Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1462: Trading (below)

"you wanna die……"

King Xuanchan was furious when he heard the contempt of King Heaven.

"You will be my darling!"

Stopping the angry king Xuanchan, Nie Yun's fingers moved, and numerous powerful restraints were sprayed down, and Xiaoling appeared.

"the host!"

"Don't let him die!" Nie Yun explained.

Xiao Ling is the instrumental spirit of Tian Xuan Dian. He has absolute control over these prohibitions and allows him to shoot more easily than himself.


Hearing the order, Xiaoling turned to look at the King of Heaven, his eyes were deep, his fingers popped out, and blade-forbidden pavements came, cutting straight.

Zizi Zizi!

There was a sound of blood and flesh, and the King of Heaven exclaimed miserably, as if experiencing the suffering brought by boundless hell, his eyes were covered with bloodshot, and his whole body was shaking.

These prohibitions are not purely physical torture. What's more important is the torment of the soul. Once triggered, like a sledgehammer that keeps hammering the soul, if it is not mentally tough, it will probably collapse.

Let Xiaoling use this method. It can't be said that Nie Yun is fierce, but he is now trapped in the shell of the turtle. The old turtle must be resolved as soon as possible. Relentlessness will only bring boundless trouble.

"Kill me, I won't surrender ..." The King of Heaven snarled.

"Master, the soul of this extremely heavenly king is very tough. If I continue, I'm afraid I will ..." After a while, Xiaoling came over, showing his embarrassment.

He didn't finish his words, but Nie Yun could hear the meaning. Although the King of the Heavens didn't look very good at the moment, he was an extremely tough guy. If he continued to persecute, the other party would die directly.

"Is this guy a darling of others?"

Nie Yun was a little depressed.

To be honest, this kind of thing is the first time.

It would be admirable to die rather unyielding, but to meet such a guy. Very headache.

A beast without a master will not refuse to recognize the Lord according to the truth, just like King Xuan Chan, although stubborn, he still promises quickly! With a host, it's completely different. This is the case when you are constrained and cannot betray your master.

"Don't do anything, let me talk to it!"

Hesitated, Nie Yun let Xiaoling stop.

The old turtle had something he wanted to know in his mouth and could not be killed. As for soul hunting, Xiu can reach this level even if he comprehends the soul avenue.

"Yes!" Xiao Ling stopped.

"Want me to be your darling, stop dreaming! I won't agree!"

See him come over. The King of Heaven gasped heavily and roared loudly, with firmness in his eyes, and it seemed that no threat could make him yield.

"You have already surrendered others?"

Ignoring its attitude, Nie Yun asked.

"Yes, my soul has been dedicated to heaven and earth, and dedicated to heaven. Even if you kill me, you will not yield!"

The King of Heaven roared, with deep pride in his eyes.

Hearing its roar, Nie Yun did not speak.

As soon as the swallowing tortoise understands the Tao, he must have his own pride. It is also possible to dedicate his soul to the Tao. It is not realistic to force him to recognize the Lord.

"As long as you can answer my question, you don't need to recognize me, and I can even let you go. And help you kill Fu Jiang and others to avenge you!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun proposed trading chips and conditions.

"answer your question?"

The King of Heaven thought that the other party would kill directly without hearing the words. Hearing this, he couldn't help it.

"It's very simple, where did this fabulous place come from, and where did you get your Chaos King Stone!"

When he came to Shijie Ancient Land, Nie Yun had an illusion. This place is very weird. It feels even heavier when he comes to a place of death.

Especially after seeing Chaos Wang Shi, an idea filled the mind.

In the most ancient land, even the life in this god's relic cannot use the vow of chaos, which means that it has nothing to do with chaos. According to the original emperor, it should be one of the worlds that chaos wants to destroy.

How can there be the most precious chaos king of chaos in such a place? And so many more?

This is not in line with common sense!

