Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1488: Lord Fu Jiang


After killing Su Lin, Tian Xin Teng came out and swallowed it up. At the same time, Nie Yun grabbed his hand, and all the treasures were collected into the world of things.

This guy is a powerful reincarnation of ancient times. There are so many treasures that he cannot waste them.

"It's your turn!"

After killing Su Lin, Nie Yun looked up at Mo Yao not far away.

This guy chased after him and fled, almost died, and he had long had enmity. When the enemies met, although there was no special jealousy, it was impossible to leave alive.

"Do it!"

Mo Yao saw the murderous power in Nie Yun's eyes and knew that it was difficult to escape. Instead, he lost his previous fear, held his head up, and held a deadly attitude.

"Oh? Thought I'd kill you like this?"

Nie Yun Lengheng.

"I know you will kill me for begging for mercy. Rather than be stingy!" Mo Yao said.

"Dare to talk to Master Nie Yun like this, to death!"

Nie Yun just wanted to speak. Suddenly, Prince Fu Jiang on one side slammed his hands. There was an umbrella-shaped weapon in his palm, and he turned forward, and a circular arc of light circulated, straight toward Mo Yao Rushed over.

"Fu Jiang, you mean!"

Seeing Prince Fu Jiang attacking from behind, Mo Yao screamed angrily. In the roar, his palm was like an iron, and he grabbed it forward.

He died in the hands of Nie Yun. He knew that he could not resist, but he died in his own hands and was absolutely unwilling.

In order to resist the lightning pointed out by Nie Yun, the book written by the ancient Chaos has been damaged and can no longer be used.


Prince Fu Jiang spun violently again, two arcs of coldness. Suddenly, although the palm of Mo Yao's hand is hard, he still hasn't blocked it. "Flop!" The body was cut in half.


The body fell to the ground and Mo Yao died.

Nie Yun saw in the fight between the two of them and did not take any action.

When death comes, so-called allies will lose all dignity. At this time, Prince Fu Jiang was like a crazy dog ​​for his life. Nie Yun believes that he will do whatever he asks.

It is no wonder that although he was a prince, he did not grow up in the palace. Instead, they went to the poor. Surviving in battle, as long as you can survive, naturally more indifferent than others.

"Master Nie Yun, I'm Fu Jiang willing to serve you as my master, as long as I don't kill, let me do anything! This Mo Yao is my name!"

Mo Yao was killed, and Fu Jiang fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"Will you serve me as the Lord? Want to lead me to Emperor Ganxue. Let him, the half-step leader, kill me!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

The conversation between the other party in the broken Shenzhou just now, although most of them are consciousness transmission. But he had the talent of Tianershi, and he still heard it all.

Because of this, he decided to kill him without mercy.

"No ... I'm willing to dedicate my soul and recognize you as the master. If something happens to my master, I will die and die!"

Hearing the words of the other person, Prince Fu Jiang looked ugly, and gritted his teeth after a while.

In order to save his life, he is willing to do anything, and he also sees that the person in front of him is extremely talented and temperamental. If he can be his attendant, there will be no future.

"Treat yourself!"

Hearing the other party's words, Nie Yun's thought of killing the other party stopped.

With his current strength, the opponent can't jump up at all, maybe it's better to keep it than to kill.

After all, he is a prince anyway. The dry blood dynasty must have a means of investigation. If he really wants to die here, he will infer to himself if he fails, causing a lot of trouble.

Although his strength is now very strong, Nie Yun does not think he can fight against a dynasty.

Besides, he also thought of another point. He needed this Prince Fujiang to do it, and he was willing to dedicate his soul and recognize him as the master.

"Well, spare your life once, and now dedicate your soul, don't think about doing your hands and feet, I want to kill you, just one thought!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Yes!" Seeing him agree, Prince Fu Jiang was relieved, his fingers were a little aware of the sea, and a white spirit slowly flew over.


After learning this spirit into the sea, Nie Yun felt the idea in the other person's heart, and could even let him die.

This guy really puts himself in for his life. Although this kind of person is afraid of death and has no backbone, it is also good and can be better controlled.

"Bring all the babies in your hands!"

Without being polite, and regardless of whether the other party agreed or disagreed, Nie Yun reached out and grabbed all the treasures in Prince Fujiang's hands.

"this is not bad!"

The prince Fu Jiang was searched and caught again, and the broken Shenzhou in the air fell into his palm.

Qi Xun's death, this peak chaos magic soldier without the master, as soon as the spirit moves, it is completely refined.

I have to say that this thing is really powerful, even if it is a little more powerful than Fudan Danshan before, it is a magic weapon for flying. It can even fly faster than his Phoenix wings.

"You go to a place to recover the injury first, something will tell you!"

Take away all the treasures, Nie Yun ordered.

"Yes!" Fu Jiang nodded, then felt a force swallowed up, and then entered a big world.

The world of receiving things and Xingyue Supreme are completely two worlds. Even if Fu Jiang really has any tricks, there is nothing he can do here to put it in. Nie Yun is too lazy to look at it, but looks inside himself.

I just heard Xiaoling's introduction, and he used the talent in his body to form a ring of three thousand roads. The effect is even more powerful than the rune of the master!

"Ten times the Dominator Rune!"

After some calculations, Nie Yun's eyes lighted up.

The reason why he was so powerful and easily killed the seven together was not that he had a great breakthrough in strength, but the three thousand avenue ring formed by talent, which was ten times as much as the dominator.

The use of the common dominating rune will have the supreme strength of the suzerain. With the road circle formed by himself, the strength is once again improved, reaching a level comparable to half-step domination!

"The reason why my road ring is so powerful is probably related to the third form of Dantian Qi!"

Seeing that the avenue circle formed by himself was so powerful, Nie Yun speculated.

Avenue and talent Dan Tian After these days of observation and practice, he found three differences.

First, talents can be merged, and avenues cannot be merged.

Second, the top ten talents cannot appear in the same world at the same time, and those who realize the top ten avenues are not affected by each other.

Third, talent can be used to lend other people's talents, so that others have super power in a short period of time. Avenues cannot borrow this way. The only way is to dominate the runes, and use the special abilities obtained by the runes of runes, according to Dan Tian The Qi of Qi is at best the same as the talent of the first form.

Dominated the refined road ring, only the first form of talent, but at this time he used the third form of talent, the power naturally increased by a factor of two!

I just didn't expect to have ten times as much as the general dominator!

"If you seal the avenue ring formed by the talented spirit, and consolidate the dominating symbols for others to use, how can you not create a batch of half-step dominating troops in a short time?"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Rune of Dominance can make people's strength soar in a short period of time. It has the strength of the Sovereign. If you use it for others, can you not let many people have the power of half-step dominance for a short time?

Excited for a while, thinking about it, then shaking his head.

The avenue circle he formed is related to Dan Tian, ​​especially because of his talent in the top ten. Except that he cannot use it for others, he really has to give it to others. I am afraid that his strength has not increased, but he was killed alive.

"This boulevard ring was created by my own talent. When I use it, I can exert my power completely. When I'm not in use, I can hide it without worrying about the power disappearing!"

Can't lend it to others, Nie Yun didn't feel depressed at all, continued to look at the circle of power in his body, and laughed.

Use the Dominator Rune, because the ability is limited and the power cannot be controlled, it will be completely exhausted even if it is not used for a maximum of one day. This phenomenon will not occur on his avenue circle. If you want to use it, you can hide it at will. No one can see the slightest. (To be continued ...)

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