Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1638: Destroying the Dry Blood Palace

"Who is so brave, dare to scatter wild blood in the imperial city ..."

"Looking for the dead, in the dry blood dynasty, don't you want to live?"

"Ah ... yes ... dominated by Nie Yun ?!"

"It's over, this evil star is here. What should I do?"

Qiu Nieyun's roar came into the palace. The palace was startled and then exploded.

The dry blood dynasty ruled the mainland for so many years. No one ever shouted so brazenly. They came outside the palace to provoke. At first, everyone thought that this young man had eaten the bear heart and leopard courage. It looked like he was scared. dead.

It's not that the other party ate the ambitious leopard gall, but that their gall was too fat!

I dare to say such a master, isn't this trying to die?

I watched the countless guards of the imperial palace, and all the young men who looked like the **** of war in the air were frightened, let alone rushed over, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Nie Yun's prestige is too great. Kill the master and fight against Asoka ... not to mention fighting, just hearing the name makes people feel desperate from the bottom of their hearts.

"It is dominated by Nie Yun. He came to seek revenge from the dried blood emperor!"

"There is a good show ..."

"I don't know if the dried blood emperor will appear ..."

看 "Looking at the guards, they usually pull two or five thousand eight hundred thousand one by one. Now they have been counseled one by one. Like quails, their necks are not dare to come out. It's a shame!"

"Nothing to shame, if you are the master and have the strength of Lord Nie Yun, they must be the same! Strength is king!"

Uh ...

He is different from everyone in the palace. People in the imperial city heard shouts and laughed again and again, most of them were watching the excitement.

Although the Gangan blood dynasty was not ruled by tyrants. However, it is certainly not clear where the Ming and Qing dynasties can be passed on. Inheritance of hundreds of millions of years of dynasty, bureaucracy, * and other problems breed. The common people are not deep in feelings.

So more people want to see if this imperial power that has stood for so many years will offend this legendary character. And completely collapsed.

"Master Nie Yun, you are the master. Even if you have conflicts with your Majesty, you cannot do it to us! This will only reduce the majesty of your master!"

A minister from the Imperial Palace flew out, his body kept on stinging, but his face was with perseverance. Grit your teeth.

"Yes, Your Majesty offends you, you should find him, not us, otherwise, what's your reputation?"

Another minister flew out.

Although these two people said not much, they were in the middle of the sentence, and Nie Yun cast a jerk.

Don't think about it. This must be the means left by the Emperor Ganxue, allowing the minister to use these words to run against Nie Yun, making him obstruct his identity. Inconvenient to shoot.

It's true that the slaughter of his body is a little bullying to them.

"Ten ... Nine ..."

Although the idea of ​​Emperor Ganganxue was good, he still underestimated Nie Yun's determination. Hearing their words, he ignored them, his eyes looked like ice. There was no pause in his mouth.

"Does the adult really intend to rely on the strong and the weak, regardless of his identity?"

Listen to him countdown. The first minister's scalp exploded.

他 In his opinion, the other person is the master, and he will always care about dignity, and dare not take such a bright shot. He never dreamed of saying this, and the other person ignored it! Nuisance

"The strongest of us will dominate in half a step. Don't you be afraid of contamination because of your actions against us?

道 The second minister was busy.

There was a master of the Qiangan blood dynasty who knew the three disasters and nine difficulties of the master.

"... eight ... seven ..."

Nie Yun did not even look at the other person.

What are the three disasters and nine difficulties, and what are the dangers? Asoka has offended, and still care about them?


Seeing this, several ministers flying in the air knew that the young man in front of them was even more terrible than they thought! Cold sweats came from each forehead.

No wonder the dry blood emperor was so scared that he didn't dare to show up. The person in front of him was not only strong, but also strong-willed, and the things he determined never changed. It was really not these people who could deal with them.

The plan of the Qiangan Blood Emperor originally thought he was hiding, the other party was the master, and he was forced by words, and he would definitely not hit some ministers of the palace. Whoever thought it would be the result!

