Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1661: Turn defeat into victory

Zi Tong's indestructible body is a chaos **** mountain, standing in the sea of ​​chaos for billions of years, and by chance has spirituality, changes the person's body, before reaching the level of dominance, the flesh is comparable to the dominator.

Now it has reached the level of domination, and the body has taken it one step further. The whole mountain is like a huge dominating **** soldier, standing in front of it, letting the raging air flow swell and stand still.

At this time, he was like the pillar of Optimus, supporting the sky, not to mention an ancient ship, even if it was ten or eight, it could not shake it.

Although the ancient ship refined by Dan Shen dominates the valley, although it is very large, how can it be a huge mountain!

"Zi Tong is not ruined, he has a weirdness on the boat, which can inspire a special power and corrupt the soul ..."

When he suddenly appeared before him, Nie Yun quickly reminded him.

This ancient ship is not simply of high quality and strong impulse. What's more important is that this thin line that corrodes the soul is invincible. He has suffered many losses because of this.

Before speaking, I suddenly remembered something, and my eyes flickered sharply.

The ancient ship corrodes the soul and is useful to anyone ... but it is not useful to Zitong only!

He has no soul!

He is like the magic weapon. It is the chaos that has the formation of spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is the ontology, and the ontology is also spiritual intelligence. There is no soul to say. Because of this, when he made him recognize the Lord, he simply issued the vow of chaos instead Sacrifice soul!

Without the soul, the thin line that corrupts your soul is no better!

"Haha, it's good that Zitong isn't ruined. I should have thought of it!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun couldn't help laughing, and the depressed atmosphere that had been suppressed by Dan God before was swept away. With a big grasp, the huge mountain in front of him flew up like a refined magic weapon, and flew straight towards the ancient ship in front of it with great power.


When the mountain and the ancient ship touched, the surrounding space cracked numerous cracks, and the land of billions of miles immediately turned into ruins.

The battle of the dominated strong has reached the highest limit that the Supreme Realm can bear. This destructive power, if it is a small world. I am afraid that the origin will collapse and reintegrate into the ocean of chaos.


Zi Tong did not destroy the chaos and the ancient ship. The latter seemed to be broken by a piece of glass hit by a sledgehammer. Before that, it was extremely hard, and the domineering bow directly recessed into one piece. The two collided, and the ancient ship suffered a big loss.

It is also normal to think about it. Zitong does not destroy it as a chaos **** mountain. He has stood in the chaotic ocean for many years. On the age alone, it is better than the oblique moon supreme domain. Such an ancient thing, plus the hybrid Yuan, how could the ancient ship be blocked!

after all. Ancient vessels are artificially refined, and this chaotic antiquities that existed in ancient times is still far behind.

"you you……"

The master of Dan Shen killed Nie Yun without seeing it, but this happened. He almost vomited blood without depression.

Zi Tong hasn't ruined it. He has heard about it and knows that this guy is a chaos god. Just didn't expect that after being promoted to dominate, it would be so powerful!

I knew so. Without anyone else's shot, he must have rushed forward and destroyed it!


Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun knew that he was scared, didn't say a sneer, and grabbed the palm again.


Chaos God Mountain flew up again, crushing the ancient ship straight down.

This mountain is extremely heavy. If you change to Xiaoyao Xian, Fu dark tide, etc., even if you see that Zitong does not change back to the body, there is definitely no way to drive it, but Nie Yun is different. The chaotic red lotus's tempered flesh is far more powerful. Ordinary master, coupled with the help of Tian Xin Teng who has the master level. Although the chaos in front of the mountain is terrible, it can still be easily lifted, even dancing as an ordinary weapon.


Just once, the ancient ship was smashed again, and the slender hull was smashed down, and the space inside it was broken. Among them, some medicine servants and disciples in Danshen Valley who took care of medicinal materials all turned into mud and were shaken. Into meat sauce.

"My ancient ship ..."

Dan God dominated the blood and almost couldn't breathe out.

This ancient ship spent all his savings. He thought that driving to crush and dominate was like killing chickens and slaughtering dogs. Who knew that Zitong wouldn't destroy it so badly, it would disrupt all his layout and methods.

"There will be a period later!"

Knowing that he was smashed by the other side so hard, this ancient ship couldn't hold on for a few more times, it was bound to die, and he couldn't avoid it. Dan God dominated his heart with unwillingness, or a roar, turned the bow, and rushed forward.

Don't run away at this time, wait any longer!

"Want to leave? It's late!"

How could Nie Yun succeed in letting him escape? In the cold hum, a bow bowed like a full moon, and an arrow shot.

Above the dark arrows, the chaotic meditation bottle was tied above, and the opening, like a black hole, slammed into the ship in front of it.


Seeing Nie Yunshi's most powerful magic weapon on display, Dan God's heart cooled down.

Before that, he saw this bottle with several masters. The dried blood ancestors and the skyscraper ancestors died because they were swallowed.

Although his strength is a little better than others, but if he is going to be swallowed up, he must be able to escape.


His face was ugly, and the Lord of the Dan God tried his best to control the broken ancient ship. However, how fast can he compare with the bow and arrow, and in less than half a breath, the chaos meditation bottle on the tip of the sword came behind, powerfully devour Force is like swallowing the whole world.


Feeling the power of swallowing power, the master of Dan God knew that if he did not abandon the ship, he would be swallowed directly, hissing and flying.

As soon as he escaped, how could the other masters who were behind him stay, they all flew outward.

They are not stupid, knowing that if they are swallowed in this bottle, they will die. There is no doubt that they will not be collected here to wait for death.


As soon as they fled, the ancient ship immediately lost its strength and was instantly swallowed into the Chaos Meditation Vessel and disappeared.

"Did you run?"

When the ancient ship was swallowed up, Nie Yun's spirit moved, and this powerful magic weapon entered his apparition world. At the same time, he grabbed it in the volley, and Zitong did not destroy the body. front.

"Swallow me!"

With this delay, Nie Yun also approached him, and the Chaos Meditation Bottle flipped over again, shrouded in front of several masters.

Zizi Zizi!

The powerful devouring power ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately pulled the several masters and let them escape quickly.

"Xue Han, you guys have been with me for so long, it's time to do something for me! Go on!"

Feeling the unhappiness of being dragged by the force of devour, Dan God dominated his eyes and frowned at Xue Han and others behind him.

Master Xuehan and others did not guard against him and they were hit directly. The force of the push back made them unable to resist again. At the same time, they shouted straight into the chaos meditation bottle. , Broke free of the devour, jumped out of the chaos supreme realm, and blinked away in front of everyone.

(Explain again the reason for the slow update recently, Keke, I said it last time, Lao Ya took the formal teacher, the first written test, I have been preparing for an interview recently, and it will start next Thursday. Good luck everyone, the interview is over. There is time code in Laoya ... The update has been slow recently, and we still hope to forgive it. The wife's adult at home has given a death order. It must be successful, I ca n’t help it ... (wow!) (To be continued)


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