Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1567: Amazing discovery

Chapter 1567 Amazing Discovery

The heart of space is different from the heavenly way. The heavenly way represents the order and rules of a world. The heart of space represents the origin and the root. As long as the heart of space is immortal, the world can be re-formed even if it is destroyed for a short time.

At the time, King Shura destroyed the six ways of heaven and earth, the world collapsed, the heart of space was not damaged, and the new six ways can be re-formed over time. However, all the souls contained in it will die. It is exactly unbearable to see this. Ling Yue was transformed into heaven.

Tiandao represents the rule. Although the machine can run for a long time, it can give birth to a unique will, but the heart of space has a will, which is incredible.

Never heard of it!

"Since you are conscious, you definitely want to become stronger, and the atmosphere of the world of things is exuding ..."

Shocked in his heart, Nie Yun knew that this was not the time to think about these things, and immediately communicated with the world of things and released the unique world atmosphere contained in it.

The heart of this space has a unique consciousness and will definitely avoid danger. In this way, it is very difficult to catch it under the siege of the sky and the water of hopelessness. However, with its unique consciousness, there are also weaknesses and it will avoid evil. Nature will also get better. The world of things is a world of pure power. It is clean and single. So far, there is no soul. The breath is released. It is sensed by the heart of this space and is delicious. It must be able to attract it.

Sure enough, for a moment, the world of Natto was released, and the heart of the space that had just fled seemed to smell the delicacies, wondering whether to come over.

"It seems that this guy has formed a unique consciousness. Wisdom is not high ..."

Nie Yun smiled when he saw the action of the heart of space.

If the idea formed by the other party is mature, even if you know that the breath of the world of things is very moving. It wo n’t come over easily. The present performance shows that the heart of this space is as simple as a child.

"come on……"

Like a weird seducer who tricked a little girl to watch a goldfish, Nie Yun kept releasing the breath of the world of things. With less than three breaths, the heart of space couldn't help it anymore. "Oh!" Came over.


Seeing this, Nie Yun smiled. The spirit is like a fishing net covering it, and the next moment, a small space of heart has appeared in the world of things.

"Hey, I see where are you running this time!"

The spirit came to the world of things to gather. Nie Yun smiled at the heart of the space in front of him.

In the other party ’s space, you ca n’t catch it if you want to escape, but here, he is the only one. You can escape as fast as you can.

"Do not kill me……"

Nie Yun settled the heart of space and was planning to refine it. Suddenly a weak thought came over.

"Huh? You actually have self-awareness?"

I used to think that the other party has a certain consciousness and can avoid evils, but there is still a long way to go to have self-awareness. When I heard this, I was stunned.

"Yeah ... you don't kill me, I can surrender and recognize you as the master ..."

The idea of ​​the heart of space is transmitted again.

"Okay, surrender me!" The main purpose of Nie Yun is to refine this space and see the other party's initiative request. Quickly nodded.


The heart of space promised, and Nie Yun immediately felt an idea passed into his mind. Immediately, a light flashed and a little girl appeared in front of her.

The little girl, six or seven years old, has this braid, her face powder is tender and white, and she looks very cute.

"You are the heart of space?"

When he saw the doll in front of him, Nie Yun was surprised.


The little girl nodded quickly and blinked with big eyes, simple and cute.

"The heart of space has self-awareness and forms a body ... it's amazing how big the world is!"

Nie Yun is feeling.

"In fact, it's not strange. I was originally heavenly. After I had self-consciousness, I devoured the heart of space and had my own form ..."

The little girl said.

"It was originally heaven?" Nie Yun froze.

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded.

"Tiandao can swallow the heart of space to transform into forms? Doesn't it mean that ... Lingtai Lingyue has been saved?"

Nie Yun's eyes tightened, his eyes tightened.