The preciousness of Chaos King Stone, Nie Yun is not a kid who does not understand, and he knows very well that any one thrown into the Supreme Moon Realm can cause frenzy, even if it is a large force such as Guixuhai, I am afraid I cannot find one or two A piece of such a precious treasure, the King of the Heavens took more than ten, and sealed it as a sun, moon, and stars. If there is no secret, he will not believe it.

"You kill me, I won't say!"

King of Heaven waved his hand.


Seeing this attitude, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned: "Don't think I won't kill you, leave you to this day, just think you still have some use!"

Although he would like to know where these Chaos King Stones came from, if the other party did not cooperate in this way, he would not keep his hands.

"Kill! I wo n’t tell you the origin of Chaos King Stone! You do n’t even want to investigate, there is nothing good about the people in the Extreme Moon. If I am not trapped by you, I will definitely kill one ..."

The King of Heaven snarled, too lazy to continue talking, and begged to die.


Seeing his attitude, Nie Yun frowned.

This guy doesn't get into the oil and salt, and listens to his voice with great hatred for people in the Extreme Moon.

"Little spirit, what can you do? I want to search this guy's soul and know what it knows. As for life and death, it doesn't matter!"

Since the other party was desperate to die, Nie Yun didn't bother to ask any more, and turned to look at Xiaoling.

Little spirits are instrumental spirits crafted by the power of the dominant class. There may be a better way to deal with this type of power.

"Master, I have a way!"

Xiao Ling hasn't spoken yet, King Xuan Chan came over.


"The most important thing for the King of Heaven is the turtle shell. If you can refine the turtle shell, I believe it will definitely yield!"

Xuan Chan is king.

"Refining turtle shells? A good idea!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

This tortoise shell is a good thing. It can be seen from the fact that he can't break a sword with all his strength. If such treasures can be refined, the defense will definitely be strengthened again, and Mo Yao and others will escape without fear.


Hear the king ’s cunning cries when he heard the suggestions from King Xuan Chan.

"Then I will try it, can I refine it?"

Regardless of the roaring polar king, Nie Yun's mental power immediately spread out from the Tianxuan Temple, covering the entire tortoise shell.


The palm of the hand became a sword-sword, and he grabbed it at the King of Heaven in front of him.

I haven't found where the Lord is before. There is no way to face this huge turtle shell. At this time, the King of Heaven is in front of him. As long as he controls it and strips off its control on the turtle shell, he can completely refine it. .

The connection between the polar king and the turtle shell was originally only a soul connection, and the flesh had completely disappeared. According to normal conditions, it is impossible to cut off the connection as long as it is not killed, but somehow the swordmang and it At one touch, King of Heaven suddenly felt a tear-like pain in his head, the connection with the tortoise shell became weaker and weaker, and he would be cut off at any time.

"Soul Avenue ..."

Feeling this situation, King of Heaven fully understood.

The other party actually fully comprehends the avenue of soul. It seems that if it is not its own strength, it can only search for the soul perfectly.


After a while, the King of Heaven trembled in his head, a blood spurted out, and his face became pale.

From its perception, the tortoise shell and it have completely separated, and they are completely peeled off by the other party.


Lifting his head, he immediately saw the young man sip a drink, a drop of blood flew up, and flew straight towards the tortoise shell outside Tian Xuan Dian.

When blood touched the tortoise shell, it immediately gave off a thunderous roar, and a special pattern flickered from the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is the many patterns on the surface of the tortoise shell.

These lines represent heaven, and if you ca n’t understand it, it is difficult to refine this tortoise shell.

However, these secret lines are very familiar to Nie Yun. It may take a lot of time for others to thoroughly understand refining. For him, it is extremely simple!


For a moment, Kung Fu was thoroughly refined and became his magic weapon.

"you you……"

Nie Yun turned his head and wanted to see what attitude the King of Heaven would have, but when he saw the latter go straight, his eyes showed a panic-like panic, and suddenly his knees fell to the ground softly.

"Under Heavenly King, see Master!"

(There will be a second update today!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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