"How to do?"

Seeing that Nie Yun continued to count down, he would attack at any time. Several ministers looked at each other, one by one anxious.

煞 This evil star in front of him is too scary, they are not able to compete at all.


No one in the crowd shouted and heard this voice, everyone seemed to have received a pardon order, how dare to stay, and flew in all directions at the same time.

The worst of them all reached the level of suzerain. This strength, I really want to escape, only need to take a breath to escape the dried blood imperial city from the position of the imperial palace. Fish and shrimp in fishing nets are generally locked in the air and unable to move.

"It's over ... Nie Yun has dominated ..."

"I shouldn't stay here if I knew it, I fled earlier!"

"I thought he was investigated by Asoka using Fuling Fengtian. He would be low-key and would not dare to show up. I didn't expect it to be tougher than before ..."

Uh ...

I felt that my body was completely imprisoned, and these ministers looked at each other, each seeing a deep panic from the other's eyes.

I originally heard Fuling Fengtian, they thought that Nie Yun would stop fighting Ashoka, and would not dare to do too much. I never dreamed that it would be worse than before!

"Ah ... escape!"

I saw the ministers who had flew out to "negotiate" before and were arrested. The others in the palace were all scared to death, and a moment of chaos fled.

Although he is loyal to the dynasty, there are only a few who can be loyal to it and not everyone can do it.

He also said that the emperor had run away, to whom were they loyal?

Numerous figures flew straight out of the palace in an instant, rushing in all directions, one by one like a bereavement dog.

"Don't go. Since you choose the dry blood dynasty and want to get rich, let me stay!"

When he saw these people running away, Nie Yun hummed, his spirit moved, and he was enveloped in a cage. All the people who fled were frozen in the air and gathered together.

既然 Since these people choose to be loyal to the dying blood dynasty, they must think of a day of death. He has shot it. If these people were allowed to escape, they would say it, would it not fail?

"Three ... two ... one!"

I brought these people together, Nie Yun stopped paying attention, and continued to look at the palace, shouting the ultimatum.

After seeing the last word shouted, the Emperor Ganxue still did not show up, snorted coldly, raised his palm, and pushed forward.


A huge palm shadow formed in the air, tearing the sky, and flew straight ahead to the luxurious palace.

I haven't come to the front yet. I face the seal ban on the outside. The powerful seal is ridiculous in front of the palm of his hand with the children. They are shattered. The luxurious and beautiful palaces are falling down and rising. A piece of dust.

He had not escaped before, and the ministers and princes who were going to be loyal to the dried blood dynasty were directly crushed into powder, and the soul did not escape, and the spirit was completely dispelled.

Since the shot, then show no mercy, the Emperor Ganxue chooses not to come out, then pay the price for his stupidity!


The people who were imprisoned ~ www.readwn.com ~ saw the towering palace, which turned into ruins at once, and no one escaped, one by one with a pale face and trembling.

As ministers, they all know the sturdiness of the palace. This palace was built and built by dry blood ancestors. It is difficult for ordinary half-step masters to break the seal even if they hold the master soldiers!

With such a strong restraint, the other party will be wiped out with the palm of your hand ... Is this the strength of the master?

No wonder the dry blood ancestors were all killed by him. Under this crushing power, who can carry it?

"It's your turn!"

I took a photo of the dried blood palace in ruins, and Nie Yun turned to look at the people in front of her.

The reason why Xun left them, some of these people must know the whereabouts of the dried blood emperor, and even be able to contact, otherwise, the entire dynasty would not be as quiet as it is now.

"If you can contact the Emperor Dried Blood, stand up yourself, otherwise, I will kill you one by one!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

His tone was not ruthless and cold, but he was like homesickness with friends, but when he heard this, everyone was all cold at the same time and kept shaking.

Because they know that the person in front of them can do what they say and say that they must be killed one by one, and they will never leave half alive!




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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