Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1546: Back to Oblique Moon Extreme!

Holding Luo Qingcheng tightly in his arms, he felt the other's slightly trembling Jiao body, sniffing the unique body fragrance on his body, and Nie Yun smiled.

The girl's persistence has always been in her eyes. Seeing her happy like this, does he feel happy?

"Sorry, this promise is late ..."

"It's not too late ... I'm happy!" Tears and smiles filled her cheeks at the same time, Luo Qingcheng's face was crimson.

Although the other party's promise was indeed a bit late, for her, it was finally waiting! At this moment, she feels that she is the happiest woman in the world, and no one can replace it.

The two embracing each other stood on the edge of the cliff, a mountain breeze blew up, rolled up the petals of the sky, falling down, very beautiful.

"Yueer blesses us!"

Seeing the petals falling in the sky, like congratulations, Nie Yun laughed again.

He had been sitting alone for 30,000 years in this place, and was familiar with the plants and trees here. The flowers that suddenly appeared were not the mountain breeze that swept away, but Rongtai Lingyue, who was incarnate in heaven, blessed him.

Because I love him, I hope he is happy, instead of frowning all day and falling into permanent memories.

Being with Luo Qingcheng is also a hope for Yantai Lingyue.

"Sister Yueer, rest assured, Nie Yun will surely resurrect you and return to us!"

Looking up at the dancing petals, Luo Qingcheng is full of firmness.

After confirming the relationship, the two of them opened their hearts, no more scruples, and snuggled for a while. Nie Yun didn't make a rude gesture, just remained quiet, like a beautiful picture.

"Brother is finally happy!"

Nie Xiaofeng and others who saw this scene in the distance. All laughed.

Nie Yun's heart knot was all in his eyes and opened at this moment. They are all happy for him.

"Are you running away from me?"

The Nether Phoenix stared at Xiaolong.

"I haven't escaped. I've died several times. What else can I escape? I also figured it out. After all, the past is over. It's the best to grasp the present!"

Xiaolong laughed.

After experiencing several times of life and death, Xiaolong's hatred for the year has also been taken lightly, besides the Nether Phoenix King has worked hard to make up for it. What else can I see?

"Ah, she finally waited!"

Xiaolong, the Phantom Phoenix King returned to good, Mu Qing, Mu Xia, Bai Hua Xi and others saw this scene like a scroll. They are also full of envy.

Although they also like Nie Yun, they don't have the unwavering determination of Luo Qingcheng in their hearts, so they have envy in their eyes. Without any envy.

"Okay. Okay, allure is still waiting ..."

Luo Zhanhao saw her daughter happy, and burst into tears with excitement.

As a father, he knew how much bitterness his daughter had devoted to this moment, and happiness came. As an elder, how was he unhappy?


Ignore the crowd. Snuggling with Luo Qingcheng for a while, Nie Yun moved his palm. Nie Tong gave him the palm again.

Putting the six heavens and earth into the world of things is tantamount to the completion of the second thing, and the third thing should appear.

As long as this is completed, Nie Tong can regain the title of King of Seals, possess the power of King of Seals, and go further from the resurrection of Lingyue.


The jade card appeared on the palm, and a line of handwriting appeared on it.

"The Three Realms battlefield, refining the heart of the Three Realms!"

"The Three Realms? The heart of the Three Realms?"

Nie Yun frowned.

It seems that to go to the battlefield of the Three Realms, we still have to go. Now this kind of strength, unless the strong dominates the shot himself, no one can hurt.

"I want to go back to Xieyue Extreme Realm!" Put away the jade card and look at the girl in front of you, Nie Yundao.

"Well, go, be careful!"

Although Luo Qingcheng is very happy in his hands, he also knows that the young man in front has more important things to do and does not stop him.

"Rest assured, you are now in the world of my things, if you think of me, as long as one thought, I will appear here!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"Huh!" Luo Qingcheng nodded.

Although he left, it was different from before. If he really wanted to think of him, he could come to one side without any distance.

"Nie Yun, you can save Yueer only if you save your life. Be careful about everything, don't worry!"

When he saw him leaving, the others came over and had to marry.

"Do not worry!"

Seeing the caring eyes of Nie Yun with a smile, his body moved, disappeared from the crowd, and returned to the sea of ​​chaos.

