Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1439: Sovereign level

This man looks at his appearance. At about thirty years old, his eyes are dark and dark, and the pond is as deep as the water, unlike Feng Fei's flying and lofty, with a calm and steady meaning.

"In Xia Guxiao, the entry time is relatively early, I call you Brother Nie Yun!"

I came to him, Gu Xiao laughed.

"Brother Gu Xiao!" Nie Yun saluted.

"Master often mentions you, saying that you are a wise and brave person, a generation of heroes! After entering the relics of God, our brothers still need to take care of each other ..." Gu Xiao was sincere and did not have the slightest contrivance. He chatted for a while, Nie Yun knows that he is a modest gentleman. The reason why he is not so famous as Feng Frame is because of his non-competitive personality. In fact, his strength is almost the same as that of Qiu Tian. about.

"Rely on my brother's care ..."

For such people, Nie Yun also remained humble and lowered his posture.

"Very good, since you two get along well, Gu Xiao, take Nie Yun and everyone to get to know each other!" Seeing the two getting along well, Gu Yong laughed.

"Yes!" Gu Xiao nodded, and walked to the cabin first.

"This ancient ship of Jingyue was refined by Master's great efforts, and one world was integrated into it. Let's go!" Gu Xiao introduced while he was walking, and Nie Yun followed, only to feel that his eyes flashed, and then he saw the whole Heaven and earth change into another world.

世界 This world is insignificant compared to the Extreme Moon of the Oblique Moon, but it is one circle larger than the six heavens and earth. It has an independent rule and it seems to be a world born of chaos. It was seized and refined in the cabin by Gu Yong.

Countless disciples are sitting quietly in this world, and there is no one clamoring. There are so many people. They are like mountains and rivers, densely packed, and can't see the end at a glance.

"Only this refining world. Can all the talents of a sectarian door be packed together in one breath ..."

Yun Nieyun sighed.

It is similar to this ancient ship at the level of Jingyue Ancient Ship. He also has one, but there is no small world inside, and it is not too crowded to hit a dozen people. Hundreds of people, some can't turn away, it is impossible to put in tens of thousands.

这种 And this ancient ship that refined the small world, let alone more than 10,000 points, even if hundreds of millions, billions of people come in, it is more than enough, it does not look crowded at all.

"Big guys like refining the small world?"

I glanced at it, and Nie Yun asked Gu Xiao in front of him.

融合 This Jingyue ancient ship blends into a small world. The cold world sword that Gu Yong just gave also contains a small world. Do these big men like to refine the small world as their own?

"The small worlds born of chaos have unique rules and space power, and refining is integrated into weapons. It can greatly increase the power of weapons. Many big people do like to swim in chaos, but the number of these small worlds is constantly increasing with constant destruction Fewer ... "

Gu Xiao Road.

"Refine the small world, where are the creatures in it?" Nie Yun frowned.

他 In his opinion, any life has the freedom and courage to live, so that it can refine the small world at will. What about the souls contained in it?

"Those are low-level lives, and die when they die, nothing ..." Gu Xiao shook his head: "Of course, some people are not weak and will be brought into the Oblique Moon supreme realm, self-defeating and self-defeating. However, because Can't adapt to the laws of space here, most of them are dead, and few people can survive! "

"So it is!" Nie Yun sighed.

Cultivation world is full of * naked killings, weak. He will be killed. This is an irreversible fact. There is no way, even him, cannot be changed.

Although Ziguixuhai is a well-known deity in the Xieyue Supreme Territory, I do n’t know how many people died for the faction. These practitioners are basically indifferent to life.

It's no wonder that Nie Yun's life is short. If he lived for hundreds of millions of years, life would be boring, and other people's lives would be nothing to him.

Xun just thought of this. Although he sighed, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Gu Yong and others refining the small world.

"Come, I'll introduce you to a few people. Although these people have not entered the previous Chaoshan Mountains, they are not weaker than Feng Frame. Each of them is on their own, but they don't like being strong and winning. This time, the suzerain let us go to God The ruins are the hope that we can go together and move forward together! "

Wu Guxiao didn't know the thought in his heart, and flew to several people with a smile.

