Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1496: Meteorological Mountain

Prideful, King Qingye and King Wanli, who are naturally hostile to the humans in the Supreme Moon, actually kneel down and call Master Nie Yun. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it. . .

Originally, Gu Xiao and others thought that Nie Yun was forced to surrender by using his strength. No one saw the strong worship and fieryness from the eyes of the two kings. This was definitely achieved by consolation, not by force.

Before coming to Shijie Ancient Land, everyone was determined to die. They thought that if they died, they would never have died. The king of Shijie Ancient Land actually turned into Nie Yun's demon. During this time, what happened What's so thrilling?

How can it be so unbelievable?

"Well, Wanli, you first control the broken Shenzhou and Qingye, and tell them the news you know!" To the surprise of the crowd, Nie Yun did not explain in detail, but ordered a sentence.

"Yes!" King Wanli retreated, taking control of the broken Shenzhou and moving on, King Aoba came to the crowd.

When Gu Xiao and others saw this expression, they seemed to have guessed something, and they looked dignified one after another, no longer as before.

"Seven days ago, my friend who stayed in the ruins of God came to me and said that many disciples of the three main gates of Wanyu Mountain, Shiqiu Ridge, and Duan Tianya joined forces to surround the village of Guiguixu.

King Aoba organized the language. Although he said it simply, when he heard Gu Xiao and others, he immediately understood the misery.

It is not a day or two that the three great gates want to deal with Guixuhai. This time, if you dare to do something, it will be a thunderous strike. The disciples of Guixuhai may have encountered an unprecedented crisis.


"This group of guys. Nie Yun, let's go back and save them!"

"Even if they die, they won't let Wan Laoshan succeed ..."


Qiyuan and others have been in Guixuhai for many years. Become a veteran, hearing the news that Zongmen disciples were being insulted, one by one, his eyebrows were raised with indignation and anxiety, and he could not wait to rush forward to fight against them.

"Don't talk, listen to Lord Aoba!"

Gu Xiao interrupted the angry people. Nie Yun could call Qingye casually, but he didn't dare.

Gu Xiao has a very high status and majesty in this group of people. He heard all his scoldings stopped and looked at King Aoba.

"My troubled Lord told us how many disciples at Guixuhai are now!"

"This is the news I just got yesterday!" King Aoba grabbed the palm of his hand, and a jade card appeared on his palm. A line of handwriting appeared on it, and then said: "Many disciples in Guixuhai couldn't resist, they were gathered under siege and retreated to the Meteorological Mountain! If you want to rescue them, just go to the Meteorological Mountain!"

"Broken Meteor? Destroy the Fallen Land?"

Gu Xiao and Qi Yuan heard the name. His face was ugly.

"What is this place?" Nie Yun was not clear about the many places of God's remains, and turned to look at King Qingye.

"The broken meteor mountain is a dangerous place that is almost the same as the ruins of the gods and the ten terrible ancient places. It is also the most intense place in the battlefield of ancient times. In normal times, because there are too many dangers, there are not many disciples entering this place. The disciples from Shiguixu have retreated there collectively. They have lost their way! "

King Aoba traveled the entire ruins of the gods and knew the geography very clearly.

"Breaking the Meteorological Mountain itself is the place where the meteorology fell, and the crisis is heavy. It seems that the scene is not optimistic ... Nie Yun!"

Gu Xiao muttered and looked up.


Hearing suddenly called him, Nie Yun froze.

"I hope you can promise me one thing!" Gu Xiao's face was dignified, and his eyes were determined.

"You can do whatever you can!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Your potential and courage are the most promising I have ever seen. This time, whether you can survive it or not, I hope you will not be contaminated, and it is best to find a way to escape!" Gu Xiaodao said.

"Let me be a deserter?"

As soon as Nie Yun had finished speaking, he saw that the other hand raised his hand and did not stop him from saying: "It is not a deserter, but to preserve the strength for the returning sea. As long as you are alive, there is hope in the returning sea. Not completely cut off, I hope you promise! "

Gu Xiao stared at him with sincerity and sincerity.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Nie Yun shook his head.

