Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1460: in stomach

This is a small world. Although it is impossible to hurt one person and one cicada after the collapse, it is the land of the King of the Heavens after all. It must be a lot of trouble when trapped. Now that things are in hand, it is the right way to escape.


Jumping suddenly, Nie Yun and King Xuan Chan jumped back to the palace from a small world.

"Huh? No, how has this palace changed?"

Back at the palace, one person changed one face at a time.

Where is there any palace in front of me? The luxurious items in it seemed to disappear. The arc-shaped roof shrunk down like a huge cage, completely blocking the surroundings, and even the space inside was frozen, making people straight. Can't get up.

"Well, this palace is a chaotic warrior, run away!"

After seeing this scene, Nie Yun understood that this palace, like his Tianxuan Hall, should be a chaotic warrior. Now it is under the control of the King of Heaven and quickly shrinks. Once it is completely trapped, it will be difficult to escape. It's up!

He whispered in his heart, the wings of the Phoenix danced quickly, and the King Xuan Chan knew the danger and did not dare to stay. The sharp and thin Cicada wings flickered and rushed forward.


Before going far, the palace vibrated violently again, countless colorful lines shot from the surroundings, and blinked around them.

The thin line came to entangle Nie Yun like a cocoon, and one person and one cicada fell into the quagmire and couldn't escape.


As his face changed, the wings of Nie Yun's phoenix turned into a blade to cut through the thin line. However, the more the thin line was cut, the tighter it became. It could still move. With more and more entanglement, the whole person's mule was usually tied tightly.

"King Xuan Chan ..."

Trapped and unable to escape, he hurriedly looked at King Xuan Chan and saw that it was just like himself. Buried in the middle by a thin line, even if the burning dominates the Rune's strength, it cannot escape.

"Master, what should I do?"

His face changed slightly, and Xuan Chan Wang quickly transmitted a voice.

As ancient life. Normally, I am not afraid to be afraid, but I also feel panicked in the face of such weird things.

"Don't worry, let me see what's going on!"

Seeing that Xuan Chan Wang was also trapped, Nie Yun's heart was half cold, and it seemed that these thin lines were more terrifying than he thought.

but. Although he was trapped, he didn't panic. He came step by step from the Qihai continent. He had encountered many times than this dangerous situation, knowing that the tension now would only lead him to chaos.

"Burning fire!"

Although it is not known what these thin lines are, as long as they are lines. He must be afraid of fire, and exhale in one breath. The beacon talents turned into action, and the whole body's strength instantly turned into a sky full of flames, burning away the thin lines.

Zizi Zizi!

When the thin line touched the flame, it really reacted, exuding a smelly smell. Ran was nauseated, but the threads just became soft and did not break.

"What the **** is this?"

Seeing these thin lines did not even burn out the flames, Xuan Chan Wang was going crazy.

Beacon claims that nothing is burnt. What is this thing?

"This is a slime of ancient life, otherwise it won't have such a stinky smell!" Nie Yun frowned, and looked strange.

Through the burning of the flames and the perspective of the sky, he recognized what these thin lines were. It is actually a kind of mucus of life. Like gastric juice and intestinal juice, I do not know where it comes from, which makes people nauseous.

"Slime of life? How could there be such a thing in the King's palace? Isn't it ..."

Xuan Chan Wang seemed to think of something, eyes widened. Look to Nie Yun.

"Yes, it should be, come and follow me!"

It seemed to know what he was thinking. Nie Yun nodded, and the whole person seemed to be surrounded by flames. The Tianxin rattan stretched out from the palm of his hand and extended forward violently.


It seemed like a rope sinking in the swamp, pulling one person and one cicada forward.

First, the thin thread was softened with spitfire, and then pulled forward with the Celestial Heart. For a moment, the two walked a long distance, and a huge wall appeared in front of them.

The wall is arc-shaped and made of unknown materials. It is so strong that the spirit cannot spread out.


Taking a deep breath, Han Yangjian flashed on the palm of his hand, Nie Yun raised his eyebrows and pierced straight.


A splendid sword spirit seemed to come from nine days, and fell like a galaxy on the ground, slamming into the wall with unstoppable power.

