Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 140: Mountains and rivers

"how can that be?"

The sound of the cricket rubble made Nie Yun suddenly awaken suddenly from the state of cultivation, and looked at the masterpiece that he arbitrarily made. He couldn't help but startled.

I am seven or eight steps away from the wall of the cave. With my current strength, even if I hit a royal top sword with all my strength, I am afraid it is impossible to pierce such a large hole in the granite!

And now ... it's done easily! what's the problem?

"It just felt like this Xuanyu sword became a part of my body, pressing down all my strong strength ..."

Recalling the feeling just now, Nie Yun once again picked up the sword and hacked forward again!


This time, the power is even better. Just now a hole more than seven or eight meters deep was played by one person. Now the newly opened hole is more than ten meters deep!

Qi Yijian randomly cut a cave more than ten meters deep in the granite rocks.

Looking at his masterpiece in front of him, Nie Yun stood quietly in his place, and a ray of light burst into his mind.

"Haha, that's it! That's it!" Nie Yun couldn't help laughing out loud, his eyes glowed with excitement.

The general sword is light and agile. If you instill too much energy, it will affect the performance of swordsmanship. Xuan Yu ’s sword is different, very hard, and it wo n’t break. Even if you instill all the energy in your body, Broken!

因为 Because of this feature, Nie Yun finally created his first sword technique suitable for Xuan Yu's sword.

"Isn't Xuan Yu's sword heavy? Since it's heavy, I'll make it heavier, and put all the weight of Qi on the sword. This sword originally had more than 10,000 kilograms, and then pressed all my strength, 100,000 It ’s more than enough, and the peak of the sect is definitely unbearable! "

When thinking of the principle of this sword, Nie Yun was full of confidence.

There are so-called "Jinjin fall" and "Fixed root method" in martial arts. The principle is to increase your own weight by luck, so that your feet fall to the ground.

Xie Nieyun used this principle in his first sword move. Isn't Xuanyu's sword heavy? I will make it heavier, and bless the sword's method of casting on the sword. Originally, there were more than 10,000 kilograms when a sword was split. Now with the power of the kilogram, 100,000 kilograms, hundreds of thousands of kilograms are available. Who can stop it?

If you encounter King Ning, King Wang, etc. now, I'm afraid that if one sword goes down, they will become meatloaf at the same time!

Even if you meet the Wind Wolf King before you break it, I am afraid that it will surrender directly if you go down, and dare not talk nonsense!

"Leave a name for this trick!"

Sword has a name. This trick was created by oneself. Naturally, it can't be insulted. Every move in my heart is like "all the tricks are performed. It's like a mountain top, it's called [the power of mountains and rivers]!"

The power of mountains and rivers, who can stop the power of mountains and rivers? Even if you are a Supreme, a big mountain is thrown on your head, it will be crushed into a meat pie!

Nie Yun was excited when Nian Yun created a trick and set a name for the trick.

嗯 "Huh? I didn't expect to have created a sword trick in the past three days and nights ..."

I looked out and felt the time, and Nie Yun was startled.

他 In his feeling, from the realization to the creation of this trick [the power of mountains and rivers] is only a few breaths of effort, I did not expect that time passed three days and three nights!

For three days and three nights without dripping water, Nie Yun didn't feel any discomfort in the body. On the contrary, he felt trembling and seemed to have endless power in his body.

"Go out now to compare with those monsters and get some food back by the way!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

There is a formation method to prevent the monsters from entering the Laoshan Cave, so there is no need to hide in it yourself. You can go out and test the swordsmanship. The big monster comes over, and you retreat yourself!

虽然 Although the power of this trick is endless, Nie Yun is even confident that he can defeat the monster of the peak of the sect in one stroke, but also knows that it is impossible to defeat the monster of the supreme level!

Extreme, is beyond the scope of Qihai Zhenqi. If it can be defeated by the soldiers, it is not worthy to be called Qihai Peak!

With a decision, Nie Yun took Xuanyu's sword in her palm with a shake of her palm and strode out.

"Roar?" "Woo!"

The air monster level monster that was guarding outside and saw the young man stepping out, first hesitated, and then the roar of excitement immediately, there were three monsters of the late air monster roaring and rushing over.

化 A Hualong ape, a purple flame tiger, a spiked flying dragon!

Three big monsters in three positions, attack sharp, kill people as soon as you shoot!

Before changing, Nie Yun would definitely run away when he saw the three monsters attacking it. He did n’t even dare to look at it, but now he stands firmly, takes a deep breath, and smiles slightly on his face. Xuan Yu's sword rose sharply!

"The potential of mountains and rivers!"

He whispered, and Nie Yun smashed the violent tiger that came first.


Xi Ziyan Tiger apparently did not expect that the boy in front of him not only did not run away, but dared to raise his sword, roared angrily, and snapped his sharp claws against the sword.

Originally it thought that with its powerful grasp of the monster, this sword would definitely be shaken by the fly, and it felt a pain in the paw ...


The purple paw tiger's claws and brain pulp collapsed at the same time, and the head became a pile of rotten meat!

"Ahhhhh?" "Roar? Roar?"

I saw that the Ziyan Tiger, which was almost the same as his own strength, was smashed into a meat pie by a young boy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hualong ape and spiked flying dragon were almost scared to death.

Reach the Qizong monsters have wisdom that is not weaker than human beings, the young man will shoot the purple inflammation tiger with a sword, and he certainly cannot stop him!

Three days ago, it was n’t great here. Why was it so strong?

得到 Have you inherited that man?

Thinking of this, the two monsters hurriedly stopped the attack and backed away quickly.

Although I have never seen how powerful the owner of this cave is, the sword array outside Guangdu is not something that other beasts can resist!

Last time, a peak monster of Qi Sect thought that the defense was invincible. He didn't believe in the power of the sword array. Before he rushed to the hole, he was smashed into flesh for a moment. On that day, he waited for all the beasts to see it with his own eyes. The thought of breaking into the cave!

I did not expect that the juvenile entered the cave in only three days, and his strength was so much enhanced ...


"Boy, are you finally out? Give me death!"

As the two monsters retreated in shock, an arrogant shout sounded again in the air, and the extreme black bear flew out of nowhere.

"Oh, I won't play with you, goodbye!"

Nie Yun knew that he was not his opponent. Naturally, he would not find excitement by himself. He grabbed the palm of the Purple Flame Tiger into Dantian Dantian while grasping his palm forward, and at the same time jumped back and entered the cave again.

PS: For a new day to ask for a ticket, Nie Yun has entered the ranks of experts from now on. In order to celebrate his own swordsmanship, collect and recommend it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome book readers to read and read The fastest, hottest serial works are all at ~ www.readwn.com ~

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