Although the relationship with Guiguixuhai is not too deep, after all, it is his ancestral gate that allows him to be a deserter at a critical moment, which cannot be done anyway.


After listening to his words, there was no room for refusal, and he bit a bite to death, and Gu Xiao's face was unsightly.

"Thinking about these things, the death of the eldest husband is dead. Even if the three great gates really want to kill us and return to the sea, they will definitely have to pay a terrible price! Everyone will die if they die together."

Seeing him like this, Qi Yuan laughed out loud, soaring to the sky.

"Yes, Brother Qiyuan is right. Even if they die, they have to pull their backs. It's been a long time since they were killed, as long as they can let us know that we are not a mess to return to the market, what if we die!"

"It's luck for everyone to die together ..."

Influenced by Qi Yuan's emotions, the other disciples not only did not have the previous depression, but all laughed, one by one with a look of death.

Seeing the attitude of these people, Nie Yun was moved.

It is no wonder that Guixu Haineng stood on the dry blood continent and became one of the four major gates. The congenital terrain is only one of them. It is the spirit of these disciples to truly let them go further and further.

"Everyone can rest assured. Although Shiqiuling, Duantianya, and Wanyu Mountain are united, it is not necessarily who lives or dies ..."

When he came to the crowd, Nie Yun smiled, his eyes flashed.

As soon as Su Lin and others died, the others in the three major gates were equal to the Wuhe people. At that time, it would be a big deal to cast the heart of the heart and try to devour all the disciples of the three major gates.

Of course, doing so will inevitably expose Tian Xin Teng and cause a lot of trouble.

Although relying on his current strength, he has no fear, but Nie Yun still doesn't want to be too prominent now, because he is not a native of Xieyue Supreme Territory, and King Shura is his younger brother. People notice that it would be awful to do that.

Therefore, we must think of a perfect solution.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

Seeing Nie Yun's self-confidence, Gu Xiao and others were pleased and looked over at the same time.

Although the young boy has not been here for a long time, he has always been able to surprise and surprise. Perhaps this time it seems that he knows that he must die, and it can also bring about different results in his hands.

"There is no good way ... eh? Right!"

Seeing everyone looking at the expected look, Nie Yun was trying to shake his head, and suddenly his eyes brightened and he laughed.

I have left the backhand before, this time it is time for this backhand to appear.

In the laughter, when Nie Yun's spirit moved, a figure suddenly appeared on the deck.

"Dried blood royal clothes, is it ... Prince Fu Jiang?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, Gu Xiao's face changed suddenly.

Although he has never seen Prince Fu Jiang, he still knows a little about the characteristics of this person, remembering that Nie Yun had asked this person some time ago, and he still didn't know who it was.

Prince Fu Jiang has more than 2,800 avenues. As a prince, he has a lot of life-saving things in his hands, and his strength is strong. I am afraid that the people who are full of ships are not rivals. At this time, suddenly, what do you want to do?

"Prince Fujiang, we are disciples of Guixuhai. We have no interest in your dry blood dynasty. Please let us go ..."

Gu Xiao was busy, only half spoken, then stopped suddenly.

Concern is chaotic. As soon as I saw the tremor in Prince Fu Jiang's heart, he forgot the other party's actions. It seems that it should have been released from some container, was it Nie Yun?

Turning to Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gu Xiao was shocked and anxious.

Fu Jiang's status is extraordinary. As a prince of the dried blood dynasty, do you keep people in a container for holding things, but you won't mess with the other person?

To provoke a prince, things may be more difficult than the siege of the three major gates ...

Not only did he have this feeling, other people also thought of it at the same time, one by one, looking dignified, I don't know what to say.

"Master, look for me!"

However, their worries had not been fully revealed, and His mighty prince in front of him, kneeled softly on one knee before Nie Yun.

"Master? You have received ... Prince Fu Jiang as an attendant ..."

Before it was petrochemical, this time Gu Xiao and others went crazy.

ps: Today is still six more, continue to ask for monthly tickets, continue to vote with monthly tickets, and continue to give rewards, Lao Ya want to see where their limits are, in the end can stick to the six more! (To be continued ...)

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