Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1455: Sky tortoise


Xuan Chan King stopped.

Although the other party's words are not good, they are facts.

Although it is one of the four kings of the Ten Great Ancients, it still has natural enemies, otherwise it does not have to hide its body all day and hide it in a small place.

With the Xuan Chan King Wing, it is natural to not be afraid of the opposite when coming and going like the wind, but this is not the case now.

Without wings, the sharp decrease in speed is just one aspect, and it is equivalent to losing the most powerful means of attack and the strongest means of defense.

At this time, let alone the person who used the Dominator Rune, even an ordinary 2800 Avenue Powerhouse might easily kill him.

"King Xuan Chan, obey, you will never suffer!"

Just as it hesitated, a voice sounded, looked up, and saw a giant demon ancient bear standing in front of it.

This ancient bear bears the spirit of the king, and at a glance it is known that it is the king among the ancient bears.

"Xionggu, you ..." King Xuan Chan recognized it.

"Yes, I have become the master's darling!" Xiong Gu nodded.


Xuan Chan King paused.

The same is the ancient life of the Ten Great Ancient Lands. Xiong Gu has not seen it, but he has seen the other party. He knows that it is the king of the ancient demon **** bear family and controls hundreds of thousands of ancient bears.

The real power of such a guy is much more powerful than that of his lonely widow. He has surrendered and shocked Xuan Chan Wang a bit.

"There is nothing to hesitate. Your Xuan Chan King Wing is cut. If you do n’t want other methods, you can only wait for death, but surrender to the master can help you restore the wings and even enhance the fighting power and let you avenge yourself! Besides, the master is not ten The people of the ancient times, if you stay here for a while, you may leave. At that time, you are still free. This kind of opportunity is not grasped. It is just stupid! "

Xiong Gu Chuan Yin.

Of course, this transmission was also given by Nie Yun. Only by saying so can we completely dispel the caution of King Xuan Chan.

"Okay, I promise ..."

After a moment of hesitation, King Xuan Chan nodded, and a soul was cut out by him and came to Nie Yunshihai.

Blink of an eye. Nie Yun felt the soul of the other side. Like the ancient bear, King Xuan Chan became his demon pet.

"Well, that's good! Qi Shengqi, healed, Tian Xin Teng. Power supply!"

Seeing its surrender, Nie Yun knew that the goal was achieved. In the light laughter, a surging woody spirit immediately entered the opponent's body, and the original seriously injured body of King Xuan Chan recovered instantly.

At the same time, countless vines emerged from the whole body, instilling powerful forces into King Xuan Chan.

The Celestial Heart Devours Countless Devil Ancient Bears. Coupled with Ming Zhi and others, there is a lot of strength in the body. At this time, instill in the other person's body. With the breath of wood, after a few breaths, the wings of King Xuan Chan re-grow.


With a flash of cold light, King Xuan Chan cut off the wings and handed them to Nie Yun.

The master acknowledged it. The pair of wings that have just emerged are nothing, and they can grow again as long as they have the wooden road and sufficient energy.


After taking over the wings, Nie Yun refined the chemical at will, and continued to breathe in a woody spirit to restore the injury of King Xuan Chan. Let it grow a pair of wings again. After everything is ready, this will focus on the pair of transparent Xuan Chan King wings.

It is indeed something that the devil ancient bear can praise, this pair of wings. Light and transparent, but with defensive effects that even the defensive atmosphere can't match, even his current attack cannot be broken.


With a slight movement, the two wings immediately merged with the wings of the Phoenix on their body. In a blink of an eye, the wings of the Phoenix seemed to double, with a strange light.


With a light movement, Nie Yun disappeared from the blink of an eye, appearing tens of thousands of kilometers away, like a teleportation.


Feeling the power of the fusion wings, Nie Yun couldn't contain the excitement in his heart.

After incorporating the Xuan Chan King Wing into the Phoenix Wing, his speed has been doubled compared to the previous one. The speed has increased, and the combat power has naturally increased. Now even if you do not use the Rune of Lord, you can easily meet Ming Ye and others. Kill!

