Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: Dominate the strong


Seeing that there was no half figure in front of him, Nie Yun entered the ocean of chaos, no matter how difficult to trace, the dry blood emperor made a long hissing, and roared through the world with a strong resentment and unwillingness.

The strength of the opponent is not much different from him. Once entering the chaotic ocean, there is no difference between the fish and the river, and they can no longer catch up!

The dignified emperor was robbed of the dragon's seal in the palace, and killing dozens of ministers face to face was a slap on his face, unbearable.

"Sneak attack outside with your avatar, attracted my attention, but mixed into the imperial city ... This kid can't stay!"

Standing in front of the chaotic ocean, remembering the previous series of actions, the dry blood emperor's face became colder and colder.

Although his anger burned, he did not lose his position. He carefully analyzed the reasons for his success and looked for shortcomings. This was a good habit he had developed as an emperor for so many years.

This Nie Yun let the avatar stir the wind and rain outside, giving the illusion of not being in the city, but then quietly mixed into the city himself, taking the opportunity to **** the dry blood dragon seal, one by one, one by one, even him. Can't help it.

In particular, his answer to the text test elaborates the Three Thousand Avenues, and the truth is pierced into it. Just as it is, even he can hardly refuse. If most of the spirit is attracted by this answer, how can he be taken away in person? Dried Blood Dragon Seal?

So young to have this strength, and so scheming ... this person must not stay! Otherwise, it will inevitably become the biggest hidden danger of the dried blood dynasty!

"No way ..."

With a dignified expression, the dried blood emperor hesitated for a while, and suddenly a bit of his teeth, a special jade card appeared on his palm.

This jade card is similar to the master's rune, exuding a full atmosphere of three thousand roads. Although it is not a chaos warrior, it has the deterrence that the chaos warriors at the peak are difficult to counter.

Eyes stared at the jade card, and the palm of his hand slammed.


The air in front of me was shaking, a special force spread, and a straight rainbow pierced from an unknown depth. It seemed like a smooth road.

The passage appeared, and the Emperor Ganxue did not walk over, but stood in a respectful manner, as if waiting for a big man to come.


A few breaths of effort, a figure of an old man slowly appeared on the road, the chaos of the sea was mixed. Before they came to him, they disappeared.

"What happened? Find me in such a hurry?"

The old man's voice did not deliberately exude majesty, but with the power of tearing the world, he shook the soul. Even the strength of the dried blood emperor could not help feeling tremor.

"Please ancestors watch this!"

The Emperor Ganxue did not directly say that the Dragon Blood Seal was taken away. Instead, his wrist trembled, and a golden list of texts flew over. After finishing the list, he remained still and did not say much.

"This is ... the Chaos King Rune?"

After catching the list, the old man glanced at him, his face changed, and even his eyes were excited.

Asoka's promise is for him at this level. It also helps a lot.

"Looking for someone? Let Ashoka issue a Chaos Rune of Tracing? What exactly is this person? Is it like me, dominating the ranks?"

After reading the requirements on the list, the old man was strange.

Listening to his words, he is actually the dominant player!

It is the super strong standing behind the Dry Blood Dynasty!

"This person does not dominate the level, but like me, dominates in half a step, but is deep-minded, scheming, and has one to dominate the soldiers!" Emperor Ganxue said.

"You've seen it?" The old man raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I have not only seen it. This person also came to the palace and stole the dried blood dragon mark ... I did not catch up, so I beg my ancestor to take it and capture it!"

The dried blood emperor hugged his fist.

"I didn't catch up? I stole the dried blood dragon seal? Well, if you can't handle it. I'm afraid you won't tell me about Chao Ling's Fu Ling!" The old man didn't ask Nie Yun, but sneered, his voice was cold. For a moment, the space of thousands of miles seems to have entered the cold winter, and it is extremely cold, making people feel despair from the depths of their hearts.

The state of mind affects nature, and even the chaotic ocean is inevitable. It is terrible to dominate the strong!

