Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1476: Refining mountain

"Why? Because I am the prince of the Dry Blood dynasty, and my [Houhou Ling]!"

Prince Fu Jiang sneered, throwing his palm upward, a token appeared in the air with the word "king" written in ancient divine language, shrouded down, and distorted the surrounding space.


"This is the symbol of the royal blood refining representative identity of the dry blood dynasty. It has the unique coercion of the royal family. As long as the people born and raised in the dry blood dynasty, they will be suppressed by the token. People! "

The faces of Su Lin and others became dignified. In the voice, the two men's battles were already clear.

Under the pressure of Zhang Houling and Wang Houling, his whole body trembled, and his strength could not be exerted. How could Prince Fu Jiang's opponent fly away with only one punch, his face pale, and he was seriously injured.

"Anyone else have any opinions?"

After hurting Zhang Lin, Prince Fu Jiang stepped forward: "Now you can share it!"

"Prince Fujiang represents the dried blood dynasty, naturally he can get one. The previous rules are all the same. Change the three to four. The prince should have no opinion!"

Su Lin and the others glanced at each other, knowing that Prince Fu Jiang had Wang Houling, it was difficult to overcome, at the same time nodded and promised.

"No comment!"

Prince Fu Jiang laughed.

"All right, let's go in!"

Everyone was a figure with a face and face. Although it was only a verbal agreement, it also had a lot of binding power. After the discussion, there was no objection.


As for the weapons scattered on the ground, which were of little practical value, everyone didn't see them. After a moment of effort, they entered the half-open door of the temple and disappeared in front of them.


As soon as they disappeared, Nie Yun came out of the ground.

Each of these seven men is not weaker than him, and even stronger than others. I'm afraid it's not realistic, and the temple in front of them is in a lot of crisis. Even these people are so afraid that he doesn't dare to rush in!

"It seems that I can only find opportunities to act on the opportunity!"

Thinking for a moment. Nie Yun rejected many ideas.

He is clever, and these people are not fools. Any plan to become such a weak lineup will become pale and weak, so what he has to do now is to quietly follow behind and act on opportunities!

"Yes, let's refine the Fuxu Danshan first!"

Just after trying to follow everyone, Nie Yun suddenly thought of Prince Fu Jiang's huge mountain.

This is good. In group battles, the effect is much stronger than Hanyang sword and Zhiqiu sword.

In the beginning, Fu Jiang used this peak to suppress him, and he was directly included in the world of things. After that, he forgets too many things, and now he just refines it. Make good use of it.

With a movement in his heart, Nie Yun got into the world of receiving things.

At this time, the world of receiving things, after nourishing for tens of thousands of years, absorbed the power in the supreme region of the oblique moon and became stronger. The boundless territory was once only the land of the oceans and mountains of the mainland. Now countless planets have evolved. The sun, moon, and stars alternately rotate, like a brand new world, which is not weaker than the Oblique Moon Supreme.

Of course, the law of space is far from solid. But at least this place is already suitable for life, and can even be cultivated here.

"It's time to get some life here ..."

It looks like we should find a chance to get some lives over and let them grow up slowly. The more lives there are, the more the world will be upgraded. There will definitely be a great improvement on his strength.

After all, in this world, he is the only creator. The more life there is, the more he will realize the power of creation.

Shaking his head, without thinking about these things, Nie Yun came to the huge mountain in a few steps.

The whole mountain was glowing with dark rays. I don't know what material it was made of. It was extremely heavy. It smashed in the head and even oppressed with soul.


With a grasp of his palm, Nie Yun lifted the mountain peak, and a fiery flame rushed towards the soul mark contained in it.

As soon as the flame touched the Soul Mark, an illusive figure suddenly appeared.

"Who dares to refine my God Mountain and seek death!"


As soon as the silhouette appeared, a huge force came when the air struck, and the whole world was covered with clouds, and countless blade-like forces fell down like a rainstorm.

"Sovereign peak strong? It seems that this mountain is not borrowed by Prince Fujiang, but he borrowed it!"

When he saw the figure, Nie Yun smiled slightly. Without any action, the heavy rain in the air stopped, Qi Qiba stopped at a distance less than a foot away from him.

