Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1641: Meditation fear

"Meditate, where are you from, can you take me back?"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's spirit was immersed in the chaos meditation bottle, and he talked with the instrument spirit in it.

"I'm not going……"

Xu Jingxin was like a simple little girl. When she saw him, she was happy. When she heard this, her face changed and she hurried back.

His round eyes were full of panic, his head shaking like a rattle.

"What's wrong?" Nie Yun was surprised.

"Don't go, don't go back to death!"

Ji Jingxin's head was shaking constantly, her ponytail fluttered, her face could not be refused.

"Someone chased you in that place? May I take revenge for you?" The little girl with ponytails in front of her was simple and lovely, not afraid of heaven and earth.

Is someone there to kill her?


Ji shook her head calmly, with a look of vigilance: "I won't go back with or without it!"

Looking at her appearance, Nie Yun shook her head, her eyes turned, and smiled: "Do you want to leave this magic weapon and go out completely?"

离开 "Leave here? No ... I just have a sense of spirituality. If I want to go out, I must have flesh, and once I go out, this chaotic meditation bottle is useless, will you let me go out?"

Ji Jingxin blinked. Although she said so, her eyes were as bright as stars, and anyone could see her longing.

She is the heart of the chaos meditation bottle. Once you leave here, the space in the chaos meditation bottle will collapse immediately. This Nie Yun's magic weapon to kill other masters will become useless in meditation. He certainly didn't want to do that.

"You look down on me! If you take me back to that place, within one year, I promise to collect treasures. I will make a body for you and let you out!"

Nie Yundao.

In fact, the so-called collection of treasures is just what he said casually. The ability to copy the world of objects can copy any treasures. If you want to help the other person to refine the body, you can't take a breath.

I say one year because of one year. Or, Nie Tong did not wake up, he was killed by Ashoka. Either Nie Tong wakes up and continues to fight with the three powerful kings ... No matter which of these two happens, it is irrelevant whether this magic weapon is needed or not.

King Asoka sent a command to Fengtian to investigate him. He didn't believe the other party could hold back a year without doing anything.

Another. The Chaos Meditation Bottle is just one of his weapons. It can be used at this stage. After a while, the world of holding things is completely consolidated, and other masters can also be killed casually. It doesn't matter if they are used!

He said, believe that after the previous events, no other dominates the long-term. Don't bother him.

It is precisely because of these considerations that he made a one-year appointment.

"One year? Are you sure?"

My little girl blinked. unbelievable.

"Do you think I'm a liar? If I don't believe it, I can make a vow of chaos!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"No need to send, I believe you ... but ..." The little girl twisted her horns and hesitated.

"what happened?"

"Get there ... Can we go too deep, I managed to escape, I don't want to go in again ..."

Quietly said slowly.

"Escape? What the **** is going on?" Nie Yun looked puzzled.

Wouldn't it be impossible for that ancient land to have a stronger soul?

Wrong, the whole chaotic ocean, the strongest is not the King of the Strong, the rest is the Master, and there is no fear of facing other Masters, can it be that place will still have the King of the Strong?

When thinking of this, Nie Yun thought for a moment: "Is that ... the domain of the powerful king? You escaped from the powerful king?"

"Feng Wang Qiang? No! That place is not the domain of Feng Wang Qiang, but ... you only know the terrible when you arrive ..."

Meditation is full of panic.

"Okay, I listen to you, we will go wherever you say!"

Seeing that she was so scared, Nie Yun didn't dare to belittle her, she looked dignified and said.

"That's good ... you just listen to me, and I'll take you there!"

Hesitated for a moment, gnashing his teeth and making a decision, then his face turned straight, and his teeth danced: "Promise me to give me freedom after one year, you must count!"

"of course!"

Seeing her so cute, Nie Yun laughed.

"Well, after a while you will confuse the Chaos Meditation Bottle and I will give you directions ..."

Quietly said.

"it is good!"

After getting meditation, Nie Yun's spirit returned to the body from the chaos meditation bottle and looked at the happy fairy in front of her: "I'm going to that ancient land, this place is very dangerous, you still go back first ..."

"Let's go with you, two people take care of each other!"

Xiaoyao Xiandao.

"I am afraid that the ruler will fall in this place, you still think about it, if my personal affairs put you in danger, I am disturbed!"

Nie Yun looked solemnly.

This sentence is not a test of the other person, but it is sincere. Xiaoyao Xian has already given him a lot of help, and he does not want him to follow his own adventures.

"You're welcome, let's go. When will Nie Yun be the same mother-in-law?" This makes me a little unbelievable! "

Xiaoyao Xian laughed.

"Since you say this, I won't say more anyway, anyway, I will owe you the favors Nie Yun owes you anyway!" Nie Yun looked for a moment.

"I can owe the favor of Nie Yun. To be honest, I made it! Haha, let's go!"

Xun Xiaoyao played a haha ​​and turned to look at Xia Xing: "Since it's dangerous, you don't have to follow it. You will have to rescue him by that time. Trouble is dead!"

甩 Xia Xing shook hands, Xia Xing immediately felt covered by a special force and flew straight forward.

"Yes! Master, you have to be careful ... Nie Yun, you have to be careful ..."

Xun Xingxing's thoughts came, and in a blink of an eye disappeared in front of the two.

Nie Yun knew that Xiaoyao Xian must have sent him to a safe place, but he didn't say much, and smiled slightly: "Don't go away, wait for two people!"

"it is good!"

Xun Xiaoyao nodded and handed a wine gourd, Nie Yun took a sip, and the two of them stood still.

After less than ten minutes, a few rays of light came quickly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Several figures fell in front of them.

"the host!"

It is Futan Chao, Duan Yi and others.

"Help the dark tide, Duan also follow me, the bald lord and Zi Tong will not ruin it!" Nie Yun commanded.

These people have completed the mission of destroying the three gates and came here.

"Master, is there anything dangerous to do? Don't leave me, I'll follow it!" Zi Tong did not ruin it.

"Yeah, I'm going!" The Bald Lord said quickly.

"The place is really very dangerous, it is very difficult for the strong to survive! You must think clearly!" Nie Yundao.

"Is there anything I can think of clearly? If the master dies, we will die as well, it would be better to see it than that!" Zi Tong laughed.

"Yes, I think so!" The bald lord nodded again and again.

"Okay, everyone, let's go!"

Seeing that the two were resolute in their attitudes, Nie Yun no longer said more. The chaos meditation bottle flew out with a movement of the palm, and the bottle mouth indicated a direction.

(The big story behind the recent chapter relationship, as well as the summary of the previous story, but also fill in the pits dug out before, some hard work, the update will be slower, everyone forgive me, do n’t rush me, Lao Ya will definitely follow the The story is more exciting!)

Alas. . . . . [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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