"This ... please ask the ancestors to punish!" The dry blood emperor Leng Khan emerged directly from his head, and quickly clenched his fists, his face tense.

In fact, the other party said quite well. If it wasn't for Nie Yun's strong strength, he might conceal the news of Chaoling King Fuling, wait for the task to be completed, and seek breakthrough opportunities from Ashoka, and become the master in one fell swoop!

Unfortunately, Nie Yun fled and snatched the dry blood dragon seal, which caused him a great loss of face. He could only rely on the ancestor of the master level to kill him. He wanted to persuade the ancestor to take a shot, except for Chaos King's Rune. Nothing else!

Dominate the strong, Xiu to reach the highest point, except for the benefits of Feng Wangqiang, everything in the world can not be tempted. Although he is the background of the dried blood royal family, his own ancestor, even if the dried blood royal family is destroyed , I am afraid they may not be shot.

In order to reach their realm, Xiu knows that everything will change and develop. Although the dry blood dynasty is strong, it will also experience the historical trend of being long and forever. Therefore, even if the dynasty is destroyed, it is God's will. Don't force it!

Otherwise, it will inevitably be backfired by the chaotic ocean.

Precisely because of such rules, it is impossible for the powerful to dominate the power. Otherwise, with the strength of the dominant, they can lay down the rivers and mountains at will and let future generations enjoy power forever.

Although the dominant power is invincible, it is not smooth sailing and there will be disasters. Because of this, the old talents of Tianxuan are killed. Therefore, the Chaos King Rune is also very important to them. When the disaster comes, it can be regarded as one time. No death gold medal.

Because of knowing this, the Emperor Ganxue did not tell the ancestor after receiving the Chaos Rune, for fear that he would take the opportunity, now Nie Yun slaps face to face, and he also knows that he can't kill the other side and is forced to do nothing. Please ancestor.

Only then came out, it was obvious that he was forced to helplessly think of him, there is a feeling of deliberate concealment, it is this way, he hesitated for a long time, and finally made a decision.

"Hum, punish you, I'm not free!" The old man waved and snorted, "Tell me the details of this person!"

"Yes!" Seeing his ancestors did not blame, the Emperor Ganxeng was relieved.

Although he stood at the highest point of the continent of dry blood, the pride of heaven, no one dared to refute his thoughts, but before the master ancestor, he did not dare to refute anything.

Although two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine avenues and three thousand avenues are only one difference, they are different from each other and cannot be compared.

It can be said that the old man now wanted to kill the dried blood emperor. If the latter did not dominate the defense soldiers, he could not resist an idea.

Because of this gap, the dry blood emperor did not dare to show any rebellion, and quickly passed on the details of Nie Yun.

"I see! I'll kill this person, but I'm trapped in a Jedi now and can't get out in a short time. The Three Realms battlefield can only be successfully opened. You must pay close attention to his tracks and report anytime. Once I come out They will do it! "

The old man said lightly.

Listening to his tone, this is actually not the deity, but just an idea formation.

An idea is so powerful that it makes the dried blood emperor tremble. How strong should the deity be?

"Yes!" The Emperor Gan nodded quickly, his face full of joy.

With the promise of dominating the ancestors, we can foresee that Nie Yun will die!

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'll go first, and send me any news directly!" Hold the Chaos Rune in the palm of his hand, the old man's figure flickered, and disappeared from the place instantly, even if the dried blood emperor This strength, did not see exactly where to go.


The sound gradually disappeared, the colorful channels in front of them disappeared, and the space in front of them did not change at all, as if nothing had happened.

"Congratulations to the ancestors!"

The Emperor Ganxue respectfully stood there for a while, seeing that the ancestor had indeed left, and then he was relieved, his eyes flashed. The chilling light: "Boy, let me ask my ancestor to kill you, and you are proud enough!"

With a hum, his body flickered and flew straight towards the dried blood palace.

The other party snatched the Dragon Blood Seal and made such a big movement. It must be handled properly. Otherwise, it will definitely cause a very serious accident. With a little carelessness, the Dry Blood Dynasty may be destroyed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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