With a chuckle, Nie Yun's fingers touched forward, and the power of the air like a blade fell to the ground and fell into powder.

These forces are completely controlled by the soul body in front of him, and are no different from the real blade. If it is not in the world of holding things, this will make him embarrassed and seriously injured.

"who are you?"

Seeing that Nie Yun blocked all his attacks, the silhouette's attack stopped.

Then Nie Yun could clearly see the appearance of the other person. He was wearing a long dress, a tall hat, and a high royal spirit between his eyebrows.

"Emperor of the Dry Blood Dynasty?"

Seeing each other's clothes and majesty, Nie Yun moved.

"Since I know it's a cricket, I still don't kneel!" The figure raised his eyebrows, and the imperial power rolled endlessly. Although the person in front of him was just a soul body and a surviving idea, there were more than 2,900 avenue strongmen standing In front of them, I am afraid they are not opponents.

"Kneeling? Are you frustrated and crazy! I want to refine you and make me kneel?"

Nie Yun was a little funny, and his palms were gently swayed, and the numerous torrential rain-like forces imprisoned in the air crashed and fell to the ground.

"You ... are you the dominant player?"

Seeing his actions, the figure was finally scared.

The opponent's means have exceeded his imagination. In addition to dominating the level, it is impossible to think of anyone who can be so terrible.

"I'm not the one who dominates the strong, but here, even the strong king should obey me!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly and looked at the figure.

Without any action or action, the figure dissipates instantly and becomes a pure energy.


This pure energy is absorbed by the Celestial Heart.

Squeak! Squeak!

Celestial heart grows again.

Although this is only a fragment of the soul, its effect on the Tianxin Rattan is stronger than the engulfment of the Nine Dynasties and others. The vines have grown again, and their strength has increased by a large margin, reaching 2,810 avenues.


The fragment of the soul was destroyed. The huge mountain in front of him looked like a fat sheep to be slaughtered completely. Without any resistance, he grabbed the palm of his hand gently, and a soul idea penetrated into it, refining it thoroughly.


The mountains became the size of a needle and fell on his palm.

With this giant mountain, a group of people will be able to cope with it.

"Fortunately, if you are here, if you want to refine this mountain, you don't know how much it will cost!"

Looking at the pinnacle-sized peaks in the palm of his hand, Nie Yun was sighing with emotion.

If it ’s outside, the remnant just now, even if he used the Lord ’s Rune, he would be very troublesome if he wanted to refining thoroughly. If he accidentally loses it, no wonder Prince Fu Jiang is not nervous after the mountain is lost Instead, he fled after turning around, I'm afraid he has calculated that this mountain cannot be refined without reaching the dominating level.

Of course, he never dreamed that Nie Yun had a world of his own. In this world, he is the only creator, let alone a supremacy, even if it is ten times stronger, the master, the king of the king, here. Obediently obey his words, and cannot resist!


Nie Yun emerged from the world of things, followed silently behind everyone, and walked towards the temple.

Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, a distant imperial imperial city.

The mighty Emperor sat on a high throne, eyes like electricity, handling state affairs.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, Prince Fu Jiang will pass by this time, and he will certainly be able to succeed and take the treasure back, and reinvigorate the majesty of my blood royal family!"

A minister-like person stood in front and said respectfully.

"Well, for Fu Jiang, I am more at ease, there should not be too many problems ..."

The emperor snorted and wanted to continue, but suddenly his face changed and his eyebrows jumped.


A spurt of blood spurted out!

"His Majesty……"

The Minister was startled ~ www.readwn.com ~ his face changed.

"Fuxan Danshan turned out to be refined ... who made it?"

His face flushed, and his emperor raised his eyebrows. The black eyes flashed, and the entire city seemed to be shaken with him.

ps: Fainted. School has to work overtime tonight. The "National Physical Health Test" in high school can't upload it. Only to find out that every student must enter the student number. Nima, I took six classes of physical education. At least sixty people in each class. Fuck, I have to lose the student number close to 400 people, the key is still ... coherent, because the students of arts and sciences can't find it. . . I need to find them one by one, my sister, I'm exhausted, and I will lose a class as soon as two hours, so ... there may only be one change today, and this change is still spelled out. Hope you forgive me. . Woohoo. .

Give me two monthly passes to comfort me. .

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