Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1588: Haven't said it yet?

There was only his surname Nie in the crowd, but no one except Duan Yi knew it. His only name was Mi and his surname was Mi.

The prophecy tablet says that the surname Nie is directly equivalent to his identity. How not to be shocked?

I am Nie Yun's business, and I do n’t even know that Fu An Chao. This strangely appearing stone stele actually knows, is it really a prophecy stele? Can it be predicted to know everything in advance?

Ji Nieyun's expression that was originally disapproving suddenly became dignified, cold sweat from her back.

In order to reach his realm, Xiu Xiu has no sweat. These sweats are formed because he is too nervous and penetrates his body.

When I came here, he didn't have any flaws, and no one called his name, but the stele suddenly appeared with the surname Nie, and he also said that he was a soulless man.

"Is it already possessed by the ghost, I am not me?"

The whole body was cold, and Nie Yun's spirit hurriedly scanned the whole body.

When I was in the floating continent in the previous life, I encountered a powerful demon tribe that can attach to human beings so that human beings are unaware of it, and even their self-consciousness is still there, but they are subtly affected by the other party and become my non-self State, that is to say, although you have self-awareness, you will do many unexpected things, similar to personality split ... Can you also encounter this situation yourself?

A strong spirit glanced around in the body, but found nothing, and Nie Yun's face grew heavier.

After I entered here, I always encountered strange things.

"Hui Jian, cut!"

Come quietly. Without thinking about it, Nie Yun knew that Hui Jian in the sea moved and chopped down. Cut off all negative emotions.

In the state of panic and panic, it is easy to be invaded by evil spirits. This situation must be ruled out as soon as possible in order to better find the real murderer who wants to design himself and others.

"Surname Nie? There is no surname Nie in our group?"

"Is the prediction wrong?"

Uh ...

When I heard Zi Tong's words that were not ruined, Fu Anchao and others were all confused.

The name Nie Nie is not in the crowd. It would not be a prophecy prediction wrong.


After everyone's words were over, he saw Duan Yi's face pale. Looking at Nie Yun with a horrified look, he kept backing, but he couldn't say anything when he wanted to open his mouth.

Others only know the name Mi Mi in front of him, but he knows the other party is Nie Yun. The prophecy tablet predicts that the third person is the surname Nie, isn't it him?

Pan Duan also created panic from the bottom of his heart, so scared that he couldn't speak.

"You ... aren't Mi? Who the **** are you?"

Xifu Anchao and others were not stupid. When they saw Duan Yi's expression, he didn't know anything. He drank loudly, his weapon floated in his hand, with a buzzing sound.

"The master surnamed Nie, there is only one Nie Yun who has just come out recently on the Top 100 list, you will not be Nie Yun!"

The Bald Lord is also wary. The palms look like sharp claws, and the cold flickers.

If the real name of the person in front of him is Nie, it will be exactly the same as written on the prophecy tablet. It is the third person that may be the murderer of the weird event!

"It must be him, otherwise my sister will never die!"

Sister Ghost Demon Ji stepped forward, Hong Ling kept spinning on her body, and she would shoot at any time.

Nian Yun was surrounded by three masters at the same time, and the entire space seemed to be blocked for a moment. There is no way to escape if you want to escape.

不错 "Yes. I'm Nie Yun, but I'm not a ghost, and people didn't kill me. This place is weird. It seems that we want to kill each other and don't be fooled by our minds!"

As soon as Nie Yun's body moved, her disguise changed back, revealing her original appearance.

Since the other party has already guessed who it is, there is no need to keep concealing it.

既然 "Now that you admit, what are you hesitant to do? Let's go! The prophecy has already said, it is him, kill him together!"

The elder sister of Ghost Demon Demon exclaimed with long hissing, eyes full of resentment.

My sister-in-law's death hit her so hard that she always suspected the person in front of her.

杀 "Kill me? Don't say I'm not that person, even if it's the three of you, can you kill me?"

Nie Yun sighed coldly, Tian Xin Teng spread out of the body, like dozens of arms, dancing gently, with the power of tearing the space.

He is telling the truth, although the other party is very strong, but these three people, want to kill him, absolutely not this ability!

"The three of them can't kill you, plus me?"

Wu Zitong came over without ruining it.

"Plus you?"

