Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1628: Wan Fu Mo Kai


"What is this ...?"

"Seeing that, the Tianxin Teng on him actually dominates the strength ..."

"Tian Xin Teng, who dominates strength? This Nie Yun is even more terrible than we think ..."

Uh ...

Seeing Xue Han being dominated by a punch and flying, he did not stop Nie Yun from the slightest, everyone shivered.

This strength has exceeded their expectations!

"Come here!"

With a punch, he was dominated by Fei Xuehan. Nie Yun rushed forward and came to the master of Fuxu. The vine rushed forward like a tentacle! Like the sharp master of the soldiers.

The celestial heart is very hard, and in addition to becoming the first plant master, each vine is similar to a master soldier. It roars like a master who stretches out several arms at the same time, which will help the virtual Dominate it.


Ji Fuxu's master did not expect to be in the presence of so many people. In front of this, Nie Yun dared to take action, and with the intention of killing, his hands were dancing like the wind, grabbing again and again.

"Everyone in the world knows that the strongest person I can help is the Yamagata weapon, but I don't know the strongest one is the Supreme Blood Palm! Let me show you my hole card today!"

With a cold drink, Fuxu dominated his face without any panic, but full of arrogance.

Extreme Blood Palm. It took him many years to create a stunt. Once used, the palm of the hand is as if infested with blood, with the intention of piercing the bone marrow, which can affect the opponent's soul for a short time, making it fall like an ice cellar.

"Lie down!"

Seeing the other's supreme blood palm killing Yi Ling, Nie Yun knew that even if he wanted to break it, it would cost him a lot. A cold mang appeared in his eyes, and several vines greeted him with his arms.

Alas, arms and vines haven't come to them yet. The Lord Fuxu felt a cold flash behind him, and another fist came.


The power behind the puppet was like frenzy and fierce, and it was no worse than Nie Yun in front of him, clearly a master who attacked and shot.

In the face of Nie Yun and Tian Xin Teng, he is already fighting the two masters, and another appears behind him. Where to stop it, I had to shrink my back and rush forward.

Although he hid fast. But the opponent's movement was faster, and a palm was still resting on his back.

"噗 ..."

Taking a spit of blood, Fuxu dominated a puppet and fell to the ground. Only then did he see what the attacked man looked like.

Can't stand it. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. Seeing almost scared to death, the whole body involuntarily shivered.

"This is your avatar? Dominant level avatar?"

偷 What he just shot and attacked is obviously another Nie Yun. No matter what the soul breath is, it is exactly the same. The only explanation for this situation is only one ... this is his clone!

Having a master-level clone ... how is this possible?

"It's late now!"

Nie Yun will not hesitate to succeed in the first move. With a stroke in the palm, the Chaos Meditation Bottle appeared in front of him.

Today's matter. Since there is no way to end it, he will use his fist to solve it, so he has no reservations at all, and he will also show off his unique tricks of igniting Sanqing.

"Go in for me!"

A huge black hole appeared in the Chaos Meditation Bottle of Chaos, and Nie Yun's body slammed forward towards Qian, and the clone, deity, and Tian Xin Teng shot at the same time.

The three masters began to work together, let alone the Fuxu master was injured. Even if it was intact, he could not resist it. After avoiding two attacks, he was kicked by Nie Yun with a severe kick, and no screams were issued. He was swallowed by the chaos meditation bottle among them.

There is also an avatar in the meditation bottle. With the experience of killing the dried blood ancestors last time, he put it into the world of things in a moment.

Let's sizzle!

As soon as Xun entered the world of objects, there was nothing he could do to help the Fuxu dominate. In the blink of an eye, he was killed and the psuedo-origin avenue was also stripped.


"Release Fuxu Master!"

"Damn, you are forcing us to ..."

虽然 "Although I don't know why you have a master avatar, but if you let it develop like this, we will definitely not have a good life. Today is your last day ..."

Uh ...

From the battle between Nie Yun and Fuxu's dominator to taking it away, it's actually a bit of a breath or two. The other masters originally wanted to see how powerful Nie Yun was. When they saw that Fuxu was taken away, they all exploded and shouted loudly.