Huantai Lingyue transformed into the heavenly and heavenly Taos of Heaven and Earth, and cannot be restored. If it can swallow the heart of the heavens and earth, can it also transform into shapes and return to human form again?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun shivered involuntarily throughout his body: "How does the heavenly way devour the heart of space? Do you have a way?"

"No, I do n’t know. I used to be a big world, but I was refined by the old master and made it like this, and then later, the old master fell, and I was stranded in the chaotic ocean by the old man before. I have been able to use it for so many years without refining me! "

The little girl smiled, full of slyness.

"Refined by others? So you are not made by dried blood ancestors?" Nie Yun froze.

At the tone of the girl, she was not made by the dried-blood ancestors. The dried-blood ancestors were the masters and they could not be refined. Who would make her? Is it the strong king?

Only one strong king was dead, and that was King Shura. This guy would not have been made by Nie Tong!

"Is he the one who made you?"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun pointed his finger a little, and Nie Tong's image appeared in front of him.

"No ... but my old master was killed by him!" The little girl saw a look of fright in Nie Tong's eyes, and said quickly.

"He was killed? This ..." Nie Yun was confused.

Seeing the fire of the sky, the water of hopelessness, and the terrible space, you can refining such treasures. It must be a super power that exceeds the level of the master. But ... this person is not the master. Is it the master and the king of the strong? There is one more level in? Or is there a level of strength?

This is impossible!

Between heaven and earth, it is recognized that it is the first under the King of the Kings, and the three thousand roads are complete. How can there be a stronger one?

"Refine what your old master looks like?"

Nie Yun asked.

Although I certainly don't know it, but knowing what it looks like, I can inquire about the breath of the soul and make preparations in advance.

"Well, that's it ..."

The little girl thought for a moment, with a little finger, a tall figure appeared in front.

"It was he who made you ... ah? How could it be him?"

When Nie Yun saw the shadow figure intending to remember the shape of the other party, he suddenly held his head and froze in place.

He knew him!

At that time, I encountered a weird corpse, which is tall and majestic, dead and immortal. You can even use the unique power of the ancient land to plan for resurrection.

This corpse was strange before, and it was likely that it was a fallen master or stronger. It had never been clear who it was, and even wondered if it was King Shura's deity ... How could this little girl be the refiner?

What she said is true, this guy was killed by King Shura ...

What the **** is going on?

Nie Yun is getting confused ~ www.readwn.com ~ What's your old master's name? "

"I don't know ..." The little girl shook her head: "My consciousness was not fully formed at the beginning, and it was too long to remember, but I can't remember, but I know what my name is!"

"what's your name?"

"My name is [Chaos Meditation Bottle]!" Said the little girl.

"Chaos Meditation Bottle? This should be the name of this magic weapon, not your name. Now that you recognize me as my magic weapon, call it meditation!"

Hearing the simple words of the other party, Nie Yun smiled and shook his head.

It turned out that this magic weapon in the hands of the ancestors of dry blood was called the Chaos Meditation Bottle, and it was not made by him. No wonder it was so powerful.

"Meditation? Alright!" The little girl hesitated, still not thinking why "meditation" was better than "chaotic meditation bottle".

"The fusion of the space heart of the meditation bottle should be regarded as the magic weapon of this magic weapon. Now that you recognize me as the master, does it mean that I have refined this magic weapon?"

Although I was suspicious of rebirth in my heart, I knew that if I continued to ask, I couldn't ask why. The situation outside was still very dangerous. Nie Yun didn't say much at this moment and asked directly.

As long as the chaotic meditation bottle can be refined, the fire of the sky and the water of hopelessness can't hurt him, and even escape from here.

"I think you are the main one, but ... it doesn't mean refining! It's not that I don't want to, but your strength is not enough. You must at least do the same thing as the old man outside!"

The little girl said.

"Do you mean that I can become the master to refine the Chaos Meditation Bottle?" Nie Yun sank.

Is it possible ... to become master in order to escape from danger and escape completely? (To be continued) R752

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