Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1617: Eyeless

The ancient ship was cold and huge, with the majesty unique to the royal family, quietly suspended in the air not far away.

On the deck of the hull, the dried-blood ancestors, the masters of Fuxu, and the skyscraper ancestors stood in the air, looking at Nie Yun in front of them, each with a shocked expression.

Obviously, they were a little unbelievable when they heard the news.

Sui Nieyun met with the three of them and hunted them down, and he couldn't find anything. Now he suddenly appeared in front of them. Even if they were the masters, they still felt incredible.

"Are you dead?"

Xun Fuxu dominated the eyebrows and wrinkled.

家伙 This guy was originally hit by the Fuxuan Danshan vertical. With the power of the giant mountain, even the dominant power will spit blood even when it meets the strong, how can a non-dominant survive? And it looks like it's intact?

怎么 "Why, you want me to die?"

Nie Yun looked at it lightly, his eyes were not shocked.

Although the other party is the three masters, he has only one person, but there is nothing to fear.

The strength reaches the level of domination, and the one-powered Sanqing trick can also be used. He is equivalent to the three major masters, and naturally has no fear of the other party.

Besides, the dominance level is almost the same, let alone the other three. Even if there are thirty people, if they want to leave, they will run away. If they want to escape, they will not be trapped.

"It doesn't matter if you don't die, you can waste a little more time and kill it once!" Lengheng, the ancestor of the skyscraper.

"This is, but I think it's strange, what method did he use to escape from my mountain peak!" Fuxu dominated his face strangely.

The situation at the beginning, Jushan peaked. The blood of the ancestors swept away, and it was difficult for the dominant ones to escape. How did the boy leave. Don't let them find out yet?

"Catch and refine his soul, don't know it!"

There was a chill in his eyes.

The three major masters joined forces to kill a non-master but did not kill them. They spread their faces and they already hated the person in front of them.

"Father, save me ..."

"We have always looked forward to the dry blood dynasty, asking our ancestors for help!"

Uh ...

I saw dried blood ancestors and others appeared. Jiang Hao and others let out a sigh of relief and shouted quickly.

"Father, these people are useful to us ... might as well save them!"

The Qiangan Emperor hurried forward.

Qi Jianghao and others directly contacted him not the dried blood ancestor. As the object of the other party's service, speak for them.

"Let them go, we can give you three breaths to escape!"

Xu Qianxue's ancestor looked coldly at Nie Yun, like a cat looking at a mouse. High above. Life and death can be given at will.

"Oh? Give me three breaths to escape? Should I thank you?" Nie Yun smiled softly when he heard what the other person thought.

"Give you time to consider, otherwise, I will go straight. Last time you were able to escape with good luck, this time may not be necessary!"

Seeing Nie Yun's careless expression, the dried-blood ancestor had an ugly face, as if his dignity was provoked. His eyes narrowed, with a cold mang.

不用 "Don't think about it. Give you all this waste!"

Xu smiled slightly, and Tian Xin Teng on Nie Yun's body danced violently, and Jiang Hao and others immediately shot out like shells.


Seeing these people being thrown over, the dried-blood ancestor's face sank, his palms scratched forward, forming a huge air wall, immediately blocking them, and trying to pull them all to the cabin, only to find that these people had become Before the dead body came, he was touched by the waves and turned into powder.

These people were all killed by the Celestial Heart in an instant and turned into corpses!


The face of the dried blood ancestor was like dripping blood.

I thought the other person threw people over, it was a soft act, and I planned to run away. I never dreamed of killing everyone. This was a challenge to his bottom line, and he was completely offended!

"You're offended me completely, I want you to die!"

There was a roar, and the dried blood knife appeared on the palm of the hand. The dried blood ancestor raised his eyebrows, and trembled sharply.


Kuo Mang hadn't appeared in front of Nie Yun. The boy who was standing in place moved a moment, his wings flickered behind him, he had come to him, he didn't take out the weapon, and punched out.

拳 This punch with endless power, capsized like a raging tide, covering all the dried blood ancestors.

The sword mang shot by him is like a lonely boat without a trace in the face of this frenzy. It is difficult to break free no matter how hard it is.

"This ... how is that possible? You are the master?"