Of course, the integration of the Xuan Chan King Wing not only brings speed, but more importantly, the attack and defense of the wings have been greatly enhanced. At this time, the wings are completely closed, even if the 2,900 avenue strong attackers can attack. No damage, no injuries will be left!

In other words, even if Nie Yun does not use the Dominator Rune, he does not need to be scared when facing the superior power of the Sovereign. Although he cannot kill the other party, the other party cannot hurt him!

No wonder King Xuanchan is so dreadful to rely on this wing!

Of course, this may also be related to his fusion of wings.

His wing of the phoenix, which combines all the power of the ghost phoenix king, belongs to one or two of the entire chaotic ocean itself. At this time, it is compatible with another powerful wing and is even more powerful.

Even more than his own cultivation.


In the process of fusing wings, King Xuan Chan recovered again, and a pair of wings reflected the radiant light, as if they would pass through time and space at any time.

"Well, good, this is a Rune of Domination, here!"

Seeing it recovering, Nie Yun nodded with satisfaction, his wrists flipped, and a master rune was thrown away.

"Thank you!"

Seeing what he said was necessary, King Xuan Chan looked grateful.

"Let's go and take us to a desperate place!"

At this point, Nie Yun also experimented with the characteristics of fused wings, and ordered to enter the ancient cave of Qingxu.


The ancient cave took everyone straight to the desperate place.

"Master, desperate place, I've been many times, and I know the terrain there, I can lead the way!"

Xuan Chan Wang stepped forward.

"Well, desperate place, is there really a king of chaos?"

The reason why Nie Yun was not strong, but to use the Huairou method to recover Xuan Chan Wang, the purpose was for this, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"There is the King of Chaos, I have seen it with my own eyes, but ..."

King Xuan Chan hesitated.

"But what?"

"However, these Chaos King Stones are basically in the King of Heaven's palace. They were made into huge scepters. If you want to get it, I'm afraid to fight against King of Heaven!"

Xuan Chan is king.

"King of Heaven, the strongest of the four kings of Shijiudi?" Nie Yun had heard Xiong Gu say it before, and remembered it. At this time, he heard the name again, and his eyebrows frowned.

"Yes, that's it!"

"What kind of power does it have?"

"I do n’t know how powerful the King of Heaven is, because it has never been seen before, but it is definitely the strongest of the four kings. It is said that it has already realized more than 2,900 days of avenues. It ’s hard to say even if the master using the Rune of Lordship can overcome it ... "

King Xuan Chan hesitated.

"so smart?"

Nie Yun smiled and didn't panic too much: "It seems my previous approach is correct!"

When the three men sneaked into King Xuan Chan before, he deliberately hid and did not take any action. On the one hand, he could make King Xuan Chan grateful for tame, and on the other hand, let these people go thunder.

Chaos King Stone is so powerful, everyone is tempted, and the relics of God have been open for so many years. This thing is still there, which shows that there must be danger in them. It is safe for them to open the road.

Originally, in his opinion, there could not be life in the desperate place, at most it was some dangerous place. Now it seems that the dangerous place is not scary. What is really scary is that polar king!

"What is the Essence of the Extreme King?"

The four great kings of the Ten Great Places do not seem to be humans, but special ancient life. What kind of life would this extremely king be?

"It's a swallowing tortoise! ​​It is said that once you are born, you will understand the Tiandao Avenue and be able to devour the world! It is one of the most powerful species in ancient life!"

Xuan Chan Wang Dao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Understanding Tiandao from birth? "Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped.

Lintai Lingyue is also a born Tiandao Master. Since birth, she has an inseparable close relationship with Tiandao. Although it was not realized from the beginning, it is almost the same.

I thought that this kind of person was rare, but I didn't expect that the extreme king actually had the same ability.

However, listening to the introduction of King Xuan Chan, this kind of swallowing gold tortoise is not an incarnation of heaven, it can transform into heaven, but uses the avenue of comprehension to devour it, and swallow it all into the stomach.

That being said, there is still a certain difference from Lingtai Lingyue.

"If ... killing this polar king, can you refine a brand new heavenly path? Can it be used instead of Lingtai Lingyue?"

Suddenly, as soon as my heart moved, Nie Yun came up with an idea. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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