Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1472: Transformation of the physical soul


Nie Yun wiped the sweat on her head, and her agitated hands grasped the iron chain and slowly moved upward.

According to common sense, Xiu can reach his level, and even if he is tired, it is impossible to sweat, but now he is sweating, not because he is weak, but because he does n’t have the slightest strength in his body.

Like King Aoba's analysis, he discovered the speciality of these secret lines. The stronger the attack power, the stronger the counterattack force. Only when the strength is weak to a certain degree will he not be attacked by the secret lines.

If you can do your best, one's strength will be lost, and you will lose more than you gain. After thinking about it, you have the idea to put your whole body power into the Nishida Tanda!

The Tanner Dantian has now formed a brand new Naruto world, let alone his power, even if ten times more power is poured in, it can be perfectly accommodated without any burden! In addition, the world of things has a unique law of time and space, which hides its power. Even if the runes on the iron chain are strong, they still cannot be sensed.

"So strong a rebound!"

While crawling up, Nie Yun sighed.

Although the whole body of the immortal power is hidden, his physical body is too strong, and he still feels a strong rebounding force. This force will always smash him outwards. If he didn't hold it tight, I'm afraid it's long ago Flew out.

It ’s just the rebound force, which is completely different from the space on which the iron chain is located. It has great attraction. It seems that there is a huge black hole pulling on it constantly. This feels like it just started. Cultivation, like climbing high when not flying, is towed by strong gravity. It may fall a little carelessly and fall alive.

Pulled by two forces, even his strong physical body was a little unsustainable. Sweat is like a bath.

His eyes were covered by a black cloth, and he didn't know where he was now. He only knew that he had been crawling for a long time, his sleepiness was weak, his hands and feet were soft, and it seemed to fall at any time.

"According to the time of the oblique moon supreme domain, it has climbed at least one day and one night ..."

Calculated the time. Nie Yun drew air conditioning from the bottom of his heart.

Although his strength was hidden in Nishida, but his physical strength was extremely fast. If it is converted into the straight line distance of the floating heavens and continents, I am afraid that it can be completed in one day and one night.

Such a distant distance of no less than hundreds of millions of kilometers has not yet come to an end. Who made this iron chain. How could it be so long?

"Rest awhile!"

Exhaling breath, Nie Yun caught his feet on the chain and stopped in the air.

There is no sleep all day and night. If there is Xianli to maintain it, it will be able to withstand it. It is impossible to hold on to the physical force alone and to face such violent traction all the time. Stop in the air and take a kettle from the world of things. Drink the water inside and feel comfortable.

Blindfolded, and dare not use the Tianyan talent, I don't know how far it is, but Nie Yun knows that as long as he climbs up, he will definitely reach the end.

After a short rest, I continued to crawl upwards, getting more and more tired. The next night, I could n’t hold on, but when I thought of giving up at this time, I would inevitably lose all my strength, a blood surge from my body, and clenched my teeth again.

Walking step by step from the Qihai continent, no matter how difficult it was, he was not stopped, but he did not believe that an iron chain could block it from this ancient battlefield.

Zizi Zizi!

Nie Yunmeng's eyes moved upward, and he did not know the process of his crawling upward. Many small runes on the iron chain entered the body through the pores on his body, constantly changing the body and soul, and letting the power on his body subtly change.

Silently calculating in my heart, when I climbed to the seventh day, all of a sudden, the strength blessed suddenly disappeared, as if entering a weightless environment.

"Hmm? Is it somewhere?"

Taking off the cloth from his eyes, Nie Yun dare not release a little strength to look up slowly.

I saw a huge world floating in the air, appearing in front of the eyes like a balloon. Looking from this direction, it was like looking at the six heavens and earth from the chaos of time and space. The huge world was like a sphere, rowing everything around.

The world around this world is not a chaotic ocean, but an unknown darkness that can swallow even the light, only a glance makes him feel heart-beating.