Because the six heavens and earth suddenly disappeared, the chaotic ocean in front of them gathered towards the middle, and the powerful force swept like a raging wind and waves.

Under the impact of this kind of force, the general half-step dominates the strong and falls into it, I am afraid it is difficult to escape and be trapped alive.

Nie Yun is different. When the master-level soul moves, he immediately isolates his whole body from the surrounding vortex, and swims in the raging ocean as if walking on a flat road.

"That world is also broken in the power sweep ..."

Walking slowly out, Nie Yun's eyes fell into one place.

The broken world that he and Luo Qingcheng saw before disappeared along with the six heavens and earth suddenly, lost their dependence, and then under the attack of the chaotic ocean storm, they gradually broke down, re-evolved into chaos, and slowly merged with the huge ocean.

Although this great world was most likely created by King Shura in that year, it was greatly damaged. In addition, life was almost reached, and it could no longer be maintained.

No matter how strong the world is, it has its own life span. Once it reaches its end, it will become a part of the Chaos Ocean again and disappear completely.

"Let's go!"

Looking at the traces of the existence of the six heavens and earth, it will not be long before they will be completely attacked by the chaotic ocean, disappearing without a trace, Nie Yun does not have much nostalgia, grabbed the palm of his hand, broke the Shenzhou, and quickly turned towards the oblique moon. Fly away.

The soul reaches the level of domination, and the speed of urging the breaking of the Shenzhou is faster. In the past, the dangerous area that needed to detour the road can be forced to pass through with strong strength at this time, and the speed is extremely fast.

On the flight, he brought his father, Xu Xun, Luo Qingcheng and others into the broken Shenzhou, using the supreme strength to help them cut bones and bones, and improve their strength.

With countless treasures obtained in the Oblique Moon Supreme Realm, and his dominated level soul, plus the special features of the heavens and the earth, the strength of the people has improved rapidly, and more than ten days of work, each has amazing changes.

In particular, Luo Qingcheng broke through in one fell swoop and directly advanced to the realm of bronze armor!

From the pinnacle of ordinary Tianjing to becoming a bronze general who realized the strength of a thousand roads, it only took such a break, even though Nie Yun was not surprised.

Xu Yan and others also reached the peak of the scolding mirror at this time, one by one will break through at any time.

After more than ten days of control, Nie Yun's control of the soul at the level of **** is also more satisfactory, and all the spirit is incorporated into the body, no one can see it, even if the dominant strength wants to discover, it is very difficult!

However, once it is displayed, it can be astonishing that it can burst into an instant.

"This is the Oblique Moon Supreme?"

Standing at the bow of the broken Shenzhou like Nie Yun, Luo Qingcheng was surprised when he saw the world gradually getting bigger.

Before I heard Nie Yun said that the Oblique Moon Extreme Realm, I thought it was bigger than the six heavens and earth. Now it seems that the two are not the same concept at all, it is simply the gap between the giant tree and the giant tree!

No wonder there can be so many masters in this world, and in such a large world, the laws of space are more stable, and there are more natural powers.

"You have never entered the oblique moon supreme realm, you may be a bit uncomfortable. Don't get out of your way, go back to heaven and earth!"

Seeing the huge world appear again, Nie Yun commanded everyone.

"Okay!" The crowd didn't say much, at the same time nodded back to the heavens and earth of the world of Nawu.

"It's been less than a month since the Three Realms battlefield opened ~ www.readwn.com!"

Taking everyone away, Nie Yun recalled when the Three Realms battlefield opened.

Leaving from the ruins of the gods, the Three Realms battlefield opened for another three months. It took nearly 20 days to **** the dried blood dragon seal, and there were about 40 to 50 days in the six rounds of heaven and earth. Now, two thirds of the three months have passed. , The distance from the Three Realms battlefield opened, not even a month.

"Although no one is afraid of my strength, it is better to be careful!"

The Three Realms battlefield is a place where even the strong will enter. Although his strength is strong, he still cannot carelessly, everything must follow the rules.

"Go directly to Guixuhai, with the ancient Yongzong lords!"

If you are familiar with the battlefields of the Three Realms, I am afraid that besides the dry blood dynasty, there are four major gates. Since returning, it is better to take care of them with the people of Guixuhai.

When the spirit moves, the huge power hides the broken Shenzhou, enters the oblique moon supreme realm, and flies straight in the direction of Guixuhai. (To be continued ...)

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