These people were sitting on a mountain peak in the small world of the cabin. They were quiet and indifferent. There was no exquisite breath on their bodies, and the silence was like a painting.

"Brother Qiyuan, Brother Jing'an, Brother Liu Zhan, all come here. I will introduce you to a brother who is a hero ..." After seeing a few people, Gu Xiao laughed and fell on the peak.

英雄 "Hero? Heroes are not so good at it. Come, let me see who can deserve such praise from Brother Gu!"

Wu Guxiao's voice was not over yet, a faint voice sounded, a young man stood up, his eyes brightened, his eyebrows like swords.

"Brother Nie Yun, but the character acknowledged by Gui Huihai who understands the ancient chaotic language, Chaoshan Mountain is also a great splendor, the strength is not under me, and Qiyuan is offensive!"

Hearing this, Qi Yuan hummed.

"The strength is not under the brother? The brother has been inherited from Xuansheng. He has broken down the heavens. He is extinct from the past and the present. How can he compare with you? This is a bit exaggerated!"

的 The youth named Qiyuan is a little disbelieving: "Let ’s say this without a word of confidence. It is better for us to compare and let me see what strength you have!"

After talking about Qiyuan, he released a hot battle *.

"Compare ... I am not the opponent of Brother Qiyuan! I take the initiative to lose!" Nie Yun shook his head.

From the behavior of the other side, he can see that this seven yuan is not aimed at him, but is extremely belligerent, with a strength of about 2,750 avenues. If this strong person does not use the Celestial Heart, it is definitely not an opponent, but in Here he doesn't want to use this last hole card.

"Admit defeat? This ... why do you have to fight ..."

When I saw him, he confessed directly, seven yuan a day.

"Knowing that you are not your opponent, you have to do it yourself. This is a humiliation. I have no habit of humiliation!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Oh, yes, you guys know how to make choices. They don't pretend like Feng Frame's kid, I like it! I'll be seven yuan later. Whoever dares to bully you, tell me, I'll help you out!" Seeing his attitude, Qi Yuan knew that he couldn't make it, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank Brother Qiyuan!" Seeing this guy is straightforward and full of blood, Nie Yun also refused, and nodded in agreement.

"Qiyuan has this temper, don't mind, this is Brother Jing'an. He had an adventure in his childhood. His physical strength is unmatched. It is comparable to the ancient monster ... This is Brother Liu Zhan ..."

Seeing that the two were in a tense situation, they conceded that the smoke had disappeared, and Gu Xiao laughed and introduced Nie Yun one by one.

There are about a dozen people in this line. Nie Yun took a closer look and found that these people are actually strong ~ www.readwn.com ~ each has a strength of more than 2,700 avenues, compared to the three cases of Chaos Mountain. Everyone, it's not bad.

"Show weakness against the enemy, the ancient Yongzong lord, great!"

Seeing the strength of these people clearly, Nie Yun could not help but sigh.

If you send these people directly, even if you do n’t go, you will not be afraid to fight against Qiu Tian and others, but the ancient Yongzong lord did not do so, but let them pass, it seems to have a mind.

Chaoshan Mountain is vying for a place, but it's just a small fuss. It doesn't matter if the place is lost, but you can't figure out the details of the other three cases.

I show weakness to the enemy. There is room for manoeuvre in the future. It is indeed a character who has been in control of Guihui for many years. I am afraid I have already seen the ambitions of the other three sects, and I have made corresponding measures.

"Bye, Brother Gu Xiao, Brother Qiyuan said just now that you have inherited the Xuan Sheng, what level of strength is this Xuan Sheng?"

After all of Gu Guxiao's introduction, Nie Yun remembered Qiyuan's words and could not help asking.

"Xuan Sheng is a strong master, and his strength is only under his control!" Gu Xiao said, "I am also lucky to get the legacy ..."

"Sovereign level?"

"This is not the orthodox cultivation level of the dry blood continent, but our private title, refers to the strong person who understands more than 2,900 avenues!"

Seeing that Nie Yun was a little confused, Gu Xiao explained.

(Rely on it, I wrote it yesterday, I forgot to post it, ah ah ah ...) ◇ (To be continued)

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