Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1479: Unreal lingtai lingyue

This voice was extremely familiar, and it was Prince Fu Jiang who had fled before.

This guy didn't know when he hid behind him and attacked with a sneak attack, which made Nie Yun feel a trembling feeling.

The group of people just now, if you say who he fears the most, it must be the prince. Although his strength is not the highest, but the treasures and means are endless. Previously, the King Xuan Chan and the King of Heaven looked at each other side by side and looked after each other. The other party fled directly, and now he was left alone, fighting, no matter who was born or who died.

"It's not easy to kill me!"

The wings of the Phoenix reached their limit, and suddenly a huge mountain peak fell out of the sky and smashed behind him.

When the mountain peak appeared, he blocked the other side's sword awn. Nie Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief. The body turned around and it turned out that it was Prince Fu Jiang who sneaked in. At this time, his eyes were as if killing, and a sword in his hand exuded The faint black mang is weird and inexplicable.

"If you can escape one move, can you escape the second move, today you will surely die in my hands!"

With a sneer, Prince Fu Jiang sneered again, turning it into a starry sky, a fierce sword, and a river rushed over, covering Nie Yun's whole acupuncture points and all escape directions without any defects.

This technique of swordsmanship is like a pen from God. Even if Nie Yun is a swordsman and martial artist, he doesn't see any flaws, and he doesn't know how to dodge.


Just as he was shocked by the sword in front of him, the space behind him roared again, and another powerful force struck.

This move seemed more terrifying than Prince Fu Jiang's attack, although he did not see it with the naked eye. The spirit can fully feel that the space behind it is completely imprisoned, countless rune powers have fallen from the sky, and one huge ancient chaotic text. The stars blasted him fiercely!

"Mo Yao!"

Nie Yun sank.

It never occurred to me that the two men had joined forces, and the cooperation was so clever that they were not bad at all.

"Can't escape!"

Seeing the two men's attack, it was almost perfect, and there were almost no loopholes or defects.

For a moment he figured out hundreds of escape routes, but they were useless. The timing of the two's cooperation is perfect, unless the strength is greatly improved again, otherwise. It's hard to escape.

"Huh? No! Prince Fu Jiang didn't know my name, he shouted as soon as he appeared, and it was so clear ..."

Just when Nie Yun was anxious and felt helpless. The whole body shook. An idea popped up.

His name should reasonably not be known to Prince Fu Jiang, but the other side shouted clearly, what did he say?


Definitely still a fantasy!


As soon as he gritted his teeth, Li Han's original attempt to dodge stopped immediately. If it was not a fantasy, it would no doubt be hit by the two at the same time, but if it was a fantasy, it would collapse directly. At the critical moment, even he didn't have much confidence. I can only take a bet!


The fierce attack of the two men hit Nie Yun at the same time, as the breeze swept away, and the two figures dissipated at the same time.


Nie Yun exhaled a sigh of relief before discovering that all of his back was soaked with sweat.

This illusion is so realistic that even if he, the illusionist and the sky eyeman, can't see the slightest clue, if it is not at the critical moment that Prince Fu Jiang does not know his identity, he would never dare to stand still and wait for the opponent to come forward.

Big mouth panting, Nie Yun's heart was lingering.

Although the time to enter this territory map is not long, it is thrilling and crazy. If it were not for his strong mental quality, he would not have succeeded.

"Nie Yun, don't worry, I'm here!"

After adjusting my breath, I was thinking how to quickly find the core and refine the territory map. A silver bell sounded in my ear, and my whole body froze. Nie Yun hurriedly turned away, and a woman in white walked from the front. Come over.

As soon as her figure appeared, it seemed that the light of the entire world had been compared, and the beautiful beauty and the strong attachment in her eyes made Nie Yun's body tremble and unable to extricate herself.

"Yueer ..."

With a soft murmur, Nie Yun's heart became soft.

"Nie Yun, all these years ... you have suffered!"

In the low voice, Lingtai Lingyue's voice carried a strong tenderness, just like 30,000 years ago.


Nie Yun comes out with a sword!

"You ..." Lingtai Lingyue covered her throat with an ugly face, and Jiao Xun gradually fell down.

"Yueer is the last line of defense in my heart. Anyone who appears in a fantasy world can't show her!" Killing the "澹台 凌 月" in front of her, Nie Yun exhaled.

Knowing that the person in front of him was fake, but his heart was faintly painful during the sword.

This illusion was so realistic that it couldn't extricate itself, and even created an impulse to stay in the illusion and stay in the ring with each other, but in the end this idea was rejected by his reason.

This isn't really Yantai Lingyue, it's not his lover, it's just someone who has a fantasy in his head.


As soon as Lingtai died, the space and time suddenly twisted, the mountains in front of it disappeared instantly, Nie Yun's eyes flickered, and he returned to the territory map again, as if the action just entered just now, did not move.

"The test of the original territory map was an illusion. Such a real illusion is the first time I have encountered ..."

Nie Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief, no longer paying attention to the experience just now, but looked up at the stone picture above.

Shi Tu was still, with the thick and vast earth, making people feel strong coercion.

Nie Yun knew that after three assessments of fantasy, he was qualified to refine the territory map, but there is still a long way to go before he can refine it, so he had to look carefully, for fear of missing something.

Surin and others entered the Territory Map earlier than him and should come out soon. There is not much time left to refine this map. Once the other party comes out, he has no chance even if he wants to refine it.

After all, there are so many people in the other party than the other party, even if he is strong and has many means, he can't catch it.

"Every treasure has its own core, as long as the core of refining is equal to refining the entire treasure. Although this territory map is huge, it certainly follows this principle ..."

Tianyan swept away on the territory map, and Nie Yun judged in his heart.

Although the territory map in front of it does not seem particularly large, it contains a huge space like the world. If you cannot find the core hiding place quickly and want to refine it, it is definitely possible.

Of course, if you give him a few hours, it should not be difficult to find the core, but this time Su Lin and others will definitely not give it!

These people are all geniuses, ancient reincarnations, and very strong minds. If it wasn't for the last illusion just was Lingtai Lingyue, I'm afraid it wasn't him who came out first, but the other person.

"Huh? Isn't that weird in this square space?"

After careful searching, nothing was found. Seeing that Su Lin and others were about to come out immediately, Nie Yun was so anxious that he was considering whether to hide the picture, and he did not refine the picture. Suddenly his heart moved, and his eyes fell on the middle space of the territory map.

This square gap is like it was dug out on the stone map. At first glance, it doesn't feel anything. If you think about it, it suddenly feels something wrong.

According to the normal situation, this territory map is a complete whole. How can there be a defect? ​​Can this defect be the core of it?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's face was solemn, and his spirit slowly spread to the defect.

If this is really the core, it is worrying.

Because he couldn't find this missing piece ~ www.readwn.com ~ If he couldn't find it, it would not be possible to refine it. The territory map would still become an ownerless thing, which would have no effect on him.

"Huh? This size ..."

When the spirit touched the defect of the territory map, Nie Yun's face suddenly showed a weird expression.

This defect cannot be discerned by the naked eye, but the telepathic force is not at all wrong.


As soon as the wrist was moved, a stone monument appeared on the palm of the hand, which was the banned stone monument of Jinxuan secret place obtained from the relic of God.

"Go up!"

Lifting your finger gently, the banned stone monument in the palm immediately flew up, slowly approaching the defects of the aerial territory map, "Wow!"

"It turns out that the so-called Jinxuan secret realm is the key to this territory map ..."

Nie Yun froze, then exulted.

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