Xie Nieyun sank in his heart.

His strength is not much different from Fu dark tide. If you add Zitong not to be destroyed, Bald Lord and Ghost Demon Ji, it is not easy to overcome.

Of course, this is the case now. If all the cards are revealed, the outcome is still difficult to say.

After all, Nie Yun's strongest now is to gasify the Qing Dynasty and separate three avatars with the same strength. These people are simply impossible to keep.

However, it is too bad for Yiqi Sanqing's tricks. After use, these people are not killed. Once leaked, it is not bad.

"Do it!"

When Nie Yun considered whether to use the one-gas three-clear trick, he heard Zitong scream in front of him without smashing, and a palm was pressed down first.

Tong Zitong does not destroy Although there is no fairy power, but the physical strength is fierce, and the tricks are open and close. It is irresistible.

Nie Yun, who was surrounded by the center, had not yet started, but the Fuan Chao on one side had started. His weapon was a master soldier similar to the sickle. It was sharp and unparalleled, and the space appeared cracks.

Hong Ling flew and white hair fluttered. The remaining two also joined the battle circle. The four attacked together. The strong wind shrouded all directions and it was difficult to escape the idea.

"Well, I am afraid these four people have been attacked by the ghost, otherwise it would not be so irrational!"

Nie Yun's face was low, and he could only resist the attack from the crowd.

The arms trembled, and numerous vines immediately formed a circle around him, covering it with a left-handed rifle and a right-handed long sword. The two master soldiers gently stirred, and the laws of heaven and earth were chaotic. Broken glass shattered to the surroundings.

Twenty-four will join forces unless they dominate the strong to retreat. He has not reached his strength yet. He can only temporarily avoid the front and use the Celestial defense, and at the same time disturb the time and space, so that the other side can't grasp where they are.


Helping the dark tide and hissing, the strength of the four people increased again, each taking their whole body strength, and the whole channel was irradiated by the violent force, shattered into a chaos.


I was suppressed and beaten by four people, and Nie Yun's face was low. If he hadn't tempered his body through the Thunder of the Three Realms, his body would be a lot stronger, and he would have been killed by the other party.

"Catch the World, Devour the Attack!"

In anxiety, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and the world of receiving things revolved.

Such a powerful attack cannot be resisted by Tianxinteng. The only way is to hope that the world of things can absorb these excess forces and completely resolve them.


The world of admittances was moving, and there was a violent roar, and all the attacks around them disappeared in an instant.


He forced the world of things to be fortified, and made his face turn red. He stepped back involuntarily, the storm in front of him suddenly disappeared, the world was clear, he looked up, and at a glance Nie Yun couldn't help it.

I saw Fu dark tide, Zi Tong not ruin, etc. are standing not far from him, one by one looking at himself strangely, with the meaning of inquiry in his eyes.

Xu Zitong still stood in front of the stone monument without ruining it, and seemed to want to read the above text. Fu dark tide still held a sickle-shaped weapon, staring blankly, and turned his head, only to see Duan Yi looked worried, his expression strange.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

I also directly asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ what happened to me? What happened to you, you are all attacked by the ghosts, and you can't tell the enemy ... "

Nie Yun shouted.

"Can't distinguish the enemy? I just wanted to say what was written in the third line without destroying it, and you went mad and kept screaming that we were going to kill you, shoot and fight in the air, like crazy, what happened? ? "

Support the dark tide road.

"I'm crazy? Didn't you attack me?"

Nie Yun froze and looked at Duan Yi in a hurry.

"No, we are all standing here, no one is attacking you! I can testify to this!" Duan Yiyan said in a stupid way.

"No one attacked me? Did I get an illusion? How could this be ...?" Nie Yun was shaken all over, a chill rushed into his heart, and the whole man's scalp was numb, and suddenly looked at Fu dark tide: "No, You said ... Zitong hasn't destroyed yet and hasn't said the third line? "

(The two chapters are over. The weather is so cold. Today, I have three sports lessons, and they are almost frozen into popsicles. Now my hands are still wood and wood, -20 degrees below zero. I ’m so miserable that I ride a motorcycle to school every day. Wow, want to buy a car ... There is money. Endless Dantian still has games, simplified copyrights, is there anything you want? Wow ...)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 天若有情 gwj". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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