The ancestor of Qiangan Xue was inexplicable.

He finally knows the strength of the other party!

This is definitely the power to dominate the level!

Although he did not use all his strength just now, as long as he is not the master, he ca n’t resist at all. The other party not only blocks it, but also bounces back the power.

"Have you refined the origin of Tianxuan Old Ghost?"

What do you think, twitching your skin, the ancestors of dry blood look 狰狞!

I want to be the master. There is only one way to walk. There are a number of fake origin roads in the world. There are only a few of them. The only one who has lost his trace is Tian Xuan elderly!

The last time he chased this guy, he sacrificed the Tianxuan Temple, and wondered whether the old source of Tianxuan's pseudo origin was obtained. Now that he has seen his strength, he already understands that he must have refined this pseudo origin.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have this kind of strength!

"Hey, you have good eyesight!"

I heard Nie Yun's words and laughed.

Although he doesn't know why his opponent said so, but the other person thinks that it is definitely the best result!

Alas, he didn't even know how to explain it!

After all, he doesn't need the pseudo-origin road to possess the dominating strength, and it has subverted everyone's cognition. This way of saying, it can explain why he has the dominating strength, not revealing the ability, and being able to justify it.

"Good luck! However, becoming a master does not feel afraid of us anymore? Dreaming, I will tell you now, how much worse is the newly promoted master and our old masters!"

The dry blood ancestor snorted, and the dry blood knife on the palm whistled again, turning into the sky.

Before he killed Nie Yun, he only used cross-cutting and did not perform martial arts. At this time, he knew that the opponent was an opponent with the same strength as him, and he did not retain it. The strength was like rain.

Dry blood is breaking the sky!

This martial art is his original creation. Daomang runs through ancient and modern times, pierces through the ages, and once it is used, the world changes color.

If you use this trick in the dry blood supreme domain, all living beings and buildings within a range of hundreds of kilometers will turn into flying ash!

Although the inside of the Three Realms grinding disc is more sturdy than the dried blood supreme realm, this trick is too powerful. It is completely displayed, and it has broken countless rooms, and the previous channel has also been blasted into powder.


攻击 The attack was too powerful and immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Many strong men rushed out of the collapsed room one by one, looking at the attacks in front of them, eyes full of horror.

"What happened?"

"There is a master to fight!"

"Is this the power of domination? It's amazing ..."

"What crazy is the ancestor of the dried blood lord?"

"Last time you hunted down Nie Yun with the Lord of Fuxu and the ancestor of Ferris, you should have heard of it!"

"I heard, what's wrong?"

"It seems that Nie Yun wasn't dead, and he also refined the pseudo-origin avenue left by the elderly Tianxuan, successfully promoted to dominate, and sought revenge on them!"

"Become the master? The new master?"

"There is something to watch this time, the two masters start ..."

"If I have this Nie Yun, I will endure it for a while. I will come to revenge as soon as I become the master, and the other party is still three people, and I will definitely suffer!"

"Yeah, but there is not much difference in the strength of the master, even if the dried-blood ancestor wants to kill him, it is difficult to kill it!"

Uh ...

Countless people look at the two sides in front of the battle ~ www.readwn.com ~ one by one inexplicable.

Everyone who dominates the ranks is hidden, let alone fighting. Even if they have lived long enough, they have never seen it.

"the host……"

Fu Fu An Chao and others also saw this scene, one by one nervous.

He knows that Nie Yun's strength is strong, but the other party is the three masters. How can they win with them?

"This Nie Yun is the former Yuntong? Is he the dominant one?"

"It's blind ..."

In contrast to the concerns of Fu Anchao and others, the Emperor Yong Ye and those who have met with "Yuntong" and have not seen him directly are all crazy.

Just now "Yuntong" became Nie Yun and did not hide it. Many people saw it with their own eyes. The news has spread.

"I knew he was the master, and I had to take a closer look at how good it should be, and it's too late now ..."

Everyone showed remorse.

I knew early on that this copper bronze was Nie Yun, and he was still the master. How could he arrogantly throw him into the corner and nobody cares?

I really have eyes and no beads!

(Second more! There is no monthly pass, double now!) [To be continued, this text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承

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