Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 149: 3 conditions

"Heavenly Sword is in it? One item catches up with the others. What does this mean?"

Nie Yun's eyes widened, and his heart beat rapidly.

Before Tian Jian sword was broken by one shot, I suspected that the sword was fake, but I did not expect that it was actually hidden in this daddy Tandan!

As for an item that can catch up with the sum of other items, Nie Yun also knows that at that time, he always thought it was those Fufu. Now it seems that he and others really want to be simple.

And yes, the Rune made by the Supreme Power, although very powerful, is not worth one thing!

"To be honest, although I got this ball and knew what it was, I was very depressed!"

Suddenly, the tone in my head sounded helpless.

"Depressed?" Nie Yun didn't know what the other party was depressed. The instillation in his hands did not decrease at all, and he listened carefully.

"I got this bead from the ancient tomb. I know by special means that the owner of it wants to get the Sword of Heaven, but I ca n’t let the object accept the Lord Dan Tian, ​​and I ca n’t take out the sword of Heaven ! "

Luo Qu seemed a little lost and said, "You say depressed, not depressed!"

Hearing this sentence, Nie Yun smiled.

It's really depressing, knowing that the baby is in his own hands, but he still can't take it out. I'm afraid I will be crazy.

"This thing can't be refined by the supreme strong person. The method is beyond the scope of my imagination. Later, after my inquiries, I finally knew that there are three ways to open this baby!"

Luo Qu said that he paused for a moment. "First. The strength of Qi is beyond the supreme level, and the strength to seize the heavens and create a secret realm can be opened!"

The highest level of Qi Hai Jiu Tian is the Supreme, and above the Supreme, it is the most mysterious Secret Realm!

A person of this strength can capture the heavens and earth to make a difference in life and physical strength. To be honest, in essence, this person has exceeded the scope of human beings and reached a new level!

From supreme to dominating the heavens, it's not just the power that is different. There is also the difference between humans and the nature of the human body. Regardless of the fact that it took Nie Yun only one and a half months to reach Supreme, he didn't have any confidence to reach this state!

This kind of realm can open this fabulous dandan field, so when and how long? It is indeed depressing enough!

"Second, don't rely on qi, you can have 100 elephant power by physical power alone. It can also be opened!"

Luo Qu went on to say the second condition.

"Achieving the power of 100 elephants by the flesh alone?" Nie Yun's eyes narrowed and he took a breath.

The second layer of his own rhinoceros refining system is only a matter of physical power. What year and month do you want to reach 100 elephants? Even if the third floor reaches Dacheng, there is no such power!


If there is such a strong body, even the Supreme Peak Strong can be killed with a punch!

"Third, the physical strength and the true energy strength each halve, and they add up to a total of 100 elephants!"

Luo Qu stated the third condition.

"Each half of them has a power of 50 elephants. It's scary enough!" Nie Yun's face was stiff.

Want to open the three conditions of accepting things Dantian, it is really abnormal, no wonder Luo Qu is depressed, now after listening to myself, I feel depressed.

Now his strength is in line with Article 3. But how long does it take for physical strength to reach?

"This thing is inside Dandan. Not only is there a sword of heaven, but also a lot of treasures, but you ca n’t see Baoshan in the sky. Depressed, depressing! My descendants, since you can get this thing, you can use it supremely. The level of indoctrination means that you are qualified to take charge of this thing, but light energy ca n’t take care of it but ca n’t get out of it? Do you also feel a little depressed? Hey! "

Luo Qu's voice laughed.

"This guy ..." Upon hearing what he said, Nie Yun was still a little depressed, and he couldn't help laughing as he swept away.

When I was in Luoqu Tomb before, I felt that this Luoqu was a little weird. The trap was designed based on my own imagination and preferences, regardless of whether future generations will die. Now I hear this voice, it looks like an old naughty boy. The success is ridiculous.

"Treasures are nothing to me, as long as they can absorb the special atmosphere inside and let the unknown method work!"

In fact, the treasure is really nothing to Nie Yun. Even if it is there, it may not be more than nine turns Nirvana. On weapons, you have the sword of Xuanyu, even if the royal weapons are not in your eyes. It worked!

Regarding wealth, he can't spend more than a million silver on himself. He has no money and can write a set of exercises and martial arts at will. Jinshan Yinshan also has it!

On the secret ways to break through various realms, he was a man in two lifetimes, and the previous life was the pinnacle of Dantian acupoints. Even if he gave himself the best secret ways, I'm afraid I can't ignore them!

For Nie Yun, it is the most important and advantageous that the unknown method can work and open up the Dantian. Everything else is not important.

"Haha, there is nothing to be depressing. At least you got the real Tianjian sword. I also made a fake one and put it in the grave. If someone robs me and my juniors, I'm afraid I will take the fake away. I wo n’t have time to cry ... "

Luo Qu's last words were cunning.

Thinking of the fake Tianyi sword, Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

Indeed, it was too late to cry. The expressions of the Ning King and the King Wang when they saw the rupture of the Heavenly Sword were really pitiful. If it were not for their great shock, they would have had a hard time defeating them.

"Since it can't be opened now, don't fight, try to absorb the special power of it by the unknown method!"

The reason why I originally hid this ball privately ~ www.readwn.com ~ is because it can make the unknown method tremble. Now that you know it is a treasure, then try, can you absorb the special power and evolve again? Bloodline!

Now that I have seven Dantians, the royal lineage is of high quality. If I evolve further, I am afraid that I can reach the royal lineup and truly become the pinnacle of the world!

The blood of the imperial family is running at the same time. Nine big dantians are running at the same time. Even if there are not many gods in the whole empire, if you have this talent, it will be faster. It will not be difficult to surpass the supreme level in ten years!

According to the memory, the ancestor of the royal family has this talent. As for the other Supremes, none of them!

Thinking to himself, Nie Yun held the demon core in the palm of his hand, and his mind focused on the unknown method in the body.


Accompanying the induction, the silent and unnamed method of the motion really did the same as before, and moved a little, sending out a trembling and exciting inexplicable tremor! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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