How can I not be afraid to take away the masters of Fuxu so quickly?

"Let Fuxu dominate? Okay!"

When I saw the angry crowd, Nie Yun didn't say much, and suddenly looked at the section behind Fu Anchao and others.

"Duan Yi, you are my attendant, I promised to give you benefits. Naturally, I can't keep my word. Refine this thing!"

He finished speaking, a little finger, and a flash of light shot into his mind.


In the blink of an eye, the breath of Kung Fu Duan also changed and became more complete.


"It's the road of false origin ... he killed Fuxu Dominator!"

"Beheaded and killed? It's ... how is that possible?"

"What means is this?"

Uh ...

He originally drank many masters who wanted to do something to Nie Yun at the same time, and one by one gave birth to the chill.

It was only when Fu Fuxu was taken away that he could not take a breath. In their opinion, it is almost impossible to trap the other person. It is almost impossible to kill. Seeing this directly, all the internal approvals have been subverted!

He killed Fuxu so soon, what about them? How long can they hold on?


Just when they were shocked, the breath of Duan Yi's rapid ascension had stopped, his eyes opened, and he was as happy as an electric man.

Dominate the level!

He originally realized the 2,999 avenues. At this time, he obtained the pseudo original source avenues and refined them in a blink of an eye.

"the host!"

He became the master, and Duan also knew that this was brought to him by Nie Yun. He was more loyal and admired. His body came to Nie Yun and bowed down.


I saw that the new master actually called Master Nie Yun, and everyone's face became more ugly again.

Nie Yun cooperated with the Tianxin Rattan, which is equivalent to two masters, plus a clone, equals three. Now there is another, which means that they have four masters!

Although there are more than a dozen people, when I think of the endless methods and strange and chaotic meditation bottles in front of this young man, the cold chill is exposed on each of the masters present.

"People don't offend me, I don't offend! Everyone is the master, as long as you don't do anything to me, I won't trouble him, but ... if anyone wants to trouble me, I will never show mercy!"

I seem to see everyone's thoughts, Nie Yun looked around for a week.

"Hum, what you said is good. Since you can slay the dried blood ancestor and Fuxu Master, it is impossible to guarantee that we will not kill us. Don't listen to him. In order to save your life, join hands to slay him!"

不错 "Yes, as long as he lives, it is our greatest threat!"

"Everyone join hands, I don't believe he can kill us all ..."

"We have so many people, he has only four masters, and work together to get rid of the key points, otherwise, if we grow up, we will have no chance ..."

Uh ...

The crowd roared, all the masters were murderous.

Although Nie Yun said that people do not offend me, I do not offend, but having a stronger man than them poses a great threat to them. If I do n’t do it today, I am afraid that many people will have trouble sleeping.

"You can kill me by joining forces, but I promise that the first person who rushes over will surely be killed by me! And ... so many of you, I am confident that you will die in half!"

Seeing everyone eager to move ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun looked up and snorted, coldly.


When everyone wanted to do something, when he heard this, they all became rigid.

Indeed, depending on the speed and means of the other party, so many people may be able to kill them in the end, but ... the first ones that rush past will inevitably die!

Everyone joins together to solve hidden dangers, not to let yourself fall!

Death completes others 冇, even if they are noble, they cannot do it!

I can become the master. Everyone is a smart person. In fact, Nie Yun doesn't need to say it. They also know that if there is no such fear, I'm afraid to have already started!

Hid one by one, hoping that others will rush up and seize the opportunity to seize the benefits ... How can there be so many good things?

"Don't dare to do it, then get away with me. I want to kill this skyscraper ancestor, whoever blocks me, who will die!"

I seem to have long suspected that this would happen. Nie Yun's eyes narrowed and he looked around for a week.


With his eyes, all the masters retreated at the same time, one by one flushed, and no one should take the lead first.

(Chapter 2 arrives, and today there is a third chapter, which complements the day before yesterday, and it will be updated soon!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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