Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 142: 2 Extreme

"If there is really a Genie Liquid, there must be someone guarding it here, be careful ..."

When I dug to the wall just now, it happened that it was not too thick. A sword cut through a hole did not make too much noise, otherwise, Nie Yun did not need to observe. The people in the hole had rushed out and caught him!


Xun first collected Xuan Yu's sword into the object dantian, and Nie Yun went forward to the Ling Yao Garden.

Wu Xuanyu's sword is too heavy. Be careful as a thief now. If you carry this thing back, I'm afraid it will be found within a few steps.

"Sure enough, it is the seal left by the Supreme, but it is very simple, my current strength can be cracked!"

The seal of the Lingling Medicine Garden was cast, but the seal is very simple. Even the current one can crack it at will without any difficulty.

According to the truth, the seals placed by the Supreme Strong are very complicated. It is difficult to change the seal structure without reaching the same level. Now this is so simple, which is somewhat unexpected by Nie Yun.

I thought in my heart, grabbing my big hand and sending out more than ten marks in succession, Nie Yun broke the seal with a blink of an eye.


As soon as the seal was broken, the earth's elixir was scattered like an arrow fired.

"Where to go, leave me all!"

Nie Yun guessed that there would be a slight smile in this situation, grabbed his hands, and the whole qi suddenly formed a huge energy hood. He immediately wrapped these medicinal materials inside and sent them back into Nantan Dantian.

The strength of raising gas and real gas is too weak, and various methods are needed to capture elixir.

You can form armor with the real strength of the soldiers' armor, it cannot penetrate the sword, and the medicinal materials do not have any combat power, how can it be broken!

I took away all the medicinal materials, and Nie Yun was as excited as taking Dabu Wan. He smiled and walked along the cave.

According to your own sense of Reiki, if you can really form a Primal Liquid, you must be ahead!

I walked for a while, and really saw the cave getting wider and wider, and a bright light lit up from the depths.

"Purple pupil, let's talk about it last time. This elementary spirit liquid is half a person. After a while, no one can compete for it!"

I heard a muffled sound before entering the light.

"I should say this to you. Don't think what you think I don't know, I advise you to save your dim sum, you really want to fight, you may not be my opponent!"

Another cold hum.

"Sure enough, there is a Primal Liquid ..."

I quietly came over, and Nie Yun heard the conversation between them.

I listened to their words. Not only was there the elemental spirit fluid here, it seemed to be taking shape soon, and the two people were on guard against each other and seemed to believe no one.

"It's just the right time, luck!"

The Yuan Yuan Elf Liquid was formed once every 100 years, only one drop at a time. Such a rare thing, I did not expect that it came into shape as soon as I came here. I have to say that my luck is really good!

"I just don't know what level these two people are, can I grab the lye from them ..."

Neither of the two conversations exudes breath, and Nie Yun does not know what level they are. If they are only the strongest ancestors, even if they are the peak of the sect, they are not afraid of themselves!

I'm afraid they are all supreme!

However, there are only a few Supremes in the entire Kamikaze Empire. It is not so coincident. When you encounter a Supreme Monster, you will encounter two Supreme Strong!

I thought to myself, Nie Yun glanced in quietly with the help of the light, and almost looked scared to death!

Under the burning torch inside the, you can see clearly where the human is, and there are actually two monsters talking!

The two monsters speak in human language, which shows that both are extreme levels!

Extreme monsters, I am afraid that the entire Kamikaze Empire will not exceed five heads, but I saw two in one day ... Is it luck or back?

As for why it is two heads instead of three heads, although only one glance, Nie Yun has recognized it, one of them is the black bear who shot himself before! The other is a dragon monster, purple pupil iron armor dragon!

The dragon monsters only have the thin blood of ancient dragons. They are no longer dragons. They are called dragons, but they are a customary name.

"Yuan Elf Liquid ... Extreme Demon Beast ... I am afraid that these two monsters can break through because of this Yuan Elf Liquid!"

I judged secretly in my heart.

In fact, Nie Yun's judgment is very accurate. The two monsters can reach the supreme level, indeed because of Yuanyuan Liquid!

Wuyuan Elf Liquid is formed naturally in heaven and earth. It is completely converged by Reiki. If you take it, you will have a great chance to promote the monster. Both monsters have chance to swallow the Reiki, and this is the complete transformation from the peak of Qi Sect!

As for why there are so many monsters in the realm of Qi Sect, the explanation is even simpler. The aura of the entire mountain can not be released by the suppression of the mountain, and all of it is rippling in the whole valley. The aura is so rich and high-level demon. All the beasts are considered as holy places for cultivation, and naturally all come over one by one!

Besides, these two super-level monsters also need to be under control, and they will also catch up, so there are more high-level monsters in the whole valley than outside!

"Grab something from the two top-level monsters ... If you fail, you will die! If you don't, you will feel sorry for yourself ..."

Thinking that the other party was two supreme monsters, Nie Yun looked bitter.

I saw that the Yuan-elves had lost their hands, and if they did n’t grab it, they were unwilling to grab it, neither was it, nor was it. For a moment, Nie Yun didn't know what to do.

"It's done, haha!"

When he was hesitating, suddenly a crazy laugh sounded inside the cave, listening to the sound was the black bear who chased Nie Yun before.

I heard laughter, Nie Yun quietly looked inside, and surely saw a droplet slowly formed on the tip of an inverted stalagmite in the middle of the cave.

液 This droplet is crystal clear ~ www.readwn.com ~ Under the torch, it emits a bright light, in which the strong and pure aura fluctuates like a tidal wave, so that the entire cave swells out a strong aroma.

This scent is not the scent of flowers and plants, but a scent that trembles the soul. It seems that even if the droplet is not swallowed, smelling the scent alone can quickly improve the strength!

"It's strong! If I swallow it, there will be no danger in entering Nirvana for the second time! I must grab it!"

Wu originally had some hesitation. When he saw the Yuanling Liquid, Nie Yun immediately made up his mind!

I really want to rely on my little accumulation to reach the second nirvana. I don't know what year or month. If you have such a good opportunity and don't fight for it, that is a fool!

Breathed slowly, Nie Yun secretly adjusted his strength. Once this time, no matter whether he succeeded or not, he would encounter the biggest crisis since rebirth!

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