Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 137: Kenzuka

"Huh! Finally escaped ..."

He walked into the cave, and Nie Yun saw the monsters withdraw, but he was relieved, although he didn't know the reason.

"It hurts ..."

He relaxed his mind, only to discover that his back had been torn by the muscles that the monster and the beast had just hit, bones were broken, and a severe pain kept stimulating his head, making him drowsy.

"Can't sleep! Once you fall asleep, you really die!"

Yunie Nieyun knows that it is not the time to fall asleep, and he controls his healing energy in Dantian and fights himself.

The treatment of Qi is indeed the unique secret of the therapist. Within a moment, the injury behind him was as good as before. He took out a clean piece of clothing from Nawu Dantian and put it on, and Nie Yun stood up.

I just broke in directly and didn't look at the cave carefully. Now I look around and frown.

"Is this a Dongfu for personal training?"

既然 Since this is the Valley of the Monsters, even if a cave appears, it should be the place where the monsters live. How does it look like a cave for human monks?

There are a large number of stone benches, stone benches and stone beds. Even in the middle of the cave, there is a huge thing. After watching Nie Yun for a long time, I can't tell the difference. It looks like a furnace and alchemy for alchemy.

干 What is it to get this thing out of a cave?

嗯 "Hmm? Is there a couplet here?"

After looking around for a week, Nie Yun suddenly saw two couplets across the cave where he walked in. It seemed to be carved on the stone wall with sharp tools, silver hooks and iron paintings, vigorous and powerful.

"Foot drop on the ground, the sword is in the sky! What a sword is in the sky!"

Couplets are only eight words, the upper couplet is "foot fall on the earth" and the lower couplet is "sword in the sky". Although there are not many words, it shows the master who writes the word, down-to-earth, and grandeur.

Especially the eight-character dragon and phoenix dance, with an air of 桀骜, seems to break through the wall at any time, killing people!

"The words that are written by hand are so sharp, this person's practice is probably not as simple as the Supreme Peak!"

I watched the eight words faintly have the arrogance to kill sentient beings, Nie Yun's fist clenched, and his pride was ignited.

"Even the emotions of my centuries-old antiques can be driven. People who live here are definitely not simple people!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun no longer looked like before, and cautiously folded his hands in the depths of the cave.

The sound of gurgling lingered in the silent cave, and no one answered.

"Don't I think wrong, no one inside?"

After waiting for a while, Nie Yun hesitated and walked forward slowly.

山 The cave behind the couplet is getting more and more spacious. At first, it only allowed two or three people to walk side by side. At the end, a dozen people and a dozen horse-drawn carriages walked side by side.

"These walls are as smooth as mirrors, as if they were cut out. Even if the owner of the cave is strong, I am afraid that he must have a magic weapon, otherwise it would not be possible to open the cave so neatly!"

This cave is composed of hard granite. Even if the owner of the cave has reached the highest level, it is impossible to cut the cave wall so smooth with bare hands! Definitely use a sharp weapon that cuts iron!

"Hmm? There is a stele in front ..."

After walking for a while, a huge stone monument suddenly appeared in the wide area in front of him. Nie Yun came to the monument in two steps and looked at it. He almost jumped up when he was excited.

In the middle of the stone stele, the three words "burial sword grave!"

"This is the funeral burial mound? Is the map they got from Wei Chen true?"

Nie Yun squeezed her fist tightly and looked down. Four small characters were written across the stone monument.

"Fun Sword King Li!"

When I saw these four words, Nie Yun determined that here is indeed the remains left by the Burial Sword King!

"I pursued Kendo all my life, and I knew the meaning of the sword before I died.

The palm of his hand flicked lightly over the three large characters in the burial sword mound, and the cave suddenly boomed, and an old voice sounded.

"Voice Seal? This man must be the King of Burial Swords!"

I heard Nie Yun not panic when she heard her voice and took a step back.

This grave seal exists in the tomb of Luo Luo Qu. Once triggered, the words left by the Lord's life will be spoken. Looking at this cave, there are no organs and traps. The funeral sword king should have no harm.

However, even if it is not, it is better to be careful, Nie Yun will not use his life to do experiments.

"I have been a master of refining my life, drunk swordsmanship, forging thirty-two high-end royal swords and one hundred and forty-seven high-grade swords. Each sword contains its own unique atmosphere, soul!"

Gramophone continued.

"Each sword has its own unique breath soul?" Nie Yun was shocked.

传说 According to legend, good swords, like humans, have souls. It is not that the sharper the quality, the better, but the better match with the master's breath, the stronger the effect!

I had my own sabre in my previous life because I had worn it all year round, and it contained my own unique flavor. Even though the sword I got later was even stronger than that, I didn't use it well.

Each sword has its own soul. No matter whether the person is bragging or not, if he can tell this theory, he is definitely a master of making swords with swords!

"Seniors, if you can come here, it ’s considered to be related to me. Now I will give you a benefit. There are three swords buried in this funeral burial mound. There are introductions on the inscription. These three swords are for you to choose. Leave directly, do n’t stay! Do n’t take the other two!

Banglong's voice continued ~ www.readwn.com ~ Benefit? Three swords? "

When I heard the words spoken by the gravephone, Nie Yun's follower gas quietly detected, and sure enough, he saw three grave-like things behind the stone monument.

Qi Zhen filled his body, and Nie Yun carefully approached the first grave.

前面 In front of this grave is a tombstone that is one person tall, shaped like a long sword with a stinging sky, with a strong sword, and with a strong intention to kill, it seems that the sky can be broken at any time to kill the world.

Killing Sword!

"Sword of killing, my favorite weapon, killing the decisive, seeing the blood to seal the throat, with a strong murderous spirit, one sword cuts out the world and I do not, it is really a killing weapon!"

A small line on the stone stele records the name and effect of the sword in the grave.

"Sword of killing? My nickname is Blood Prison Demon. Once I shot the chicken and dog, I don't want to stay ... It really complements the sword, but the sword that is often killed naturally comes with a strong murderous spirit, which makes people daunting. I don't like it!"

Looking at the description written on the inscription, Nie Yun shook her head.

In fact, Nie Yun is known as the Blood Demon Lord, but he is not a killer. Once he starts, he is definitely the one who should be killed. The people who should be killed are not left. , Blindly pursuing killings, but fell into favor.

ps: This chapter is the first one to add a lot of rewards. If there is no accident, this book should be on Friday. I beg you to leave me a monthly pass. Laoya will explode at that time and let everyone see it once. Enough! !! !!

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