Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1329: landscape painting

"This is a set of martial arts. You must reach the level of Dacheng to enter the next level ... you only have one hour!"

A voice sounded loudly.

"Can Dacheng level enter the next level?"

The two took a breath of air.

The Dacheng level is the fifth realm of martial arts. They only realized the third realm at the beginning, and now they can enter Shimonoseki when they realize the fifth realm. It seems that it is not so easy to pass.

Although the time limit has been relaxed somewhat, there are too few hours.

"Come on!"

Shi Yuanyuan and Princess Maya glanced at each other, and quickly deduce the set of martial arts in front of their minds.

In fact, after seeing this set of martial arts in the palace last time, they researched for a while. After so many days on the road, they have made great progress. At this time, they saw the original version and deduced it again.

"I'll come first!"

With a slight smile, Shi Yuanyuan stepped forward, a mysterious palm was formed on the palm, and she pushed sharply.


"Reach Dacheng level and enter the next level! Reward an offensive Zhongpin Chaos soldier!" Shi Yuanyuan disappeared instantly.

Seeing her passing, Princess Maya did not flinch, and hurried forward, hitting with one palm.

call! Also passed the assessment and entered the next level.

"This level is also a set of martial arts. You must pass the peak level to pass. Time ... two hours!"

The ground was roaring, and a pattern appeared again in front of them, mysterious and abnormal, difficult to understand.

"I realized at two hours ... the peak level? Who can do this?"

Seeing the situation in front of her, the two women were a little crazy.

The highest level of martial arts is the sixth level. They just passed the level just because they had some understanding in advance and studied for a few days before they were able to succeed. They learned a set of martial arts that they had never seen before, and reached the peak. Level, it's hard to be strong.

"It can't be done by anyone else. The two brothers can certainly ... Have you not seen this level already?"

Suddenly, Shi Yuanyuan sighed.

"Yeah! Where did the brothers come from ... how could it be so evil ..."

After looking around, I found no one half figure. Obviously, the brothers Nie Yun have passed this level and entered a deeper level.


As they expected, Nie Yun and Nie Tong were indeed deeper at this time.

"This set of martial arts requires you to reach the entry level before you can enter the next level ... you have 32 hours!"

The sound of the waves came from the formation.

"It seems that these checkpoint times have doubled. The requirements are getting higher and higher!" Nie Yun and Nie Tong looked at each other.

They have passed six levels in succession. Although the time of each level has doubled, the difficulty has more than doubled. Not only has martial arts become more difficult to understand, the level of requirements has also become higher and higher.

In particular, at this level, it is actually required to reach the immigration status. Even Nie Tong felt a bit powerless.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's difficult to complete this level. I'll forget about entering Zihuadong Mansion!"

After watching for a while, Nie Tong shook his head.

"Entering Dongfu means losing your qualification to continue the challenge. You don't continue to try ..." Nie Yun frowned.

Entering Dongfu will be disqualified directly by Tian Xuan Dian. To do so is to give up.

"I know my strength and potential, and ..." He hesitated and smiled. "Through the comprehension of this way, I seem to have touched the barrier of the heaven of heaven. It should break through soon. He cares! "

"A breakthrough? Okay, don't go to Zihua Dongfu, go to my storage Dantian. There is enough aura in it, enough for your breakthrough!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened when his brother wanted to break through.

My brother has been trapped in the heaven for 30,000 years. Accumulation is enough. The difference is the opportunity. Now it seems that the opportunity has come.

After the object was turned into a world. There is a lack of reiki and it is a bit empty inside, which makes it difficult to live for a long time. Now it is different. After 30,000 years of continuous nourishment of the vitality Dantian, it has evolved into a brand-new world with abundant aura. Even if it takes a vast aura to break through the heavens, no one has any problems.

"Okay, brother, I'll go first!"


Nie Tong knew that the opportunity to break through could be impossible to find. Next time, I would find it sometime, but I would say that the body flew into Nie Yun's Nantan Dantian.

