Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 160: I want to compare with you

"City owner, if many things fail to materialize, is this short promise a violation?"

In the hall, everyone focused on the quiet room where Nie Yun and Yu Jie entered, but unfortunately there was no movement at all. After a while, the old man who had just spoken said eccentrically.

At the trade fair, the exchange of things can also be exchanged in kind or promised, just as Liu Chengze exchanged the same thing. Because there was no ready-made one, he promised to send the elixir one month later, and the elixir was delivered in the end !!

This is the promised exchange. Just now the young man promised Yu Jie to be promoted to 100%, which also belongs to this category. Once it is not fulfilled, it is against the rules!

"Of course it's a violation!" Liu Jifei nodded.

"How to deal with violations? Is there a plan?" The old man waited for the sentence of the owner of the city, grinning.

"Although this trade fair is not the highest scale, all people who can come to participate are also people with heads and faces. If they violate the rules, they will confiscate their treasures according to regulations!"

Liu Jifei laughed, and seemed to sing with the old man.

Confiscating what was taken out shows that the royal spear and the supreme amulet will belong to the city's main government!

"Hey, it's good to have the Lord of the City, Miss Tielan shouldn't oppose it!" The old man looked at Tielan with a smile on his face.

"This ... that, of course, naturally you will not oppose it!" Tielan nodded at the thought of the teenager's confident face.

"That's good ..." Hearing the girl's consent, even the unsmiling soldier and soldier like Liu Jifei couldn't help showing off the light.

Royal weapons. If you really get it, you can definitely double your strength!


Just when everyone in the hall had their own ideas. The door of the chamber suddenly opened with a crisp noise, and two figures came out.

"Haha! Is this the strength of the airman? Haha, so strong!"

Fatty Yu Jie laughed as soon as he went out, and his fist slammed in the air, and the air immediately rippled a wave of water.

"What? Really achieved airs? This ..."

"How is this possible? I don't believe ..."

A punch punched ripples in the air, indicating that the boxing power is very concentrated, and the peak of the Bingjia Realm could not do this at all. Is Yu Jie really broke through?

"Huh. It ’s not up to you to break through. I'll try it!"

The old man who talked just snorted, and suddenly swept over to the fat man, and raised his fists straight.

As soon as the shot of the old man's cultivation is shown, the early days of airs!

This man is actually an early strong man!

"Huh!" Yu Jie seemed to have expected the old man to take a shot and snorted. Do not dodge, the right fist greeted him fiercely!


The fists of the two masters touched each other without fancy. The old man moaned and flew out, his face became ugly, but Yu Jie didn't move. Seems like nothing at all.

"Sure enough, it was the practice of the early air sect, but ... how could it be so strong?"

Seeing that Yu Jie punched a strong man in the early days of the old air sect, everyone was a little stupid. He stared blankly at the teenager in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes.

Justified. Because the strength of the newly promoted air sect is not completely solid, it is impossible to defeat the old people of the old air sect. But Yu Jie punched the old man with a punch, and the fact is in front of him, making it impossible to argue!

"The elixir given by Brother Nie Yun was so powerful that it made me a chance to break through successfully. Okay, now I want to give all of my stuff to Brother Nie Yun, everyone's out of opinion!"

In one move, the old man was flying away. Yu Jie was also in a state of excitement. Haha smiled excitedly. He came to his seat and swept his hand before handing everything to Nie Yun.

He deliberately said that what elixir was powerful was naturally given by Nie Yun.

Anyway, alchemy is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, and even if someone doubts it, it will definitely not find a problem.

"Hehe!" Seeing Zihua Jade printed on these piles of things, Nie Yun couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, smiled, and packed it into the dandan of Tianwu.

Finally got Zihua Yuyin, it seems that this hard work was not in vain!

"Well, now that the Iron Rock mercenary regiments are exchanged, let's continue!"

Although Liu Jifei didn't know how the boy promoted Yu Jie, he was happy when he saw that the imperial prince and the supreme falcon had not been exchanged.

"The elixir we took out should be the most precious except the Iron Rock Mercenary Regiment. The second choice will be started by us. Everyone has no opinion!"

Liu Chengze said lightly.

"No opinion!" Everyone answered at the same time.

"Okay, Miss Tielan, I'm going to exchange [Petrochemical Sarcoma] with this Dayang Dan and this Zi Huan Dan, and I don't know if I can get it!"

Seeing everyone's opinion, Liu Chengze looked at Tielan.

"Petrochemical sarcoma? What is that?"

"Didn't this thing come out? How to exchange it?"

Everyone thought that Liu Chengze would go to change the imperial spear or the supreme amulet, but they did not expect to change any petrochemical sarcoma, and they were a little confused.

"Oh, sorry, don't change!"

Nie Yun knew that Liu Chengze would open a petrified sarcoma, and he refused to hesitate!

"This friend's name is Nie Yun, don't be too busy to refuse! Let's make a bet?" The teenager's rejection was within Liu Chengze's expectation and said with a smile.

"Bet? Tell me?" Nie Yundao.

"It's very simple. This is my son Liu Yuan. His talent is not very good, and his strength is not worth mentioning. I think the two of you are not much different in age. It's better to compare the two of you fairly. If you can win, my table These elixir are given to you completely free of charge! If you lose, how about you give me the petrified sarcoma and this gun and Supreme Fuyu? "

Liu Chengze said with a smile.

"Fair comparison? Master Liu, you are really good at calculating! Although the gift of Prince Liu Yuan is not the strongest, I am afraid that you have already reached the Bingjia Realm with the supply of countless elixir! This little brother seems Although the spirit is good, I don't think that the strength will exceed Cheng Cheng Jing, and less than Cheng Jing Jing and Bingjia Jing ... huh! "

"You elixir are not worth the price of this rifle and the supreme falcon, and the test is not equal. Master Liu, you are planning to empty the gloves to the white wolf ..."

When I heard Yanagisawa ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone laughed in the room.

Although Liu Yuan's talent is not the highest, but because he has an alchemist-level father, the foundation has been very strong since childhood. Although he is not less than thirty years old, he is already a strong soldier in the armored state. This strength and a ten Six or seven-year-old teenagers are fighting ... Isn't this bullying?

Although everyone did not have a good opinion of Nie Yun, they had a good opinion of the royal family's weapons and supreme falcons. Naturally, they did not want to give him anything, and they all spoke out.

"Little brother, you don't have to agree, and no one will say you!"

"It's not fair anyway, refuse to forget ..."

Two more "good people" console Nie Yun.

"A fair test with me? I'll give these elixir to me when I win?" Nie Yun didn't expect the other person to make this suggestion, and smiled slightly, showing shyness on his face. "Although my strength is not good, but ... … I still want to try it out! "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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