Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1486: Surge in strength

When Nie Yun first fought against King Shura in Liudao of Heaven and Earth, he opened up three thousand dandan fields and gave them attributes to own three thousand roads.

It is just that these three thousand Dantians have not all reached the Dacheng level, so his strength is still a long way from the master.

I hadn't understood the meaning of the Lord's Rune before. At this time, when I heard the introduction of Xiaoling, a light flashed in my heart and I thought of something.

The purpose of dominating Rune is not to make people understand the Three Thousand Avenues, but to have the ability to use the three thousands of Avenues in a short time, just like his talent.

In this case ... Does rounding the talent of three thousand talents into a ring achieve the same effect?

In any case, all of his Dantians have reached the third form. In terms of talent, it is much stronger than the ability brought by the dominated runes!

After using it before, he knew for a long time that although Dominating Rune can give people control of the avenue ability for a short time, it is at most similar to the ability possessed by Dantian First Form.

Because of this, the talents obtained by using the Rune of Domination are far behind their own comprehension.

It is as if the person who dominated the Seal of Heavenly Seals owned by Rune could not steal other people without being aware of it, just like the nine dynasties and him.

The Rune of Dominance can give people the ability to use the Three Thousand Avenues in a short time, but this ability is only the most superficial use, otherwise, won't they all become the same as the Master? Invincible?

"Haha, I see!"

Thinking about this, Nie Yun's eyes lit up, a big laugh sounded, and three thousand Dantians in the body were running at the same time. Three thousand kinds of special talents immediately circled together and turned into a ring.

For balance. The talents he used were all in the third form, and even in the fifth form, Dan Tian had to reduce the specifications for balance.


As the trial is underway, the Tianxuan Temple shook again. "His!" The outside restraint finally couldn't be maintained. Tear it completely.

It seems that this broken Shenzhou is even more terrifying than Xiao Ling's speculation, and now it is only a few dozen breaths. The ban has been completely broken.

"Hey, boy, I see where you are going ..."

Tearing the seal, Broken Shenzhou rushed straight in. in a blink. Seven masters flew out and surrounded Nie Yun in the center, laughing at the same time.

The tearing of the seal is equivalent to breaking the opponent's last hole card. Even if he is strong, he can hardly fly.

Ignoring the rushing crowd, Nie Yun stood quietly and felt the 3,000 talents around the sea.


The three thousand talents are fused with the body, and he blinks all over the body and shoots out powerful momentum. It is like the Rune of Burning Lord.

However, this momentum only appeared for a moment and was completely controlled. Into the body.

The ring of the Three Thousand Avenues on the Dominator Rune is owned by others. It cannot control its power and cannot stop dispersing. This difference is formed by his own natural talent. He wants to control it in one thought.

"Boy, take out all the babies on your body and contribute to us. You can consider letting you live another minute!"

Without notice of his change, Prince Fu Jiang saw him standing in place and couldn't escape, his face was full of embarrassment.

"Boy, what happened just now, where did the guy who ran away with you?"

Surin also took a step forward.

In their eyes, Nie Yun had become a stunner, but he was in no hurry to kill him.

After all, they couldn't figure out many things. Where did this kid come in? What was the light that shattered the Fuxian Danshan before?

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that Nie Yun stood still, as if he hadn't heard them, Zhang Lin's face sank, and he yelled, his palms lifted, and a sword came out of the air, and he came to Nie Yun's chest in a blink of an eye.

This is wicked and vicious. The place in the stab is not fatal, but it can be painful. It seems that he did not intend to kill Nie Yun, but to make him suffer.


Just when Zhang Lin was so proud, thinking that the guy in front of him would immediately kneel and beg for mercy, the long sword shot suddenly stopped in front of the other without warning, as if there was an invisible force on the other side that stopped him. Power cannot move forward.


Zhang Lin was startled.