"Nie Tong hit the heavens, and I seem to need hard work!"

With a laugh, Nie Yun looked up at the pattern in front of her.

This is a thick ink landscape painting with magnificent momentum and dangerous terrain. If you don't say in advance that this is a set of martial arts, you will not detect it.

"Tianyan, Tianer, martial arts talent ..."

As soon as the spirit moved, Nie Yun activated the talents of Tianyan, Tianer, and martial arts, but no matter how you look at it, the picture in front of you is still pure ink and ink, and you can't see any abnormality.

"its not right……"

Nie Yun frowned.

The ability to learn martial arts so quickly before was because his martial arts talent and Tianer division talent were so strong that what was difficult for others to understand would become a special context in the ears, clearly visible.

But before the invincible tricks here suddenly became impossible!

It's like the picture in front of me has become a wordless heavenly book, which makes people dizzy and can't see anything.

"Don't I understand it? Is this the end?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were raised.

He did not believe that this difficulty could suffocate him, exhaling a sigh of breath, just wanting to concentrate again, study the picture in front of him, and heard a roar slamming loudly, and then a wave of gas rushed straight, and The space behind them exploded instantly.


Turning hurriedly, he saw a tall old man stepping forward.

"Boy, it's no wonder that the Golden Leaf Merchants Group would rather waste a master's seal and seize you. I didn't take it for granted. Now it seems that in just such a short period of time, it has not been easy to break through so many levels. ! "

The old man saw Nie Yun coldly: "But that's the end of it! Now is your death!"


The aura in the formation method was cleaned by him at once, as if it had become a vacuum instantly, and a large golden fingerprint appeared out of thin air, with endless crushing force.

"So strong!"

Seeing the infinite power brought by the palm print, Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

Although his current strength surpasses the mid-strength of the battlefield, the strong man is like searching for things, but in the face of this move, he seems to have returned to the previous battle against King Shura again, without any resistance.

It has surpassed the imagination and the scope that he can accept. Not to mention hard resistance, as long as he encounters it, he will die directly, and his soul will fall away!

"I will definitely take refuge in the formation. I will never allow him to do anything arrogant! But ... he can rush here. The seal here will certainly not stop for a long time. We must learn martial arts as soon as possible and enter the next level. , The sooner you get closer to the core of Tian Xuan Dian, the more you can resolve the danger! "

Although the tension did not lose a square inch, Nie Yun spit out in a breath, her body came to the picture vertically, and her eyes stared at the pattern above.


Sure enough, as he expected, before the golden palm print came to him, the matrix in the room emitted a bright light to block it out.

"Good boy, courageous! But this seal can block my ten palms at most, and I see how long you can hide!"

Fuyuan laughed and shot again.

In other people, he must have been frightened when he saw the attack he had just made, and he must dodge without resisting. Since then, he is likely to leave the defense range of the formation. In front of this boy, he knew that the attack could not be stopped and rushed forward. Going forward, both mental and guts are terrible!

If it wasn't for hostile relations ~ www.readwn.com ~, he felt that he wanted to be a man in front of him and inherit the mantle.

"Ten palms? Seeing his speed, ten palms are probably up to ten breaths ..."

Nie Yun's eyes were anxious.

With martial arts talent, as long as he understands the tricks and understands the context, he can cultivate the tricks to the level of literacy in an instant, but ... the picture in front of him does not even understand, he has no clue, What can I do?

"What does this picture mean?"

Feeling anxious, look at the picture again.

The picture in front of me is the same as before. Although the landscape is magnificent, there are no traces of power fluctuations. It is not like the large letters on the outside. It brings the strong person's understanding of the avenue, but instead flows from the mountain peak like a spring. Flowing down, refreshing, no matter how you look at it, it is very ordinary and there is nothing special.

ps: On the last day, ask for a few monthly tickets and recommended tickets. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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