Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1331: Sneaky Dragon

"Come on, here is a passage ..."

Just when Nie Yun couldn't resist, Fan Zhen from a distance not far away came to hear a sound, turned around, and saw the side of the square, I do n’t know when a portal appeared, the winding path was quiet, I do n’t know where to extend. Office.

"it is good!"

Although I do n’t know what this channel is for, I can only be killed if I stay here now. Instead of wasting time, I would like to make a point of it. Nie Yun did n’t hesitate, with her body vertical and her wings of Phoenix on her back. Grabbed out, pulled Fan Zhen into the side door.

After incorporating the blood of the dragon and the blood of the Phantom Phoenix into his arms, the wings of Nie Yun's Phoenix are much stronger than before. The wings are like chaos, cutting the air, making a whining sound, and no need to breathe a thousandth. Just rushed into the side door, the old man on one side didn't even have time to make a shot.


The old man roared, and the power of the sky attacked the side door, but although his strength was strong, the formation outside the side door was more powerful, a white light flashed, and all the attacks were immediately resolved.


Seeing that he couldn't rush in, Nie Yun was relieved, no longer paying attention to the roaring old man, and turned to look at Fan Zhen and nodded.

He still has a good opinion of Fan Zhen. Although he had previously shot at Shi Yuanyuan because of Shi Yuanyuan's affairs, this person is not bad in nature and is not as marketable as Yelu Moxu.

"What is this place?"

Hukou was out of danger, Fan Zhen was relieved and turned to look at the world in the passage.

A narrow passage ahead, misty, with strange colors, let people see at a glance. The soul felt trembling.

"The people of the Golden Leaf Business Group will definitely catch up soon, let's go quickly!"

As soon as Nie Yun's eyes were fixed, the shaking spirit stabilized. No more waves, strode forward, and flew forward.

Even if this passage is in danger, it is about to break through, there is no way out.


Not far forward, the scene in front of me suddenly changed, as if coming to a dead space. Countless ghosts rushed towards the face, pterosaur-like, long fangs. Eyes are red.

"This is the ghostly Xuanlong, a famous creature in the chaos. It is cruel to kill. It's over. It's over ..."

Fan Zhen's face changed. The legs softened immediately.

"No matter how great, we have to fight, anyway, we have no way out, let's go!"

Unexpectedly, the son of the grand general of the National Assembly, when he saw this thing afraid of it, he shook his head with a smile, reached out and grabbed it.

"I'm afraid ..."

Fan Zhen was like mud, holding Nie Yun's arm in his own right.


See his moves. Nie Yun frowned.

The opponent hugged his right arm like this and couldn't reach half of his strength. Is it intentional?

Looking down, I found that panic was not fake, and I could not help shaking my head.

It's not that he is weak and timid, but that the ghostly Xuanlong in his mouth has had too strong an impact on his soul. People have not yet started fighting, and their spirit has been defeated.

Fan Zhen did not have such a strong willpower, nor had he experienced so much. This confrontational defense is definitely not as good as himself, and it is excusable.

"Hold my arms, don't let go, I'll take you there!"

Understanding this verse, Nie Yun didn't say much, aside from all thoughts, his eyes were like a torch, burning the light of battle.

For 30,000 years, he has been silent, which does not mean that the blood in his body has melted. On the contrary, with the accumulation of time, the flames in his body have accumulated and become thicker. Once erupted, the power will definitely surpass the previous.

When the wrist was flipped, the Dawn Blade was taken out by the left hand. The talents of the Tianshi Master were running. The left hand was flexible and the right hand was no different. past.

Martial arts, lore!

This pass will learn a lot of martial arts, but for Nie Yun, the real power is still his own tricks.

This set of lore is the sword skill created by him combined with the assassin's talent. When it is displayed, the immortal power in the body will converge into one assassin, with the meaning of loreless loyalty, unstoppable.

Although this trick is not as good as Lian Yuejian, it is one of the better martial arts skills.


The vitality was shocked, and each assassin went to death generously, and a series of tragic songs sounded.

Flutter! Flutter!

