has a total of several supreme, how have I never heard of ..."

"Even if it is not Supreme, there is not much difference. One shot and one wind wolf that has become the peak of the realm of battle is comparable to the strong armor of the armor. If he kills us, I'm afraid it won't take us a minute, we will all become corpses!"

I saw that Taniguchi's figure was slender by the faint moonlight, and everyone was shocked and speechless.

No wonder Jiang You will turn around and run, the original reason lies here!

I ca n’t believe that he and others really thought he was just a kid who keeps up ...

"It's not a way to kill like this!"

I didn't know that everyone behind him was shocked to death. Nie Yun stood at Gukou and looked at the wolves that rushed, frowning.

With the power of the royal family's weapons and spears, she can stop the wolves for a period of time, but it is impossible to stop them completely unless they reach the supreme strength!


When Nie Yun's brows frowned, a majestic roar sounded from behind the wolves, the screaming ended, the mad wolves stopped, and they all separated a passage, one that was much taller than the ordinary wind wolf. The monster came over from behind the wolves.

This wind wolf is more than six meters long, covered with white snow, with a pair of white hair crowns standing on his head, and he behaves with a transcendent foreign object in the way he walks. Whenever other wind wolves see it, they all lower Skull.

"Wind Wolf King?"

When he saw this monster, Nie Yun's pupils shrank!

Howling Wolf King also knows that he has the peak strength of his ancestors and is not weaker than Xiao Hu. This kind of guy is still not an opponent even if his strength has greatly improved now!


A snow-white wind wolf king saw a similar corpse on the ground, looked at Nie Yun with a strong sense of killing, and roared in the sky, as if he was sworn to tear it into pieces!

"Wind Wolf King? How could there be a Wind Wolf King ..."

Xi Tielaner and others saw the scene in front of them, and all turned pale instantly.

Although howling wind wolves are grouped, but the wind wolf king is rare, generally there will not be one among thousands of wind wolves. I did not expect that there are even such wolves, and it is the wind wolf king reaching the adult level!

"I'm afraid Yang Yun is in danger ..."

Tielong's fist squeezed tightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tielong is an early strong sect. Although the fighting power is not as good as Nie Yun, his vision is still there. Just now the boy was fighting the pack wolves. Mid-A period!

Even if all outbreaks are at most similar to those of the late Emperor Qizong, it is impossible to deal with the monsters at the peak of Qizong!

看来 "It seems that the time to check the results of this cultivation is up!"

Seeing that the Wind Wolf King was killing Ling Ran, it seemed that he had to kill himself. Nie Yun took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes.

苦 Hard work in the mountains during this time is to consolidate and improve the strength, so as to cope with the next nirvana, the monsters encountered before are not too strong, can not rise up and down, this wind wolf king is just right!

"come on!"

I had a plan in mind, Nie Yun's breath was steady, and the long gun in his hand trembled, dozens of gun shadows appeared in the air, and a cold star rushed towards the wind wolf king!

Facing the monster beast wind wolf king at the peak of air sect, he chose to take the lead!

枪 This gun movie is the martial arts of the Hou tribe that he trained during this time, [72 Cold Star Style]!


The Howling Wolf King apparently did not expect that this lowly human would dare to do it himself first, roar, and fluttered to fit.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The cold star-like gunman and the claws of the wind wolf king clash together. Two strong winds cut all the surrounding trees and weeds together, as if they were cut by a knife.

"it is good!"

Feeling a full blow, I was completely blocked by the other party. Nie Yun screamed with excitement, and the gunpoint surged again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read the latest, fastest and hottest serialization All works in ~ www.readwn.com ~

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