Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1643: Meet weird corpses again

As he moved forward, Nie Yun concealed his breath, and after a while, a cold place appeared in front of his eyes.

"Is the Emperor Dried Blood?"

He looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw a figure screaming wildly, his hair was messy, his eyes were red, as if something terrible had been encountered.

Xie Nieyun did not rush forward, and looked around left and right, but found that there was no half figure around the dried blood emperor.

"What's crazy about this guy? Did you notice that we were here and deliberately acted to attract us?"

People such as Fufu Anchao and Xiaoyao Xian followed, and frowned as they saw the scene in front of them.

This place was originally air-conditioned, and the dignified emperor went crazy again, no wonder it was weird.

"It's not like it seems to be attacked by the soul, or is ... into a fantasy!" Xiaoyao Xian is not as arbitrary as Fu Anchao. After watching it for a while, he is a little confused.

"Soul attack? It seems that the Emperor Dried Blood has a defense to dominate the soldiers. Considering the effectiveness of the soul defense, the defense is invincible, how can it be attacked?" Duan Yidao.

的 What he said is also strange to everyone.

The defense of the Qiangan Blood Emperor dominates the soldiers. It is powerful and even takes into account the defense of the soul. The master can't help but want to attack his soul. How can he become this look?

The current Emperor Dried Blood, scarlet eyes, was obviously attacked by the soul, and he couldn't hold on!

Qin couldn't resist even the defense-dominated soldiers ... who attacked?

快 "Look, how does that hill look like ... a corpse?"

Suddenly. The paragraph also points forward.


Looking at his fingers, Nie Yun's pupils shrank sharply.

There is a huge hill not far away, and the crowd just arrived and didn't notice it. I thought it was a special terrain, and Duan also reminded me, and immediately saw it clearly, it turned out to be a corpse!

It's just that the corpse is too big and covered with dust, and everyone walks along the ground again. From a distance, he thought it was a hill!

Hill-like corpses. The mad dried blood emperor, no matter what, makes people feel weird.

"Not a corpse. The hill over there seems to be ... also a corpse!"

After being reminded, Fu Anchao also saw something strange, and looked distantly towards the distance.

The rolling hills in the distance fell in the eyes of everyone, and it really was the same as before. All corpses!

The corpses are so tall and tall. Each one is like a mountain, I do not know how many years have died, lying quietly on the ground, quiet like a rock.

是 "It's ... the weird corpse of Shigeji?"

Nie Yun's fist squeezed.

He recognized that these huge ancient corpses were nothing else, but they were exactly the same as they were seen in Shijigudi!

For these ancient corpses, Nie Yun has deep fears in his heart. Although he has now reached the master level, he can't figure it out. What method did the corpse bring to life?

This corpse is just as scary as the parasitic maggot, but it has nothing to do with it.

Especially those black lines that invade my mind, it makes people panic.

Thinking of this, I looked carefully at the Emperor Dried Blood, and surely saw a black mist around his body. 冇 The faint black mist kept invading his sea of ​​knowledge, as if to swallow it completely.

"I know, the Emperor Ganxue must have come here accidentally, was counted by the corpse, and was attacked by that kind of black line, even if there is no way to defend the master soldiers!"

I saw these and recognized the ancient corpses in front of me as I saw them in Shijigudi. Nie Yunna didn't understand what was going on.

"Don't stay here, don't go out even if I have an accident!"

He looked dignified and commanded everyone.

"What are you doing?"

Xiaoyao Xian heard unusual, and raised her eyebrows.

"These corpses are weird, they will invade people's seas, and they will kill as much as parasites! I ca n’t resist the strong ones. I have encountered them before. Try them in the past. If I ca n’t escape, you leave here immediately! "

Nie Yun looked dignified.


Hearing like parasites, everyone changed their faces.

"Is it impossible ... are those rumors true?"

Xiaoyao Xian's face became very ugly.

"What rumors?"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun asked.

"This ... don't talk anymore, it involves the Wang Fengqiang ... who knows who has a disaster ..."

Xun Xiaoyao shook his head, looked at his expression, and did not want to tell what he knew.