Xuanlong, the ghostly ghost in the air, did not fear death, collided with the assassins, and strove to kill.

"Come on!"

Seeing the lore tricks blocking the ghostly ghost Xuanlong, Nie Yun relieved, raised his eyebrows, and seized Fan Zhen to move quickly.

Look at the appearance of Xuanlong Xuanlong, endless, I do n’t know how many, continue to kill, even if it will not be killed, the people behind the Golden Leaf Business Group may rush in. By then, it will be difficult to escape again.

"I can't move ..."

Fan Zhen hugged Nie Yun tightly, his body kept shaking, and he did not know whether it was scared or what was going on.

Hugged by him like this, Nie Yun's forward speed seemed to be blocked, he could no longer move forward, and his body fell to the ground.


At the same time, a scream in the space in front of me, a golden ghost Xuanlong burst out.

This guy is a full circle larger than the ghost sneaker Xuanlong I saw before. Before he even started, there was a crack in the space around him, and a layer of black ear mist appeared.

"It's the ghost king Xuanlong, I'm controlled by him, Nie Yun, leave me alone, you go quickly ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun was thinking of how to deal with it, and heard Fan Zhen's voice.

"This fan town is weird!"

Despite hearing what he said, Nie Yun was suspicious.

There is not much contact with Fan Zhen, but this guy should not be so embarrassed, easily controlled, dragged himself, there is definitely a problem.

However, now is not the time to study carefully, exhaling a breath, secretly arranging the defensive air in the body, the dawning sword trembles, and draws a picturesque sword in the air.

Pity Moon Sword!

In these 30,000 years, Nie Yun missed Lingtai Lingyue all the time, and Lian Yuejian blended into this feeling. He was even more powerful than he was when he fought with King Shura.

Once the sword was out, the sky was full of sorrow, as if the whole sky was crying.


The Golden Ghost Xuanlong seems to see the power of this trick, a roar, and a thick tail greeted him. However, how strong his tail is, how can it block the sharpness of the Dawn Sword, just once, blood is flying, and the Golden Ghost Xuanlong He was split in half.

"Nie Yun, be careful, this fan town is fake!"

In a move to kill the ghostly Xuanlong King, Nie Yun was trying to move forward. He heard a voice coming from his ear and turned his head. I saw Shi Yuanyuan rushing in without knowing when, with anxiety and panic.


Before Nie Yun thought about it, Fan Zhen suddenly snarled, and his right hand protruded forward, grabbing directly to his chest.


Although his attack was swift and unprepared, Nie Yun was ready for defense in advance, and he didn't hurt the slightest.

Just trying to control it, Shi Yuanyuan flew in front of her, a hand of jade flew, a flash of light flashed, Fan Zhen's head exploded instantly, and blood raged.

"How did you kill him?"

Unexpectedly, Shi Yuanyuan moved so fast, Nie Yun's face sank.

"He's not Fan Zhen, but somehow changes. This place is so weird. If you don't kill him, you must run into trouble!"

Shi Yuanyuan exhaled.

"How do you know he's not real?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Because Fan Zhen is really dead, he was killed by the people of the Golden Leaf Business Group!"

Shi Yuanyuan's face was sad.

"what happened?"

"Now it's not the time to say this, let's hurry up and go! The people of the Golden Leaf Business Group are coming soon!"

Shi Yuanyuan had no time to elaborate ~ www.readwn.com ~ He glanced backwards, then changed his color in horror, and hurried forward.

Nie Yun also glanced backwards. Sure enough, the people of the Golden Leaf Business Group also chased after him. The two old men were left and right, and they were surrounded by them.


Seeing them, Nie Yun knew that time was not waiting, and rushed forward madly.

With all his strength, he quickly killed a passage in the ghostly dragon, and after dozens of breaths, he traveled for several kilometers.

"Huh? What is this?"

Soon the slender aisle came to an end and entered a spacious hall.

"It's all ... treasure?"

Entering the main hall, Nie Yun was stunned in his place, like a treasure house in front of him, and countless treasures suddenly appeared in front of him.

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