Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1542: Lost City captured

"Get out of my little world directly?"

I saw Nie Yun's body flicker as soon as she disappeared, Xiaoyao Xian slightly staggered.

Although he did not intentionally control the small world just now to retain the other party, he is the dominant power after all. The small world is extremely strong. Not anyone wants to come and leave as long as he wants. This boy left directly without even noticing. What is this skill?

I ca n’t do this even if I realize that Sky Street is true!

"This guy has made such a big move before he becomes the master, and the future is limitless!"

With a sigh of excitement, Xiaoyao Xian shook her head and was about to get out of the small world. She saw ten gourds lying neatly in the place where the other party had just left.

Unplug the bottle, the nose is fragrant.

"Haha, this kid, it's interesting!"

When I saw this, I immediately knew that it was left to him deliberately, and Xiaoyao laughed.

Secretly left the wine, not even his drunkard found out. He is now looking forward to this Nie Yun more and more. I don't know to what extent this young boy can rely on his own strength.

Perhaps, I can break through the glorious envy of these dominant powers!


After entering the chaotic ocean, Nie Yun changed her direction more than ten times, so she suspected that she was flying in the direction of heaven and earth.

I know Nie Tong's purpose is to let him protect the heavens and the earth, and his heart is exhausted.

Anyway, it is for protection, and the big world will be directly included in the world of things! Anyway, the world of receiving things is vast, and it is not much smaller than the Extreme Moon, let alone one heaven and earth. Even ten can be easily collected.

During the process of returning to heaven and earth, Nie Yun did not tell King Xuan Chan and others. Just to let them practice in the world of things with peace of mind.

On the way back, Nie Yun deliberately entered the Jiutian World, Daxuan Chaos and other places, bewildered, and circled a large circle before returning straight to Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and earth six.

In a suspended palace over the last nine days, powerful breaths exploded, forming a torrent of force. Rippling the whole spirit world.

"Haha, what Yun'er left is really amazing. I didn't expect that I am now a celestial powerhouse!"

A figure came out with a smile. Nie Xiaotian was excited.

He followed behind him with Nie Xiaofeng and others, one by one with a strong breath, with every move carrying the power to tear the world.

"Nie Yun is unparalleled in the world. Although it ’s not long to go to what is called the Oblique Moon Extreme World, it has become a top powerhouse. What is left is naturally extremely precious!"

Miluo Qingcheng laughed on one side.

Luo Qingcheng at this time has stronger strength and attracts no breath. I do n’t know when I have been promoted to the peak of 诛 Heaven Realm. Although there is still a certain distance from the oblique moon soldier, it is also very scary!

几个月 It has been only a few months since she was promoted to scold the sky mirror, and she has achieved such a big breakthrough in such a short time, even the extreme genius of the oblique moon supreme realm can't do it!

Nie Yun left when he was detached. Seeing her progress, she couldn't help wondering. Therefore, I also think that the six heavens and earth are not as simple as imagined.

"Brother Nie Yun must be great, but our strength has become stronger, and the repulsive force of the six heavens and earth is getting stronger and stronger. It is a bit difficult to enter the world!"

Xiao Xiaoling came over.

At this time, Xiao Ling also reached the heaven, and his eyes looked down through the walls of the palace with a bitter smile.

After their strength reached 诛 heaven, the repulsive force of the six heavens and earth is getting stronger and stronger. It is now very difficult to enter the six heavens.

"This is the result of you not being able to fully control the power. When you fully comply with the power and integrate it into your body, there should be no problem!" Luo Qingcheng explained.

"I hope so! By the way, Nie Yun is so anxious to go back, nothing will happen!"

Xiao Ling nodded, no longer thinking about it, and the words turned around and asked.

"What happened? I don't know, but as soon as he figured it out, he couldn't solve it, and we couldn't help it!" Although Luo Qingcheng said this, his eyes were full of worry.

Xie Nieyun was the first person to break into her heart. Although she has not accepted her kindness in these years, she has never given up. There is only one in her heart.