"A strong sword move!"

Looking at this sword, King Xuan Chan's face was right.

Before, it always thought that the master in front of him was better than the master by the Rune of Rune and Celestial Heart. Now it seems that, beyond these, pure swordsmanship is not what it can resist.

It can be foreseen that if this trick is stabbed on it, there is no way to fight back except to use Xuan Chan Wang Yi to evade.


It was thinking that the sword air and the wall had touched each other, and the whole space was shaking, and there were explosions everywhere.

After a moment, the power dissipated, and he looked forward again, and the wall in front of him was intact, without any scars!

"how can that be?"

The power of that sword just now, King Xuan Chan feels that his wings will be hurt if he encounters them, but this wall has not left a white seal, which is too exaggerated!

"It seems true!"

Yi Jian did not break the wall, Nie Yun did not feel the slightest frustration, but had a certain feeling and sighed.

"Yeah, I am afraid that only the tortoise shell of the King of Heaven has such a defense ability!"

Xuan Chan Wang looked ugly.

After experimenting, one person and one cicada was finally determined. The palace that he entered before was not a chaotic magic soldier, but ... the tortoise shell of the king of heaven!

The body of the King of the Heavens is a swallowing tortoise, and the hardest part is of course the tortoise shell. It is stronger than the king of Xuan Chan's king wing, and it can definitely resist the dying spirit.

Before the swallowing gold turtle directly contacted the gas of death, without any harm, I mistakenly thought that the tortoise shell had been incorporated into the body. I never dreamed that it would make its own most powerful defense into a huge palace and live in it. among them!

In other words, the two of them are not in any palace now, but in the stomach of the swallowing gold turtle!

And these thin lines are some kind of mucus in the abdomen of the beetle.

"What do we do? The swallowing tortoise's tortoise shell defense is stronger than mine and can't be broken at all, how to escape?"

Wanting to understand this, King Xuan Chan was a little worried.

No matter who gets swallowed, I'm afraid it won't be easy.

"Looking at the hardness of the tortoise shell, we really can't break it. The swallowing tortoise knows that we are in its stomach and won't let us out! So ... I really want to go out and can only rely on others to break through from the outside!"

Think about it, Nie Yundao.

The swallowing tortoise is known as swallowing the sky. It is a world in its belly. It is almost impossible to destroy its internal structure and let the other party let them out. The only way is to combine the inside and the outside and let the outsiders rescue them!

"Rescued? Xiong Gu and Gu Xiao are with us. How can we save them?"

Xuan Chan Wang smiled bitterly.

Xiong Gu and Gu Xiao are both in the Qingxu ancient cave, and together with Nie Yun, they are now trapped here. It is impossible to save them. It is almost impossible to count on others. Although it is called "King", it is a lonely widow. .

"Xionggu and Guxiao, they can't save us even if they are outside, rest assured, someone else will do it!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly.

"Others? Who?" King Xuan Chan confused.

"Did you forget Prince Fujiang outside?" Nie Yun smiled.

"They? Are they not hostile to us? Knowing we are trapped, we are too late to be happy ..."

"Hostility is not fake ~ www.readwn.com ~ but what if we disguised as the Nine Dynasties and Hu Wei and told him that the Chaos King Stone had already arrived but could not come out?"

The corner of Nie Yun's mouth raised.


Xuan Chan Wang froze, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter: "They know the news, they will attack the King of Heaven with all their strength, and save us!"

"Yes, this is just one, think again!"

"One of them?" King Xuan Chan scratched his head and pondered for a moment, as if thinking of something: "Our cooperation inside and outside, although the King of Heaven is strong, he will definitely be seriously injured or killed, it will die, Prince Fu Jiang and others will surely Uncomfortable, serious losses! "

The more Xuan Chan Wang said the more he understood, the more excited he became: "They lost a lot and rescued us, but we didn't expect that we were fake. Once the sneak attack was carried out, they could definitely kill two people in one fell swoop, and the other one was simple. Much more! It can be killed easily! "

"That's it!" Nie Yun laughed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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