Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 162: Leave jibei city


Everyone is stupid!

A sword smashed a granite training platform with a diameter of 20 meters. What is this power?

"He doesn't seem to use his energy ... it's so destructive without energy, this sword ... how heavy should it be?"

The founder Liu Jifei first saw the problem and was embarrassed. He couldn't believe it was true.

Others may not yet know the solidity of this martial arts platform. How do you not know as the master of the martial arts platform!

Even if the Qi Zong strong one does his best with a sword, he may not be able to leave a mark on the stage, and the young man with a sword ... the table is broken!

What a terrifying power!

Ten thousand catties, one hundred thousand catties? There are millions of pounds of power!

"You lose, these things belong to me!"

One move would be more smashing than the test bench splitting, kicking Liu Yuan off the stage, Nie Yun smiled and carried Xuan Yu's sword on his body again, swinging away.

"You sword ... can you show me?"

Seeing the young man stepping down, all the stones stepped on his feet turned into powder, Liu Jifei greeted him in surprise, and asked carefully.

"Want to see my sword? Okay!"

Nie Yun knew that the sword was too powerful just now, and he certainly couldn't conceal such a battle-hardened strongman like Liu Jifei, and threw Xuan Yu's sword with a smile.

Anyway, his strength is here, and he is not afraid of the other party's greed.


Liu Jifei reached out to pick it up, thinking he had used a lot of energy, but he did not expect to underestimate the sword of Xuan Yu, and the huge weight took him a while. The long sword slammed into the ground and plunged more than two feet deep.

Just throw it out. Just two feet deep into the ground, the weight of the sword has definitely reached a terrible level.


Reaching out and inserting the long sword on the ground severely, without using Qi, he did not pull up after struggling to feed, and Liu Jifei's face finally changed.

"How heavy is this sword?"

No matter how I am, I am the strongest peak of the ancestors. Although I have not cultivated the physical body, my muscles are still not weak under the nourishment of qi all year round. A few thousand pounds can be easily lifted. How much power is there without even holding a sword?

"Oh, 13,124 pounds!" Nie Yun didn't hide it, he said directly.

"What ... 13,324 pounds?"

Liu Jifei flies, my mother, is this still a sword?

Did you just fight Liu Yan with such a heavy sword?

Still not human?

Liu Jifei, though proud. I also know that even if I am carrying this sword, I will lose strength.

He is not slow in carrying the sword, this ... even if his strength is comparable to himself!

Thinking in my heart, I looked a little higher at the teenager again.

Of course, he used the weight of Xuan Yu's sword to calculate only the physical combat strength of Nie Yun. Not even his true strength!

During the whole battle, Nie Yun was not used at all.

"It seems that we will get along well with the Tieyan Mercenary Corps in the future, and we must not make conflicts ..."

Liu Jifei secretly vigilant.

The head of the Tieyan mercenary regiment is the peak strength of Tieyan Qi Sect. The daughter Tielan has the darling of the Ancestral peak level. Now there is one more young man with the strength of the Ancestral peak ... It is indeed the emperor's great mercenary group. Really extraordinary!

Thinking of this, Liu Jifei originally wanted to be greedy for the babies. Suddenly it faded, winking Liu Chengze, and moving all the stuff on the table.

"This time, you won, we are willing to gamble to lose, all these things are yours!"

"Thank you so much!" Nie Yun deliberately let others bet just now for this purpose, and he did not shirk. With the palm of his hand on it, everything was put into Dantian.

Although these things are not very useful to myself, many of them are elixir and medicinal materials, which can bring great benefits to the improvement of mothers, sisters and other people! Naturally will not refuse.


Seeing Shaoqing's understatement, Liu Jifei's heart shook again!

Just now Nie Yun took out the spear from Nawu Dantian. He didn't care. Now he saw that his hand disappeared with a flick of his palm, and he couldn't help shaking it again.

"Since the trade fair is complete, we will not be here anymore, goodbye!"

Putting Xuan Yu's sword on his back again, Nie Yun smiled slightly and quit with Tie Lan'er.

The things to look for have been found, and the things to get are in hand, so there is no need to stay here!

"Uncle, you can't let them go ..."

Seeing that Nie Yun and others were leaving, Liu Yuan struggled to stand up and roared.

He had intended to teach the boy about the competition, but did not expect that instead of succeeding in his lessons, he was kicked, and his ribs were broken by seven or eight. In addition, he lost so many good things.

"Shut up!" Liu Jifei didn't expect the nephew to be so wink, he snorted coldly, "Uncle, kill them and we will get the supreme weapon and royal royal weapon ..."

Liu Yuan's face was so rude that he shouted no matter what others thought.

"Narizawa, take Liu Yuan back to discipline!"

Liu Jifei was able to survive on the battlefield, and he had been the master of the city for many years. Naturally, he could see everything clearly. Seeing that his nephew had no upbringing, his face sank immediately.

Let me kill these two people. I do n’t know if I can kill them, or even dare to kill them. Such a young man has such strength, who knows if there is a greater force behind him?

Ignoring the contradictions of the city ’s main government, Nie Yun shook his head and went out with Tielan, and soon returned to the mercenary branch.

"Tielan, I have achieved the purpose of this Danish meeting, and leave now!"

Before returning to the branch before entering the yard, Nie Yun got up and left.

"Can't you leave for a few days ..."

The girl didn't expect the teenager to leave directly ~ www.readwn.com ~ his eyes darkened immediately.

"Oh, hold on, I still have something, so I won't stay!"

The girl now has the peak of the sect of Qi, the safety is not a problem, and the incident in Jibei City is over. There is no need to stay here. For the sake of this plan, quickly kill King Ning and return to the family early!

It's been almost two months since I left the family and it's time to go back and take a look!

"That's okay ..." The girl knew she couldn't keep the boy, and shook her head to let go of the dim expression in her heart.

"Well, see you later in Kamikaze!"

With a slight smile, Nie Yun greeted him, and the three-headed demon pet rushed out of the mercenary map branch, and one of the three beasts went straight out of the city.

In the evening, the setting sun shined silently on the body of the three beasts, pulling the tall and thin figure longer and longer, until it disappeared. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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