Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Update is complete, chat with you!

Today, the two chapters have been updated, and I haven't talked to you for a long time.

The updates in the past few months have not been very powerful. Of course, it is only one of the more exhausting to work and double open. The most important thing is that the passion has gradually diminished. Anyone who has written a book knows that it has written more than three million words. Gradually wear off, this is like a girl, no matter how beautiful, like it, if you cough for a long time, there will be no passion. . . .

Lao Ya faced this situation some time ago, and seeing half-dead results, can't lift the spirit, and it is becoming more and more decadent!

Regarding this situation, Laoya first said sorry to everyone. I know that I hurt a lot of endless fascination. I am an author, but a reader. When other authors failed to update, I was angry and changed myself. In this way, naturally understand everyone's mood.

It is a fate for everyone to get together endlessly. The reason why endless can gather more than 100,000 readers is because of your unremitting support!

Starting today, Laoya will become the diligent guy in the past. Although more than thirty, the fighting spirit should still be, brothers and sisters, let Laya's passion re-burn!

Starting today, Laoya wants to subscribe, recommend, monthly pass, reward ... everything, everyone's support is my biggest motivation, I will work hard again, renew, refuel, refuel! In addition, several groups of endless Dantian are now basically dead groups. Lao Ya intends to clean it up. In the past few days, all the non-speaking people will be cleaned up and put into a group. At that time, Lao Ya will draw a fixed daily Time bubbling, and everyone hi skin!

Unique group number: 197410866

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