Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1491: Strange corpses (below)


Shattered Shenzhou tore space, moving forward at lightning speed.

King Wanli, King Qingye, and King Xuanchan looked at each other, swallowed drooling, and their eyes fell down.

They already knew that Nie Yun's strength must have improved a lot over the past, but never dreamed that it would be so powerful.

"The host said just now that we are a bit slow. I don't think so. I feel that with my Xuanchan King Wing, I definitely won't be hindered. Now I know ... it's more than just hind legs, it's almost on the feet ..."

Standing on the cabin, feeling the wind that blasted the air and tearing away the space, the face of King Xuan Chan was gradually numb from the previous surprise.

Its best speed at this time is the same as the snail.

"Although this broken Shenzhou is the peak chaos soldier, if you want this speed, it depends on who urges it. If I urge it, there is not even one tenth of it ..."

Looking at the boy standing in front of the deck, King Wanli's eyes had a strong sense of worship.

No matter how good a weapon is, it does not have enough strength and cannot exert the strongest effect. Although this broken Shenzhou is powerful, it is in the hands of it, which is equivalent to the dust of a pearl, but in the hands of the other party, it can exert the greatest power!

"When I first met Master Nie Yun, I felt that he had also used the Rune of Domination. The true strength was still a lot worse than mine. Now ... a hundred opponents I must not be together!"

King Aoba is also full of admiration. With a sigh of emotion, he looked enviously at Xuan Chan Wang: "You still have a vision. Before, I think you believe that human beings are dominated and degraded. Now I know that you make What a wise choice! "

"That's nature!" King Xuan Chan raised his head, his face proud.


The three kings are talking. A voice sounded in my ears, looked up at the same time, and immediately saw a huge ocean appearing in front of me.

This ocean is not water, but a kind of liquid that makes people feel terrified. When it touches the body, it will burn like a flame, making people full of despair.

"Water of Despair! One of the four most famous backwaters in the Chaos Ocean!"

Standing at the bow, Nie Yun looked at the ocean in front of him. Look indifferent.

Water of Despair, a special liquid, can erode human souls. It is contagious, and the effect is so strong that even the two thousand and eighty-eighth Avenue might be inevitable.

"That corpse is at the very center of the ocean. We have never been near ..." King Aoba carefully said.

"Then let's go in!"

Nie Yun nodded. Drive the broken Shenzhou to fly in.

"Sir, don't be busy first. Shall we prepare? Once the water of despair contaminates the body, it can't be eliminated at all ..."

King Aoba's face was vigilant, and he was afraid of the desperate ocean in front of him.

"No, just stay on the boat with peace of mind and don't wander around!"

Nie Yun waved his hand, didn't care about the huge ocean in front of him, and grasped it gently with a huge idea. The hull straightened into the ocean.

These despairing waters have a great effect on the two thousand and eighty Avenue powerhouses. But for Nie Yun at this time, there was no threat. When his spirit moved, he would cut off the air and couldn't penetrate it at all, which would have no effect.

"It's ... all right?"

Wang Ye was all startled when he saw that the color liquid that people talk about was drained by his mind.

How strong is this?

The speed of the hull in the ocean did not slow down at all. After dozens of breaths, a huge corpse was seen lying in the middle of the ocean, with a length of seventy to eighty feet. A wave of evil spirits spread above it, dispersing the surrounding water of despair Squeezed aside.

These evil spirits are very fierce, not to mention beasts such as King Qingye and King Xuan Chan, even when Nie Yun came to them, they felt a vertigo in their heads.

"It really isn't the master, nor is it half-step dominating the body of the strong ..."

Glancing, Nie Yun's face was dignified.

Although he has never seen a strong leader, but his strength has reached this level, he knows the strong leader well. This corpse is by no means the master. It is shocking that there is no trace of avenue on the body. , I'm afraid he didn't even comprehend a avenue during his lifetime!

I didn't realize a avenue, but the dead body made me feel palpitated. Who is this? Why is it so weird?

Rao is Nie Yun's well-informed, all feel confused and confused.


After looking around, I didn't see anything strange. Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and the sky's eyes shot out.

Under the light of the sky's eyes, everything around is completely visible.

At the location of the giant corpse, the space was distorted, and the light shone over, releasing colorful colors.

"Not King Shura's body ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

Since it is not the dominating corpse, nor the half-step dominating corpse, it still has such power after death, I am afraid that it can only be the corpse of the Fengwangqiang, but one of the Fengwangqiang died ... King Shura!

But this is definitely not the body of King Shura!

He is more familiar with King Shura than anyone. It is really the other's body, which can be seen at a glance.

"Master, is there something wrong with that?"

Suddenly King Aoba found something and pointed forward.

"Huh?" Nie Yun glanced in the direction of his fingers, his brows frowned.

He did see something wrong.

The corpse lying flat in the center of the ocean was quiet and indifferent, like a short stone. I thought that there would be no movement for hundreds of millions of years. But at this time, I saw the corpse's chest move from time to time, every time, There was a ring of force whizzing from a distance, slowly merging into it.

This action, as if the body is ... breathing!

How many billions of years have a dead body been breathing?

It's creepy to think about it!

"This corpse seems to be holding you in captivity, using you as a bargaining chip for his resurrection!"

Many winds and waves have been seen, and Nie Yun will naturally not be afraid, frowning, and still feel terrible.

"Captive us?"

King Wanli's face showed an incredible color.

"I do n’t know who killed the corpse, and the spirit is flying. According to normal principles, there is no possibility of resurrection, and he does not know what secret method he used before dying, and he trapped a large area. As long as the life born in this place will become his Nourish him and provide him with enough strength for his resurrection! "

Nie Yun said slowly, even though he had guessed things out, his eyes still showed unbelievable horror.

"Tired? Nourishment?"

The faces of King Xuan Chan and others became very ugly at the same time. That's why they can't leave the ten ancient sites. It turned out that they were just the nourishment that this corpse used to revive. The stronger the power, the greater the effect on him.

"What's the secret method? Why haven't you heard of it?"

King Wanli could not help asking.

What is this weird and secret way? Can the dead be resurrected?

It seems that there is no such method in Three Thousand Avenues!

"I don't know, it really does not belong to any of the Three Thousand Avenues!"

Nie Yun's brow frowned, and it was full of strangeness.

If this guy was born in Chaos Ocean, he must follow the rules of Chaos Ocean. The method used is in line with Three Thousand Avenues, and the weird scene in front of him is definitely not any one in Three Thousand Avenues. How did the other party do it?

Who is this corpse? Who was killed? How come here?

A series of questions echoed in his mind, Nie Yun's eyebrows became more and more wrinkled, and the strange meaning in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"You guys are waiting here, let me check it out!"

The body grows long ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun makes a decision.

"This ... the host is careful!"

Xuan Chan Wang originally wanted to say that he would be with him. After thinking about it, it would only cause trouble to the owner in the past, so he had to give up his intention to order.

"Well, rest assured!"

Leaving the broken Shenzhou in place and stepping forward, Nie Yunling was empty, and a moment of effort came directly above the corpse.


Just wanting to fall on the body to take a closer look at what was going on. Suddenly there was a ringing in his ears, and a special thought suddenly rushed over, straight into his mind.

This idea is like an awl, so sharp that even he can't avoid it.


When his face changed, Nie Yun could not help but stiffen.

ps: The third is here! There are six more today, the monthly pass is here!

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