"Let's talk when you want to say it. I'm going first. I'm afraid it's late. The Emperor Gansu can't stand it!"

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to say, Nie Yun was also more lazy to ask, his body flew up, the bow bowed like a full moon, and an arrow shot.


The sky with a broken sound, the dark arrows flew straight towards the nearest corpse.

I have the experience of killing corpses last time. Nie Yun knows that he rushed forward to confront that consciousness. It was very unwise. The only way is to destroy the corpses!

The corpse is destroyed, the carrier of consciousness is not present, and this thing can no longer hurt people.

Let's sizzle!

一 As soon as he appeared, Heiwu's attention was immediately noticed. When he saw that he bowed his body and shot at the body, they all made a panic sound. Suddenly, countless dark shadows rushed towards him suddenly.


The arrows in the air seemed to be polluted by something, and instantly became dark and fell to the ground.

Let's sizzle!

After contaminating his arrows, the black mist continued to rush forward, without seeming the slightest consciousness, but like a thin line, he invaded his sea of ​​knowledge instantly.

A dark figure appeared suddenly in the consciousness of the sea, indifferent like ghosts, and a weird scream. Nie Yun suddenly felt a crack in the soul that had reached the full level.

Like last time, even if his strength has increased many times before, he still can't stop the opponent's attack!

"Hui Jian, cut!"

Xie Nieyun knew that this was not the time to be afraid, and Hui Jian was born in her head, slashing in the air.


The force that invaded the sea of ​​knowledge was chopped to the outside, his eyebrows were tightened, and the bow was bent again like a full moon. This time, unlike the previous moment, three arrows were placed on the long bow, and at the same time, Tianxin rattan spread on the arm, and one person displayed it instantly Two dominating forces.


The powerful power made this small world unbearable. A dark, black ink collapse appeared above the tip of the arrow. With a loose finger and a cry, the arrow shot at the corpse again.

Let's sizzle!

The black shadow that Ning invaded Nie Yun did not expect him to get rid of the entanglement in such a short time, and shot the arrow again, and the power was so powerful, he made a fearful sound, and left Nie Yun and rushed to the arrow.

Heiying's speed is extremely fast, and he catches up with a momentary touch, and the arrows in the air are completely polluted and dropped to the ground like the one just now.

箭 The Lord of the Gods' arrows can't even resist it for a moment, this group of shadows is obviously more powerful than that of Shishu Ancient Land!

Of course, it may be because there are so many corpses. There is only one corpse in Shigeu Ancient Land, and this is definitely more terrible.


I seem to have long guessed that Black Shadow is likely to pollute the arrows that were shot. Nie Yun flipped his wrist and entered the world of holding objects. Ji Xu sword fell on the palm of his hand, and he made a stroke, and a sword-mountain shot straight.

One sword Ling Yun!

Pity Moon Sword is the strongest trick!

Wu Jianmang practiced, slicing straight to the front of the body, with a strong offensive, swept the storm.

At this time, this trick is more powerful than when fighting with the dried blood ancestors. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com cooperated with the power of his dominant level. Once the whole small world appeared, it would soon be unbearable and seemed to collapse at any time.

Let's sizzle!

The dark shadow can block the entity's arrows, but it cannot stop his sword awns, and makes a shrill shout, which can no longer be blocked.


Jian Jianmang landed on the huge corpse in front of him. With a roar, the corpse exploded immediately.

虽然 Although these black mists are weird, these corpses have no way to fight and are easy to kill. Otherwise, with Nie Yun's original strength, it is impossible to leave.


Xie Yizhao shattered the first corpse and saw more black mist gather on the other corpses. When Nie Yun knew it was not the time to stay, he grabbed the palm of his hand, grabbed the dried blood emperor, and quickly retreated.

Although the Qiangan Blood Emperor was a half-step dominated the big three, and his strength was not weak, but now he was attacked by the soul, he was unconscious, and where he could stop it, he was completely covered by it.

"Xiao Yaoxian, help the dark tide, Duan Yi, hurry up, leave here quickly ..."

When I saw these corpses, Nie Yun already knew why the Chaos Meditation Bottle was scared. How dare hesitate, a long howl, rushing in the straight direction.

(The first is here!)




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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