"Relax, it should be fine!"

Nie Xiaotian waved his hand, remembering the rise of his son's legend, he couldn't help but be proud.

虽然 Although I thought this son was extraordinary at first, I never dreamed that I could reach such a height today!

"Hey, I didn't expect there was a small world here, yes ..."

I was excited when everyone was just promoted to Xiuwei. Suddenly, a cold thought came from the chaotic ocean above nine days, and then two figures flew over.

The two men are very tall, their eyes are like eagle owls, and when they see the six heavens and earth, their eyes are full of fiery eyes.

"Although this small world is small, it is full of vitality and strength. If it is sold by refining, it should be able to sell a lot of money ..."

Another person looked at Tiandao Liudao carefully, and only glanced at it, and his eyes immediately showed greed.

二 Both of them are in Tsing Yi, with a golden leaf embroidered on the chest badge.

Xun really was the gold leaf merchant group that Nie Yun encountered in the chaos of Daxuan!

These two are the two elders of the business group, specifically looking for small world refining in the chaos and selling them!

二 The two of them accidentally got involved in a chaotic storm. They thought they would die. They never dreamed of seeing such a small world.

Although this small world is not large, it is much worse than the chaos of Daxuan, let alone the oblique moon supreme realm, but it is as dazzling and dazzling as the gem. It can be imagined that if it is refined Can sell for a good price.


The unbridled arguments of the two people immediately aroused the vigilance of Luo Qingcheng and others, and a roar arose, and the crowd came to them.

"咦? There is such a small world, but there are also 诛 天 界 峰 强强 者? Incredible, it seems this place is weird!"

A Tsing Yi man with a wide eyebrow looked at Luo Qingcheng first, then frowned again.

In such a small world, according to common sense, even the strongest who scolds the sky should not appear, but now there are the strongest in the sky, indicating that this world must have extremely valuable resources.

"Leave now, otherwise, we're welcome!"

Seeing the unbridled gaze of the two, Luo Qingcheng raised his eyebrows and drank coldly.

"You're welcome? I don't know what's thick and thick, you show me why you're welcome?"

Tsing Yi sneered with wide eyebrows.

"Chang shirt, this woman is very delicious and looks good, don't do it, let me be happy!"

Another person stopped the guy named Chang shirt, and his eyes were full of gloom.

Although the appearance of Luoluo Qingcheng is slightly inferior to that of Lingtai Lingyue, it is definitely the top in any place. When this guy saw the color heart suddenly, he drooled.

"Meng, you can do it, this woman is very hot at first sight, if not, return me ..."

He Chang also laughed.

The "hunters" of these chaotic oceans often don't see women for tens of thousands of years, and they look a little bit brazen when they see such beautiful women as Luo Qingcheng.


Seeing the two of them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Luo Qingcheng's face turned pale, and she drank softly, with a long sword in the palm, and stabbed straight at the other side.

"Sophisticated Chaos Magic Soldier? Haha, I didn't expect it ... very good, this time I want to be a human, and also a weapon!"

Qi Chang's shirt and Mo Yan's eyes light up at the same time.

They have recognized that Luo Qingcheng's weapon is obviously a top-quality chaotic soldier!

The top-ranking chaos magic soldier has a high price in the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone. There is even a small world of indigenous people. No wonder it's exciting!

自然 The weapon was naturally left by Luo Niecheng to Nie Yun. When he heard this, he was even more angry. The sword was shot sharply and the sky was full of light. The space of the six heavens and earth was torn apart.

The glorious sword stabbed at the two.

"Haha, don't bother, obey me obediently!"

Seeing Luo Qing ’s attack, Chang shirt laughed with a smile, five fingers and a bullet, grabbed the palm of his hand, and the roaring power immediately shrouded the sky and the powerful attack disappeared.


Miluo Qingcheng had no defense force and was caught by him like a trapped lamb.

Although her strength has improved a lot, it is too low. She is far from being the opponent of the two. She has been arrested because she can't get a move.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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