Putting the whole body of immortal power into the narcotic dantian, his current strength may only be comparable to the general beginning of the heavens, but his knowledge is the pinnacle of the oblique moon supreme realm. Such knowledge is almost scared to give up, showing the dark and terrible .

"Huh? Runes are gone?"

After watching the sky, my eyes fell on the iron chain, only to find that the runes on the iron chain had disappeared. It should be that the runes only portrayed here, otherwise, there would not be a feeling of weightlessness.

Looking down, I immediately felt a sense of burning. The rune below was still there, and the charcoal burned people's eyes, but it did not stimulate the soul as before.

The lower iron chain spread downwards and I did not know where it extended, and Guiyuan's tortoiseshell could not be seen.

"Go up!"

Since there is no rune, there is no need to be afraid. As soon as Nie Yunna turned Dantian, the power hidden in it immediately surged out and scattered to all the acupoints in the body.

"Huh? No, my body ..."

Power returned to the body, and he immediately noticed something wrong with the body.

The flesh at this time was even more terrifying than before, all the cell junctions were surrounded by some runes, glittering and shining, emitting a jewel-like light.

Although these runes are not as powerful as the runes on the iron chain, they keep moisturizing the body and letting its power grow slowly.

"My soul has also transformed ..."

Not only the physical body is strengthened, but the strength is returned. He found that the soul has also made some progress. Now the soul and the physical body are combined. Even if they encounter the 2,800 avenues, they can fight!

Previously, he did not use the Celestial Sage and Dominator Rune, and his combat power was at most comparable to 2,750 and 60 Avenue Powerhouses. At this time, the physical soul alone could be better than your 2,800 Avenue Powerhouses in just seven days The great progress is amazing.

"I am afraid that this kind of body is not comparable to King Xuan Chan and King Aoba ..."

Seeing the physical strength, Nie Yun's eyes brightened again.

The physical body has not only increased strength but also a lot of strength. At this time, he is like a humanoid beast. He can defeat King Xuanchan alone by brute force. If he encounters Prince Fujiang and others again, he will cooperate with the dominator. It will never be allowed to escape!

"It seems King Wanli is right. He can climb up. No matter the soul or the body, he will get unexpected benefits. I now get ..."

Breathing out, Nie Yun smiled at the words of King Wanli before.

The legend heard by King Wanli, as long as he can climb up the iron chain, he will get unexpected gains. What treasure was previously thought to be seems to be the tempering of this physical soul.

These days, I keep climbing on the iron chain. The power of the runes has permeated the whole body. Although the physical and soul changes are not obvious now, with the increase of time, the body of the runes will inevitably have an incredible Metamorphosis.

"There is an entrance there, go in!"

After watching the changes that keep appearing in these days, Nie Yun looked up at the sky-like world.

This world is obviously much smaller than the so-called relics of God, which is almost the same as the ten ancient places. The muddy diaphragm is like the original spiritual realm.

The iron chain spread down a passage in the middle of the sphere, taking a deep breath, and Nie Yun's body stretched straight and straight up.

Xianli returned to his body, the wings of the Phoenix unfolded, and he blinked in front of the passage.

The iron chain was tied to a gate inside a passageway ~ www.readwn.com ~ The gate was closed tightly, and there were secret lines everywhere.

Gently move to the door.

The secret line on the door is different from the iron chain. There is not much exclusion, but it gives him a sense of intimacy.

Nie Yun knows that this closeness is because after these days of crawling, the runes have penetrated into the body. Without this experience, if he flew straight up, he would be killed alive, even the strongest princes at the peak level would not be immune.

The palm reaches the door, the small runes in the body echo the lines above, a force runs through the body, warm as spring, all the fatigue on the body disappears in an instant.

The palm moves.


The gate opened slowly.

(Khan, I've finished the code. I went out in the evening for something, and now I'm back. Chapter 2 has already been coded for more than half. It should be around ten o'clock ...) (To be continued ...)

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