He was very clear about the power he exerted, and cooperated with the Lord ’s Rune. He was very powerful. He thought that even if he could hide away, he would be embarrassed and disgraceful. He never dreamed that such a violent sword would stop before he came. Come down, it's incredible!


His eyes flashed coldly, his teeth clenched, Zhang Lin controlled his power and let the sword continue to stab at Nie Yun. Who knew that the sword at this time seemed to be pinched by someone, motionless, even if he had exhausted his whole body, he couldn't Move with every minute.


Nie Yun, who had closed his eyes slightly before, suddenly opened his eyes. The dark eyes were clear as springs.

"Is this power trying to kill me? Maybe look at myself too much!"

With a slight hum, Nie Yun's eyes flickered, like the sun in the sky, shining on all sides.

Condensing the three thousand talents of the third form into a ring, he finally knew it was terrible! This power is actually stronger than the Rune of Dominator, closer to the Dominator!

Looking at the long sword struggling to shoot, Nie Yun flicked his fingers lightly.


Han Mang blasted, and the crowd around him had not yet reacted, and saw that Han Mang flashed and had come to Zhang Lin.


The sharp Jian Mang cut across, and Zhang Lin was cut in half.

"What ... this ... impossible ..."

I never dreamed that I would be cut off by his own weapons. Zhang Lin even did not expect that people who had been chased away by everyone just now would suddenly become so powerful, with unwillingness in his eyes, The corpse fell to the ground, breathing ceased.

In fact, according to their strength, let alone cut into two halves, even if chopped into meat, they will not die, but Nie Yun's attack has a strong destructive power. Although this sword only cut off his body, It is equivalent to completely cut off all of its vitality.

In order to reach their state, Xiu cut off his head and body. It is just a look. In fact, it is the vitality and life of the other party. Life is lost. Even if the body is intact, he will die.

"This ... this is impossible! How can you slay Zhang Lin ..."

Nie Yun used Zhang Lin's weapon to slay him. The whole process did not even breathe a thousandth, and everyone saw this scene and went crazy.

Especially Su Lin and Prince Fu Jiang only felt that the scalp exploded and the blue tendons on the head cracked.

Just now the kid was chased after them by the street mouse. From this point alone, it can be seen that the strength is almost the same as them. The maximum strength is 2,800 avenues. Even if the dominator is used, it is almost the same as the general sovereign. Never too strong!

At this time, looking at him, there is no power in the body. It should be that the Rune of the Dominator is not used ... How can the strength not only decrease, but become more powerful?

what's the problem?

"This kid is weird. Let's do it together!"

Zheng Yan hissed, his palms stretched out, and a huge bear's claw appeared in the sky.

Zheng Xie once hunted an ancient **** beast and incorporated his hoof claws into his arm, so his real hole card was this arm, which was a bit scarier to operate than the peak chaos.

As soon as the bear's claws appeared, the heavens and the earth boiled, and the space came to Nie Yun, and the strong wind pressed the rocks on the ground into powder.

Nie Yun raised his head, his face didn't change at all, his mouth raised, and a sudden pop.


The fragile fingers touched each other's bear claws, and it looked like a very different attack, but Zheng Ye looked as if he was hit by a mountain, his face changed.


His arm was torn directly under Nie Yun's bullet ~ www.readwn.com ~ Blood was like blood, which burst out.

"You die too!"

One finger flicked Zheng Zheng's arm, and Nie Yun shot forward.


This palm looked fluttering without any strength, but Zheng Ye did not even escape, and was hit by a blow, lying on the ground and turning into a meatloaf.

You don't need to look to know that you can't die anymore.

Everyone is crazy. If it is a coincidence that Zhang Lin was killed, there is no luck in killing Zheng Ye.

"This kid is weird, everyone is going to break the Shenzhou!"

Su Lin shouted loudly, and his body was vertical.

ps: There are still four monthly passes, but Laoya has changed first. Kindly, quack, isn't the monthly pass really gone? (To be continued ...)

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